1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 51tween the ages of twelve and sixteen, accompanied the<strong>Phi</strong>s to Pioneers Park for a hot dog roast picnic. Afterlunch the orphans enjoyed consistently beating the <strong>Phi</strong>sin four simultaneous football and Softball games. Afterthe picnic the <strong>Phi</strong>s and their "Brothers for a Day" allwent back to the campus and to Memorial Stadiuin forthe All Sports Day festlviUes. The events included adual track meet with the University of Colorado, whichNebraska Won, followed by an intersquad scrimmageof the University's Big Eight champion football team.The group didn't have any trouble seeing all the action.Due to the courtesy of the University's Athletic Department,we all had free 50 yard line seats.—John B.Morris, Co-Chairman.NEW YORK EPSILON: Project in conjunction Withthe YMCA's Camp Woodland, 30 miles outside of Syracuseand very much in need of repair. Chapter dividedinto four work crews of about twelve men each with acrew leader in charge of the groups. Specific activitiesconsisted of dismantling a dilapidated barn and removingit completely from the camp; a complete cleaning ofthe camp grounds, raking and disposal of branches;removal of large piles of wood; and refurbishment of adam and removing large beams that were creating asafety hazard for campers. A greal deal of local interestin the project with comments from persons and groups.NEW YORK ZETA: The Colgate <strong>Phi</strong>s mobilized toclean up the Madison Street Cemetery in Hamilton,N.Y. The project was silggested to the chapter by bothDean Griffith and Mr. Lloyd Huntley, director of studentactivities. The 64 workers arrived at the cemeteryat 9 A.M. and raked up leaves, branches and trash.Tools were supplied by both the University and theVillage of Hamilton and the village dump track removedand dumped the trash. The Colgate <strong>Phi</strong>s completedtheir clean up at 3 P.M. and ended the day with aSoftball game and an informal party that night. Theproject was a real success, and Brother Gene Helgesonhas been dted for service above and beyond the callof duty for his efforts in organizing an inspection ofthe three burial vaults. Stories of our project appearedin the Colgate Maroon and local newspapers, and thechapter received a letter of thanks from the Mayor ofHamilton.—John Gannon, Chairman.NORTH CAROLINA BETA: Under the leadershipof Brothers Ben Parham and John Harmon, <strong>No</strong>rthCarolina Beta turned out 65 strong on May 7 to lendsupport to the annual CSD project. In agreement withthe Chapel Hill Public Works Department, the projectwas held at Frank P. Graham Elementary School wherea new playground area was heeded. AH <strong>Phi</strong>s joined inclearing the area of trees, weeds, and other debris andconstmcted benches for the teachers and children. Thecity provided tracks for use in hauling away the brushand other materials, while some of the brothers helpedin unloading at the city plant. The Principal providedrefreshments during a break near the end of the day,and expressed his appreciation for our interest andefforts in creating the long awaited playground. InMarch, N.C. Beta participated with X Q Sorority incollecting funds for the Chapel Hill Heart Fund. The<strong>Phi</strong>keias spearheaded the campaign "which brought themcampus recognition as one of the most successful organizations in the drive.—Nat D. Taylor, Vice-President.NOVA SCOTIA ALPHA: Early in December, oiganized by Brothers Peter MiUs and John Grant, thechapterentertained 20 children from the OrphanageInstitution in Halifax. After a rousing game of hockeyin which it remains to be seen whether the brothers orthe kids were the victors, the kids were treated to asucculent dinner prepared by the diligent pledges.. Asing-song followed, and after giving the new champssome hockey sticks, they were escorted home with promisesof a return match next yearl (Picture on next page.^OHIO ALPHA: On May 16 the brothers undertookthe project of constructing the playground area of theCramer Elementary School in Oxford, Ohio. Under thesupervision of the Oxford area Recreation Director,the <strong>Phi</strong>s began to organize the land into a recreationalcomplex. Manual labor began on Friday with the transportationof discarded telephone poles to the park.These telephone poles were then used to make backstopsfor the baseball diamonds which the <strong>Phi</strong>s alsoconstructed. Chapter adviser Dick Pheneger, seeing theproblem of 60 post holes to be dug, arranged \vith alocal farmer to help out with an automatic digger. Asit worked out, five of the brothers spent three hourssodding the farmer's front yard so that he could, haveCOLGATE PHIS, 64 strong, cleaned up Madison Street Cemetery in Hamilton, N.Y.

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