1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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54 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964OREGON ALPHAaided in landscapingBoy Scout Center inEugene.desired to repair the damage done to college students'image because of riots held at Seaside. The Chamberof Commerce was notified and their cooperation solicited.Radio stations and other news media in the entire Pacific<strong>No</strong>rthwest were contacted and informed of the project.Governor Hatfield of Oregon commended the chapteron its work. Letters were received from citizens ofthe area in a surprising number. It is difficult to picturethe total amount of work done, but before and afterpictures (not available to SCROLL) show a very substantialimprovement in the Seaside area.PENNSYLVANIA GAMMA: The project was a generalclean up of Washington Park. Civic officials weresolicited and provided assistance. One group used a truckto pick up trash and take it to an area for burning.Another group picked up branches, rocks, and cans tomake it possible to mow the area. News releases weresent to the home town newspapers of all brothers andpledges and local news assistance was obtained.PENNSYLVANIA DELTA: Our benefactors-the BoyScouts of America. Fifty-five of the brothers went withsaws, paint brushes, and muscle to Camp Moss WoodALLEGHENY PHIS did big job at Boy Scouts'Camp Moss Wood.where we cleaned out underbrush, cut fifteen cords ofwood, and painted Adirondack Shelters (lean-tos). In all,about 200 man-hours were put in by the chapter. Theweather was not exactly conducive to outdoor work dueto a constant drizzle all afternoon, but the usual highspirits and the strong degree of brotherhood, which isemblematic of Pennsylvania <strong>Delta</strong>, served to brightenthe day, and all the brothers worked together in thespirit of truth and friendship. Chairman of this year'sproject was Rick Harris who arranged the project inconjunction with the local welfare agency and the WashingtonTrail Council of the B.S.A. What supplies werenot donated were supplied by the chapter ^Rick Harris,Chairman.PENNSYLVANIA ETA: For the sixth consecutiveyear, we readied the local Girl Scouts' Camp Helena forits opening in early May. A total of almost forty brothersand pledges devoted the entire afternoon of April 11 tothis project. The majority of the day's work was concentratedin dismantling and erecting tent platforms and inpitching approximately thirty tents (see cut, page 40.)Because of our large work crew, we were able to tacklemany of the heavy jobs that Camp Helena's staff couldn'thandle.The local Girl Scout Council sent a photographer tothe Camp site to take pictures for the local newspapers,and we received recognition in news articles.—FrankEarl Weise III, Chairman.PENNSYLVANIA THETA: The chapter donated itstime to Laurelton School, a Pennsylvania state schooltor mentally retarded women and girls. Each yearLaurelton has an indoor carnival for the patients, consistingmainly of game booths, and it is a problem tofind enough people to run the booths. This is the jobfor which we volunteered. The brothers drove to Laurel- siton on two consecutive nights, and not knowing whatto expect, we were more than a little worried. But asit turned out, we had as much fun as the patients. Althoughthis year's project was not publicized as muchas those in past years, it was one of our most successful.In other years our clothing drives and clean-up projectswere helpful to the community, but this was the firstyear that we had any real contact with those we helped.The project turned out so well that the brothers havevoted to return to Laurelton in the fall and help at adance for the girls. Many thanks to Rich Kobza, our CSDchairman, whose arrangements provided a moving andenlightgning personal experience.-Dave Barron, Vice-President.

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