1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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50 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964PHASE TWO of MissouriBeta project—the chapter, 64strong, painted lawn chairsand benches at MissouriState Hospital.service. On the night of April 23 the members of * A 6,in conjunction with the Interfratemity Council, sponsoreda Mental Health Conference followed by a paneldiscussion. Some two hundred people were present tohear Dr. Russell Settle, District Director of the NationalInstitute of Mental Health, deliver the keynoteaddress, which was followed by the comments of Mr.Frank E. Proctor, President of the National Associationfor Mental Health; Mr. Edd T. Hitt, Executive Directorof the Missouri Association for Mental Health; Dr.Louis Belinson, Deputy Director of the' Division ofMental Diseases in Missouri, and Miss Francille Bailey,Publicity Director of the Division of Mental Diseases inMissouri, who served as panel members. Also on theplatform that night were Dr. John Randolph, Dean ofWestminster College, Brother Roger Scrivner, Chairmanof CSD, and David Hardy, chapter president. At conclusionof the program a brief reception was held atthe <strong>Phi</strong> Delt house for distinguished speakers and guests.Then on Saturday, April 25, the 64 members of * A 6gathered at Missouri State Hospital Number One topaint lawn chairs and benches, which took all afternoon.—JackCarey, Vice-President.MISSOURI GAMMA: Main project was work at theEdgewood Children's Center. A 220-yard ruiming trackwas constructed. Windows were painted and cleaned.Picnic areas were cleaned and prepared for use. Materialswere purchased with help from the Kiwanis Clubof Webster Groves, and the Webster Groves TrustCompany. Publicity assistance was obtained throughthe office of information of Washington University. Ofa chapter membership of 52, four were excused becauseof work commitments and 47 actually participated. Newspaperphotographers and reporters toured the projecton CSD day. Newspaper, radio and TV coverage wasfar above that expected. Other projects this year: (1)solicitation for Muscular Dystrophy Association; (2)participation in a group activity to obtain funds for theSalvation Army Tree of Lights project, and (3) <strong>Phi</strong>keiaparticipation in Greek Week through questionnairesobtained for the Tuberculosis Association of St.Louis.MONTANA ALPHA: Joined with community leadersto work for the establishment of a juvenile rehabilitationcenter for Missoula. The chapter's responsibilitywas to clear seven acres of land that would eventuallyserve as a playground and baseball diamond for theyouth. Saws, rakes, and shovels were put to full use andthe project was completed in the early afternoon. Therehabilitation center is located at Fort Missoula fivemiles from Missoula. It is the hope of the communitythat the center will be in use for next fall, but thiswill be dependent on donations and cooperation fromthe community. Montana Alpha is looking forward tobeing of further assistance in this worthwhile undertaking.—GeorgeCole, Vice-President.TmO of Montana Alpha men at work on clearing ofseven acres of land eventually to serve as playgroimdand baseball field for juvenile center in Missoula.NEBRASKA ALPHA spent the late morning andafternoon of May 2 with 45 orphans from WhiteHall Orphanage in Lincoln. The orphans, all boys be-

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