1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 63Prpvince of $A6, died at his homein St. Petersburg, Fla., May 4. Hewas president and general managerof John B. Green Insurance, Inc.Brother Moe entered the Universityof Michigan in 1941, but left in1942 to serve overseas with the Armydaring World War II. After fouryears of service he returned toMichigan where he was most activein Michigan Alpha chapter.He had served as president of theSt. Petersburg Kiwanis Club and asDivision 8 lieutenant gov^npr pf theFlprida District; as a divisipn headand president pf the United Fundof South Pinellas, had worked withthe Red Cross, the Bartlett ParkYouth Center and the CPmmunityWelfare Cpuncil ampng other activities.In 1958 he was winner of theDistinguished Service Award givenby the Junior Chamber of Commerce.Always a loyal and devoted <strong>Phi</strong>,he served the Fraternity as presidentof Epsilon South and attended theBedford Springs Convention in 1962.David E. Guyton (Mississippi '11),blind professor, banker, poet andjournalist, died at his home in BlueMountain, Miss., April 16. He setmany firsts in his life. He was thefirst man to graduate from BlueMountain Cpllege, a girls' school,where he returned to spend fortyyears as professor pf histpry andecpnomics. He was the first blindman to serve as a district govemprof Rotary International; he was thefirst blind man to graduate fromthe University of Mississippi and toreceive the M.A. degree from ColumbiaUniversity in New York. Itis believed he also was the first blindman to serve as president of a bank—he was made president and chairmanof the board of directors of theBank of Blue Mountain in 1933.(See THE SCROLL, May 1961, p. 369."David E. Guyton, Remarkable<strong>Phi</strong>.")Brother Guyton was blinded accidentallyat the age of twelve but wasdetermined not to let this handicapinterfere with a normal life. He beganwriting poems, news, and featurearticles early in life, and hundredsof these have been publishedin newspapers, magazines and anthologiesall over the country.He was a Golden Legioimaire ofthe Fraternity.* * *John O'Nein GaUery (McGill '21)died at his home in Montreal, Que.,Can., June 16. A native of Mpntreal,Brother Gallery held his B.A. frpmLoyola College and his Bachelor ofOGDEN R. MOEMichigan '48Civil Law from McGill University.Well-known in the marine 4iusiness,he was president of Gallery Publications,publishers of "Seaportsand the Transport World."Brother Gallery was active inathletics during his youth, havingbeen a member of the 1919 championshipMcGill football team aswell as of the hockey, track and lacrosseteams. He was also an intercollegiateboxing champion. He wasan active member of the Grunt Club,and Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club.Ben O. Kirkpatrick (Washington-St. Louis '26), Tulsa realtor andcivic leader, died in a Tulsa, Okla.,hospital, June 17. Following graduationfrom Washington Universityat St. Louis in 1927, he worked inthe accounting department of TranscontinentalOil Co., became treasurerin 1928 and then manager ofGuaranty Abstract Co. He later entered, the real estate business inTulsa.Brother Kirkpatrick was a formerpresident of the local board of education,served in the state House ofRepresentatives from 1930-34, and atthe time of his death was in hisseventh year as a member of theOklahoma Real Estate Commission.Among the survivors is a son,Charles Kirkpatrick (Colorado '59),and two brpthers: Glade R. Kirkpatrick(Washington-St. Louis '29)and Clay F. Kirkpatrick (Washington-St.Louis '30), all of Tulsa.Frank Woodall Hogan (Vanderbilt'11) died in a Fort Worth (Tex.)hospital May 31. He served as aninstructor at Vanderbilt from 1912to 1915 and from 1915 to 1920 wasprofessor of chemistry at the oldWard Belmont School. He joined thefaculty of Texas Christian Universityin 1920 and remained on thestaff until his retirement in 1957,at which time Texas Christianawarded him an honorary doctor ofscience degree. He had earned hisPh.D. there earlier. He was a memberof various scientific groups andof the Methodist Church.Brother Hogan was always a devoted<strong>Phi</strong> and was a long time activemember of the Fort WorthAlumni Club. He was a Golden Legionnaireof the Fraternity.<strong>Phi</strong>lip Watkins Davis Jr. (Georgia'07), attorney and once a prominentpolitical figure, died in a local hospital,Tulsa, Okla., summer, 1964.Brother Davis practiced law in Tulsafrom 1922 to 1950 when he movedto Aspermont, Tex. Before returningto Tulsa in I96I, 'he served asStonewall County attorney in Texasand also as Aspermont's city attomey.He had served the state ofOklahoma in various special servicesand also, during the 1930s and 1940s,sought to organize a national politicalparty based on individual rights.He was a veteran of World War I,a member of numerous bar associations,an elder of the First PresbyterianChurch, and was a GoldenLegionnaire of 4 A 6.Col. Bruce R. Campbell (Kentucky'03), charter member of KentuckyEpsilon, died at Walter Reed Hospital,Washington, D.C, June 5.Brother Campbell's devotion to theFraternity was evident in all hislively conversation at the annualFounders Day observances in Washingtonwhich he had not missed inthirty years. He was a Golden Legionnaireof 4 A 6.Robert F. GofE (Arizona '29) diedin Phoenix, Ariz., April 7. He movedto Phoenix follpwing graduatipnfrom the University pf Arizpna andwas in the insurance business there.He was a Mason and a Shriner. Aloyal and interested <strong>Phi</strong>, he left acontribution to the Fraternity in theform of a lighted swprd and shieldwhich hangs pver the fireplace ofthe * A e hpuse in Tucspn.William A. Kern (Colgate '27)died at his home in Irondequoit,N.Y., May 10. Following his graduationfrom Colgate University, hejoined the New York Telephone Co.In 1935, he became district trafficsuperintendent of the RochesterTelephone Corp. and in 1959 he

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