1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 65joining the Air Force. Following hisdischarge from the Air Fprce in1944, he moved to Corpus Christiwhere he had been an attorney forthe Selective Service Board. He wasa member of several bar associations,a member of the board of directorsof the local Boys Club, and a memberof the Yacht Club and of theMethodist Church.Neil C. Erdwien (Kansas State '50),life-long resident of El Dorado, Kan.,died in an Augusta (Ga.) hospital,April 12, of injuries received in anautoniobile accident in Georgia,March 22. Brother Erdwien was asales representative in El Dorado forthe Advance Products Co. of Wichita.He was previously employed as arepr«entative of the State Farminsurance company.James Clare George (Pittsburgh'15), editor emeritus of the ElyriaChronicle-Telegram and civic leader,died at his home in Elyria, Ohio,April 1. He began his newspapercareer as a student in New Castle(Pa.) high school and served aseditor-in-chief of the Pitt News atthe University of Pittsburgh. Followinggraduation, he joined theNew Castle News and, in 1918,joined the Associated Press staff inPittsburgh. He was editor of theMonroe (Mich.) Evening News forthree years prior to moving to Elyriain 1925. He served as editor of theChronicle-Telegram from 1925 untilhis retirement four years ago. Sincethat time he had been editor emeritusand consultant, gping tp his officeeach day as he had as editor.Brother George had been active inalmost all phases of civic life, continuallywprking fpr the bettermentof his community. He was a GoldenLegionnaire of $ A 8.Dr. C. Stewart Gilhnor (Westminster'21) died in Kansas City, Mo.,April 5. He received his M.D. degreefrom <strong>No</strong>rthwestern University. DuringWorld War II, he was assignedto the Army Medical Corps andworked at a clinic in Hot Springs,Ark. It was there that he began hiscareer of specialization in rheumatologyand arthritis which led to theestablishment of a free arthritis clinictor the indigent at General Hospitaland the founding of a local chapterof the National Arthritis and RheumatismFoundation. Through use ofthe foundation's funds, a physiotherapybuilding was constructed in1960 where patients pay only fortreatment and the clinic's expensesare covered by rentals from offices inTERRY DILLONMontana '62the building. Brother Gillmor wasactive in the affairs of WestminsterCollege and was a member of theboard of directors of the Kansas Cityarea Boy Scout Council.Terry Dmon (Montana '62), anall-time football great at MontanaState University, drowned in abridge construction accident nearNine Mile, Mpnt., May 28, when apprtion of the bridge flopring pnwhich he was standing gave way,plunging him intp the river 75 feetbelpw. Brother Dillon, a member ofthe All-<strong>Phi</strong> team of 1962, was a defensivehalfback with the MinnesotaVikings last season. He Had returnedto Missoula from Minnesota lastDecember to re-enter the universityfor the winter quarter to completework on his degree in business administration.The degree was grantedat the end of the quarter in March.William Glen Christy (ColoradoCollege '16), charter member ofColorado Beta, prominent Wichita(Kan.) realtor, died in Woodside,Calif., where he had been visitinghis daughter, February 12. A nativeof Iowa, he grew up in Eureka, Kan.He was in the cattle business inGreenwood County until 1938 whenhe moved to Wichita and entered thereal estate business. He was a pastpresident of the Wichita Society ofReal Estate Appraisers and was aGolden Legionnaire of A 6.Fred J. Zint (Ohio State '19), retiredexecutive vice-president andsecretary of the Cincinnati FederalSavings and Loan Association, died inCincinnati, February 18. He was anexaminer and past director of theFederal Home Loan Bank and an examinerfor the State of Ohio, Savingsand Loan division. He was associatedwith the Cincinnati firm for eighteenyears prior to his retirement. BrotherZint was active in musical and dramaticgroups throughout his life, appearingin light opera and stock companyperformances.Robert Marshall Brown (Brown'93), a former professor of geologyand economic geography at RhodeIsland College of Education, died ina local hospital. Providence, R.I.,April 13, of injuries suffered in anautomobile accident. He was 94 yearsold.Brother Brown began his teachingcareer in Bedford and Worcester highschools in Massachusetts, then joinedthe faculty at Rhode Island Collegeof Education in 1913. He served thecollege as acting president for sixmonths in 1939, retired in 1940, andwas awarded an honorary doctoratein education in 1943. Later, from1942 to 1948, he was on the facultyof Rollins College in Winter Park,Fla.Listed in Who's Who in America,Brother Brown was the author ofseveral books, pamphlets and articleson geography, an editor of the Journalof Geography, and was a memberof numerous scientific groups. He alsowas a past president of the NationalCouncil pf Geography teachers.Brother Brown was a DiamondLegionnaire of * A 6.John H. Schumann (Wisconsin '57)died in Methodist Hospital, Minneapolis,Minn., April 10. Secretary ofWisconsin Alpha and delegate to theGeneral Convention in Boulder, Colo.,in 1956, he received his bachelor ofscience degree in geology from theUniversity of Wisconsin in 1957 andhis bachelor of business administrationin 1961. He served as a first lieutenantin the MiUtary Police andfollowing his military service workedin the personnel department of BoeingAircraft, Seattle, Wash. At thetime of his death, he was a salaryadministrator in the personnel departmentof MinneapoUs-Hpneywell,Minneapolis.Dr. Arthur H. Meade (Missouri'25), well-known oral surgeon, diedat his home in Phoenix, Ariz., March19. He had recently retired from activepractice because of ill health.Brother Meade was a loyal and active

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