1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 45two walkways of railroad ties and gravel that led fromthe camping area down to lakeside. Brother Markowskisupervised the drainage of an old cesspool (a job longoverdue) while Brother Robbins did most of the carpentrywork on the dining hall. One squadron of <strong>Phi</strong>spainted and repaired the fifteen cabins while othersfixed up the two latrines. The grounds were raked andall the rubbish was burned. The brothers were treatedto a lunch served by the grateful members of localvolunteer groups who sponsor Shaubena after working, from 9 A.M. until 4:30 P.M Wendel Swan, Chairman.INDIANA BETA: At the suggestion of Brother WillH, Hays, Mayor of Crawfordsville, the chapter paintedthe bleachers at Milligan Baseball Park. Working witha special bleacher paint, brushes, buckets, and dropcloths, the co-chairmen of the project organized workcrews. With this arrangement, one crew worked aheadusing wire brushes to take off the old, loose paint; theywere followed by a sweeper who swept away the flakesof paint;' he was followed by the painters themselves.The project was finished with the posting of wet paintsigns at about 4 P.M. The project received favorable at-,tention in the community, both from official sources andin due notice taken in the local newspaper. The paintingof the bleachers marked the completion of a remodelingproject on the old ball park, and it was donewithout expense to the city. Last December IndianaBeta held its annual Christmas Party for the underprivilegedchildren of Crawfordsville, complete withSanta Claus and gifts. The party was followed by adinner in honor of our young guests. Indiana Beta alsoparticipated in door-to-door student drive on HeartSunday, collecting $200, the highest total of all fraternitiesor living units on campus.—Tom Perry and AlRush, Co-Chairmen.INDIANA EPSILON: Worked on the grounds at theMadison State Mental Hospital. Various projects weresuggested by the hospital staff. The 76 brothers whoparticipated in the much needed improvement of thehospital grounds were divided into four groups. Onegroup trimmed trees, and another painted recreationalequipment, while a third crew reconditioned a Softballdiamond. Almost half the chapter composed the fourthgroup which was assigned to clean up a summer houseand its grounds. This task involved removing bushes,cutting grass, painting, and making repairs on the cottage.Community-fraternity relationships were strengthenedby our project this year. Local newspapers coveredthe event, and many favorable comments were receivedby the chapter Jon Bruce, Vice-President.INDIANA ZETA: A good organizational job with100% participation. Letter sent to 50 local service clubs,county, city and university official for requests for projects,before chapter decided on face lifting and improvementprojects for home for orphans in Greencastle.Support of K K r sorority was enlisted. Prepared list ofwork to be accomplished, material to be rented or borrowed,and obtained approval of $145.50 from theHome's trustees. Team captains organized for each specificphase of the job. Indianapolis newspapers, radiosand TV stations carried reviews of the project. Also acolor motion picture and still shots were taken for theInterfratemity Conference exhibit at the World's Fair.—Jim Means, Chairman.INDIANA THETA: Four miles south of Lafayettelies one of Indiana's most interesting historic spots. Itis Quiatenon, originally so named from the group ofQuiatenon Indian villages located there, the largKt In-STATE MENTAL HOSPITAL at Madison, Ind., receivedattention of <strong>Phi</strong>s of Indiana Epsilon. (Above)Cleaning up the grounds of a summer home for thementally ill. (Below) All recreational equipment at theHospital was freshly painted.dian settlement in the Middle West. This historic spotwhich is now a recreation area was in dire need of rejuvenation.Therefore, 50 members of the chapter participatedon April 25 in cooperation with the LafayetteJunior Chamber of Commerce in an important phase inthe Fort Quiatenon Project. Our work consisted ofcutting down and burning all the thorn trees in thearea. We also dug the holes for the concrete pipe trashcontainers. Others spread gravel for the parking area,planted grass seed, or placed the trash containers. Afterwe finished the parking area, we all formed a long lineand completely policed the nine-acre area.—James L.Snyder, Chairman.IOWA BETA: Forty-five members of the chapter putin a full day at rejuvenating Camp Cardinal Girl ScoutCamp, west of Iowa City. The project included spreadinggravel on the paths which run throughout the 28acres of the camp, chopping out underbrush around themain camping areas, raking the camping areas, sweepingthe cabins and lodge, and raking and restoring theiroutdoor amphitheater. This camp, owned by the IowaCity Rotary Club, serves the Girl Scout groups fromeight surrounding counties and accommodates some 800to 1000 girls each season. This event, carried out on thedesignated day for CSD, was only one of many communityservices Iowa Beta participated in this past year.Among others, the brothers served in the distribution oforal polio vaccine in Johnson County, and we entertainedlocal underprivileged children at our annualChristmas party. Special recognition should be givento Brother Frank Nye of the Cedar Rapids Gazette,Brother Red Gardner of the Cedar Rapids radio-televisionstation KCRG, and Brother Gene Clausen of the Iowa

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