1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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* * * THE CHAPTER GRAND • * •Dr. Alexander Havelock Maclennam(Alberta '32), charter memberand former chapter adviser of Alberta. Alpha, died in Edmonton,Alta., Can., summer, 1964. BrotherMaclennan held his M.D. from Alberta,1932, and received postgraduatetraining at Royal AlexandraHospital, the University of AlbertaDepartment of Pathology, SloaneHospital for Women and MargaretHaig Medical Center at Jersey City,N.Y. He joined Edmonton's BakerClinic in 1935 and became a partnerin the clinic in 1939. In 1954he was appointed chief pf the Departmentpf Obstetrics and Gynecplpgyat the clinic, a p(^sition heheld at the time of his. death.Brother Maclennan was active inseveral professional and lay organizations,fraternities, clubs and lodges.He served as president of the Societyof Obstetricians and Gynecologistsof Canada; the EdmontonAcademy of Medicine; the AlbertaSociety of Obstetricians and Gynecologists;the University of AlbertaMedical Alumni; and the EdmontonSociety of dbstetricians andGynecologists. He was also chairmanof the Edmonton Chamber ofCommerce, the Physicians, Surgeonsand Dentists Section, president of theEdmonton Burns Club and a memberof the Kiwanis Club.Always a loyal and devoted <strong>Phi</strong>,he had given much service to theFraternity as a former president ofthe local chapter of -ivhich he was afounding member, later as chapteradviser and president of the EdmontonAlumni Club.Among the survivors is a brother.Dr. John Maclennan (Alberta '40),Hamilton, Ont., Can.In recognition of Brother Maclennan'scontinuous service to. $ A 9,the Alberta alumni have set up ascholarship fund to express theirgratitude posthumously.Isaac Hardeman Jones (Mercer '15)of the strong *Ae family, died ina private hospital in Atlanta, Ga.,May 15. A native of Macon, Ga., sonof the late George S. Jones (Mercer'88), he received his education inthe Macon schools, was a graduate ofGordPn Military Institute, and wasa veteran pf Wprld War I, servingfive years with the U. S. Navy.Brother Jones was associated inthe automobile business in Maconfor many years but iuore recentlyhad been in that business in Decatur,Ga. He was awarded hisDR. A. H. MACLENNANAlberta '32Golden Legion Certificate in absentiaby the Atlanta Alumni Club, March13.Among the survivors are fourbrothers: George S. Jones, Jr.(Georgia Tech '12), Arlington, Va.;C. Baxter Jones (Mercer '15), Macon,Ga.; G. Paul Jones (Georgia Tech'22), Macon, Ga.; Robert Bruce Jones(Georgia '25), Palm Beach, Fla.; andfour nephews: G. Paul Jones, Jr.(Georgia Tech '52), Dr. Robert H.Jones (Davidson '55), Sam P. Jones(Davidson '66) and George JonesWilliamson (Colgate '55).* * *Donald F. Morris (W & J '24),president of the Mead Corporationof Dayton, Ohio, since 1957, died ina New York City Hospital <strong>No</strong>v. 18,lS63. Following graduation fromcollege, he joined Mead as a laboratorytechnician in Chillicothe, Ohip.He later transferred to the Sales ServiceDepartment, becoming directorof Sales Service in 1937. From 1946to 1949, he was manager of thecompany's Kingsport (Tenn.) division.Brother Morris was electedpresident of the National PaperboardAssociation in <strong>No</strong>vember,1962. He was a trustee of AmericanForest Products Industries, Inc., adirector of Fourdrinier Kraft BoardInstitute, Inc., among other positions.He made his home in Dayton,Ohio.* * *Albert Lowther Demaree (Dickinson'19), Dartinouth professor of his-[62]tory emeritus and former chapteradviser of New Hampshire Alpha,died in Antrim, N.H., January 15,Brother Demaree, whose special fieldwas American history, retired in 1961after 34 years on the Dartmouthfaculty. He had been teaching atNathaniel Hawthorne College inAntrim since its founding in 1962,but continued to live in Hanover.Brother Demaree served with theU.S. Navy during bpth Wprld Wars.He taught at the U. S. NavailAcademy after active sea duty inWorld War I, and his book NavalOrientation (1945), written in Washingtonwhile serving as a Commanderin the Naval Reserve inWorld War II, has been used in allthe N.R.O.T.C. units throughout thecountry.He was a member of the U.S;Naval Institute, American HistoricalAssociatipn, Agricultural Histpry SPcietyand pf the American Legipii.He was a Gplden Legionnaire of*Ae.* * *Walter R. Sheldon (Ohio '02) died,April 13, at Gilroy, Calif., where hehad been living in retirement since1952. A native of Ohio, he attendedOhio University, transferring to theUniversity of Denver in 1900 wherehe received his B.A. in 1902. He becamean active member of the DenverAlumni Club and in that| capacitydid his part in the establishmentof chapters pf * A 6 at CPIPradpUniversity (Colpradp Alpha)and at Cplorado' College (ColoradoBeta).Following a teaching career from1903 tp 1915 in Cripple Creek andDenver, CPIO., he entered the lumberbusiness in northwestern NewMexico and later in the FeatherRiver section of Califprnia.In 1931, Brpther Sheldpn begana third career when he entered theU.S. Gpvernment Indian Service atSanta Fe, N.M. In 1937, he wastransferred to the Umatilla reservationat Pendleton, Ore., as officemanager. In 1952 he retired at theage pf 70 with an honorable citationfrom the Secretary of the Interior.Since then he had made hishome in Gilroy, Calif. He was aGolden Legionnaire pf * A 0.Ampng the survivprs is a brpther,T. H. Sheldpn (Ohip '00), Gilrpy,Calif.* * *Ogden R. Moe (Michigan '48),St. Petersburg city councilman andformer president of Epsilon Sputh'

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