1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964AT Ohio Wesleyan Commencement exercises Brother Brown was presentedwith certificate from Brother Eckler, Board Chairman, naminghim University's "Alumnus of the Century." The famed centenarianresponded with a brief speech (right) at the alumni luncheon iii hishonor."The number coining to my home and fillingthe guest book with signatures was more thangratifying," he declared, and then added,"Flowers, flowers from everywhere came tobeautify the day, and there were other unexpectedremembrances, that I, and members ofmy family will always cherish. We shall longdwell on the citations that excited pride, nomatter how much or how little deserved.Fraternity Testimonial toDr^ Jofin Edwin BrownWHEREAS, Dr. John Edwin Brown, Ohio Beta '84, onMay 30, 1964, is observing the lOOth Anniversary of hisbirth; andWHEREAS, this distinguished son of Ohio Wesleyan Universityhas achieved wide acclaim as a physician, surgeon,and professor of medical science; andWHEREAS, throughout his life he has had a heart whichwas large enough to include concern for all mankind,hands always ready to serve his fellowmen, and has inall ways proven himself worthy to receive the sincere affectionof all who know him; andWHEREAS, since bis initiation into Ohio Beta of <strong>Phi</strong><strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> in October, 1880, Dr. Brown has servedunselfishly and effectively not only his Chapter andAlumni Club, but his entire Fraternity as an Editor ofTHE SCROLL and as President of the General Council;Therefore Be It Resolved that the members of the GeneralCouncil of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> Fraternity, acting onbehalf of all <strong>Phi</strong>s, do hereby extend to Brother JohnEdwin Brown on this happy day, hearty congratulations,sincere appreciation, and very best wishes for continuedgood health and happiness.SAM PHILLIPS MCKENZIEPresident, The General Council"I feel I am over praised just for refusing todie," he concluded.The third day of the trio of centennial activitiesmust have been particularly pleasing toDr. Brown, for during the Alumni-Commencementweekend on June 12-14, Ohio WesleyanUniversity proclaimed him as its "Alumnus ofthe Century," recognizing his "lifetime loyaltyto the University including 48 years of serviceon the Board of Trustees, during nine ofwhich he served as its president. He also establishedthe Brown-Rice Fund for PremedicalEducation, and originated the Trustees SustainingFund, but ?ibove all, he has exemplified thehighest ideals, spiritually, morally, and intellectually,of his alma mater."As at the Columbus Founders Day dinner.Dr. Brown amazed the Ohio Wesleyan alumniby his excellent mental and physical conditionwhich permitted him to speak for some five orsix minutes coherently, interestingly, and insuch a manner as to be heard easily throughoutEdwards Gymnasium where the alumni luncheonwas served. In addition to his 100th birthday.Dr. Brown was celebrating the SOth anniversaryof his graduation from Ohio Wesleyan.As will be seen by the photographs accompanyingthis story, the Ohio Wesleyan 1964Commencement proved to be almost an exclusive* A 9 activity. Presided over by the <strong>Phi</strong>Board President, John Eckler, and the University's<strong>Phi</strong> President, Dr. Smith, the commencementaddress was delivered by Dr. VernonAlden (Brown '45), President of Ohio University,and an honorary Doctor of Laws degree wasconferred upon James W. Coultrap (Ohio Wes-

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