1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 55QUEBEC ALPHA: Through the help of the Montrealilunteer Service Bureau, and under the guidance ofother Tom Hemsworth we divided our efforts amongjr welfare organizations: The Unity Boys Club, Bene-A Labre House, Negro Community Center, and theliversity Settlement. The forty men who participatedd to be broken up into groups to work at these four^nizations which are within reasonable distance of theapter house. Fortunately the institutions supplied theirrn materials and we were not obligated to bring pails,jps or brooms, etc. The chores at the various estabhmentsvaried considerably, but normally consisted ofishing walls and floors, painting and generally cleaningI. The group that went to the University Settlemented their hands at carpentry and exhibited their proiencyby building the supporting structures for aating rink to be used by underprivileged children,ich group was finished at approximately I P.M. Weceived letters from the Volunteer Bureau and different:lfare organizations expressing appreciation for the>rk we had accomplished ^Tom Hemsworth, Chairman.RHODE ISLAND ALPHA: On April 25, thirty-fiveown <strong>Phi</strong>s, armed with axes, rakes, saws, and shovels,; out for a day of toil in Intervale Cemetery in <strong>No</strong>rthovidence. The cemetery, one of the, oldest in theite, was badly overgrown with weeds, shrubs, andlall trees, and was covered with a blanket of leavesd rubbish. Also, many grave stones had been overmedby vandals and old man weather. It was ourI) to clean and fix it up as best we could in one:ernoon. And clean it we did. Brother Scott Powersd a photographer from the Providence Journal rerdedour project on film, and looking them overw, one can hardly fail to notice the remarkable imavement.In addition, Rhode Island Alpha carried onnumber of service projects throughout the year, inidingrenovation and clean-up of both International]use of Providence and Federal Hill House, a localtlement house, sponsoring a boy in the local soap-X derby, and giving a Christmas party for nnderivllegedchildren.—Dwight A. Woodson, Chairman.(Picture on next page.)QUEBEC ALPHA men buUd supporting structure forskating rink to be used by imderprivileged children atUniversity Settlement in downtown Montreal.SOUTH CAROLINA BETA: The chapter's first CSDproject was a clean up job, assisting the South CarolinaState Hospital in developing a picnic park. The membersof the chapter, working the entire afternoon of May5 with picks, shovels, and swing blades, cleaned a largearea along the snake infested banks of a creek ofovergrowth, rocks and trash, as well as working in thecreek bed in order to insure its unobstructed flow. Thework was done within the grounds of the State Hospitaland was supervised by officials who were very impressedby the industry and perseverance of the volunteers despiteblisters and sore backs. The objective was that anarea be cleare;d in which picnic tables and shelters mightbe erected for the benefit of the patients of the hospital.Some work had been done previously by hiredPENN STATE PHIS manned booths at indoor camival sponsored for patients by state school formentally retarded women and girls.

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