1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 53pitality with several songs after lunch in good <strong>Phi</strong> Delttradition. Other lunchtime activities were basketball andSoftball games with some of the children. After lunch,the morning's work resumed. The brothers returned totheir wrecking bars, paint buckets, and wire cutters.At 4:30 P.M. when the last strand of barbed wire was cut,the last paint brush cleaned, and the house in goodorder, the men assembled to make the trip homedirty,disheveled, with paint-covered sweatshirts andsunburns, but much better for having made theirchapter a little more worthy of its existence.—Robert B.Green, Chairman.ONTARIO ALPHA split its CSD project over twoterms. For the first part of the project, the brotherspicked up a group of underprivileged children andbrought them downtown in Toronto to watch theSanta Claus parade. After the huge parade the childrencame back to the chapter house aiid were served cookiesand hot chocolate. The second part of the project was aChristmas Party for another group of underprivilegedchildren. Together with the local n B * chapter, the<strong>Phi</strong>s entertained the children for the better part of anevening. Proceedings got under way about 5 P.M. whenthe children arrived "en masse" with their teacher.Games of apple-bobbing and piggyback delighted thechildren for an hour when supper was served. The repastconsisted of hot dogs, sandwiches, and cokes with cakeand ice cream for dessert. After supper that jolly oldfellow from the <strong>No</strong>rth Pole, S. Claus, made an appearanceand distributed gifts to all the children. Thesegifts were supplied by the Pi <strong>Phi</strong>s. For many of the children,it was the first time they had ever received Christmaspresents. The third part of the project took placelater in the term when the chapter undertook the jobof redecorating a community club for these same children.—B.W. Holmes, Vice-President.ONTARIO BETA: In the past, the chapter had entertainedyoungsters from the local orphanages, but thisyear decided to help the underprivileged in anothermanner. With rollers, brushes, and several gallons ofpaint, 25 <strong>Phi</strong>s set out to redecorate the recreation roomat Fontbonne Hall, a Catholic orphan's home in London.The job entailed washing the cement block wallsand then painting tlie approximately 3000 square footarea, followed by a general cleaning of the recreationfacilities. The brothers worked hard, and after aboutfive hours of concentrated effort the project was com-OKLAHOMA BETA men building fence and paintingat Children's Home in Tulsa.pleted. The Directors of the Orphanage not only expressedtheir sincere appreciation for the work done, butalso treated the brothers to a lunch of hot dogs, coffee,and ice cream.—Joe Buchanan, Chairman.OREGON ALPHA: We carefully reviewed variousprojects that could be undertaken and decided, that thelocal Boy Scout headquarters would be the one mostdeserving in our community. The local Junior Chamberof Commerce intended to landscape the new Boy ScoutCenter and, as a result of our decision, we helped themin this project. More than sixty members arrivedpromptly at 8 A.M.. May 2, to begin various tasks. Somewere planting trees and shrubs; others were cleaningweedy areas, leveling uneven ground, distributing fertilizerand general clean-up. On completion of ourproject, more than 500 trees had been planted. On May20, we were presented a plaque from the Boy ScoutCenter headquarters. A letter was also sent to PresidentArthur Flemming, of the University of Oregon, congratulating* A © on its fine effort ^John Hamlin,Vice-President. (Picture on next page.^OREGON GAMMA: Project was to clean up Seasidedue to debris from a tidal wave. Seaside is a small townon the Oregon coast. This resulted from a desire onthe part of the chapter to call attention to the damageon the beaches after one Willamette University freshmanhad been killed by a driftwood log. Chapter alsoPHIS of Ontario Beta redecorating recreation room at orphans' home in London, Ont.

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