1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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60 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964four work groiips) each to be responsible for a specifictask. Two of the groups were assigned trucks withwhich they Were to patrol the streets of the city andpick up any containers filled with trash. Pullman'sresidents were to have conducted spring house cleaningthe previous week and were to have left their refuseat specific pickup points on each block. The other twogroups were assigned individual clean-up jobs in thevicinity of the Pullman high school. A good deal oftall grass had to be cut and the sod covering the flowerbeds had to be removed. After five hours of hard work(235 man-hours), the general consensus was that thingslooked much better.WHITMAN PHIS at Work on Borleske Field in WallaWaUa, getting track i and field area, in shape for meetin the afternoon.' ?'WASHINGTON BETA: Early on the morning ofApril 18, nearly one hundred brothers bounded out ofbed to don working gloves and go to work for the cityof Walla Walla. Brother McCraney Culham, projectchairman, divided the <strong>Phi</strong>s into two groups under theco-chairmanship of Pete Morse and Jim Sprenger.Morse's group, known as Alpha team, rented rakes, hoes,shovels, and headed for Borleske Field (named forR. U. Borleske, Whitman '10), Where a high schooltrack meet was to be held that afternoon. After a generalclean-up on the field and in the bleachers, thewhole track was picked up, watered, and limed. Sprenger'sBravo team was equally busy hauling bricks to thepost office tor the construction of the Bill Zavin MemorialBomb Shelter. Because both teams together putin a total labor of 400 working hours, it was a tiredbut satisfied and happy crew that returned home thatnight.—Steve Schilling, Vice-President.WASHINGTON GAMMA cooperated with the PullmanChamber of Commerce in what turned out to bea very successful all-city clean-up project, April 25.There were 45 men who reported and were assigned toWEST VIRGINIA ALPHA held its CSD project oijApril 25, under the leadership of Jim Roberts. Whenofficials of the Morgantown Y.M.C.A., whom BrotherRoberst knew personally, asked for help in paintingseveral rooms in the local Y, West Virginia Alpha'sservices were offered. The first shift scraped away theold paint from the locker, shower, and steam rooms.When the old paint had been removed, a new coat wasliberally applied to these three rooms. With 100 percent participation, except for a few brothers and<strong>Phi</strong>keias who were excused for University functions,several shifts completed the job by early afternoon. Officialsof the Y.M.C.A. quickly expressed their gratefuJappreciation to the members of West Virginia Alphafor a job well done. The citizens of Morgantown, whouse the Y, also have expressed their gratitude for thework.^Rpbert Kyle Bush, Vice-President.WISCONSIN BETA took a different approach this yearcompared to projects of the past. This new approachwas directed toward civic improvement in helping toclean up the city. Efforts were concentrated in the directionof the city's park system. Working closely withMayor Mitchell,, we arranged to help the city by raking,picking up, and generally preparing for summer'sactivities in Appleton's City Park. This park is IpcatedLonly a few blocks from the Lawrence campus and coversan area of about two square city blocks. We wereworking under somewhat of a handicap insofar as manpowerwas concerned. Nearly one third of the brotherswere out of town the weekend of April 25 as membersof varsity spring athletic teams. Several others wereaway taking Medical Board examinations. In spite ofthis, the chapter accomplished the park clean-up, usingrakes, spades, and hauling equipment. provided by theRIPON PHIS conducted carwash and turned proceedsover to local Cerebral PalsyCenter.

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