1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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ALUMNI CLUB NOTESClarksdale(Miss.)ON Saturday, May 30, the ClarksdaleAlumni Club held a stag "crabboil."A large group of <strong>Phi</strong>s assembledat Ward Lake, west ofClarksdale, and enjoyed fellowship,food, and cool beverage.Defroif(Mich.)DETRorr ALUMNI—93 strong—gatheredat the University Club in the MotorCity on May 26, to celebrate theannual Founders Day festivities. Andwhen the roll was called, 35 chaptersfrom all over the U.S. responded.Invocation was delivered by theClub's recently-appointed chaplain,Rev. Tom Frisby (Akron '46), wholater read names of deceased Clubmembers who entered the ChapterGrand within the last year.President Doug Roby (Michigan'56) served as master of ceremonies,and announced that the Club wasseeking representation at the LosAngeles General Convention.Highlight of the evening was anaddress by Don Lund (Michigan'44), a nine-letter man in college,and former baseball star with theBrooklyn Dodgers, St. Louis Browns,and Detroit Tigers. Lund, who latercoached the University of Michiganbaseball team to an NCAA championshipin 1962, told many amusingbaseball anecdotes. Currently, he isdirector of minor league clubs andscouting for the Tigers.Lund was introduced by his collegeroommate John Greene (Michigan'44), who starred with the DetroitLions. Greene amused thecrowd when he announced, "Theonly way we can beat last year'sspeaker Tom Harmon, who worenumber 98 in college, is by addingmy college number,' 76, and Lund's33, together!"Golden Legion ceremonies wereconducted by Chick Van Deusen(Mich. State '58) honoring; PerryHolmes (Michigan '17), Ernie Boggs(Ohio Wesleyan '17), Heruy Barker(Iowa Wesleyan '16), and ClarenceHolman (Washburn '14). Les Dodd(Franklin '16) also was scheduledto receive, the award, but could notattend because of family illness.Fraternity songs were rendered(and in fine-stylel) by nine activesfrom the Michigan State chapter,who were forced to "go it alone"because only one active (Dave Mans)showed up from the University ofMichigan.DON LUNDMichigan '44Skip Abrams (Arizona '53), subbingfor the vacationing Bus Weir,announced in the treasurer's reportthat the Detroit Club now has 130dues-paying members accounted forin 1964.—Dave Krupp, Reporter.Los AngelesICalif.)A GOODLY CROWD was On hand tohear Frank Marshall report or( thehighly successful <strong>Phi</strong> Delt Weekenderat the Inn at Rancho Santa Fethe weekend of April 24-26. One ofthe feature attractions was the cocktailparty held at the home ofFrank Maxwell who lives in RanchoSanta Fe. Many from the <strong>No</strong>rthernSan Diego County area were in attendancealong with the brothersfrom Los Angeles. Hearty congratulationswere extended to ourbrothers in the Rancho Santa Fe and<strong>No</strong>rthern San Diego County area onlearning that a charter has recentlybeen granted for the formation ofan alumni club in that locale.Ladies day was once again in orderas we had our annual "MothersEye View" of doings at the twolocal chapters. Mrs. Donald B. Mc­Coy, president, and Mrs. EdwinNelson, vice-president, gave us thelow-down on the Mothers Club atCalifornia <strong>Delta</strong>, while Mrs. AllenWhite, treasurer of the Parents Clubat Calif. Gamma, gave us a "rebuttal"on behalf of UCLA. WesCase, as usual, saw to it that ourlovely guests received tokens of theirvisit. At the closing, a drawing washeld between the three women andMrs. Nelson was the lucky winner[39]of a beautiful orchid lei just flownin from Hawaii.Climaxing the luncheon was thewelcome attendance of ten undergraduatesfrom the chapter at USC.—G. <strong>No</strong>lan Bearden, Reporter.<strong>No</strong>rthernNevadaTHE <strong>No</strong>rthern Nevada Alumni Clubof # A 9 held its annual FoundersDay banquet, Friday, April 24, atHarrah's Club, Lake Tahqe. BrotherBill Harrah hosted 32 members andtheir lady guests at a cocktail partyat his Lake Tahoe residence. The refreshmenttable was beautifully setwith food arranged in the form of<strong>Phi</strong> Delt pins.After the cocktail party the groupenjoyed dinner in the South ShoreRoom and were entertained by theAndy Griffith show,The Club met agaiq, on May 11when new officers were elected for1964-65. They are: Dick Trachock(Pittsburgh '46), football and trackcoach at the University of Nevada,president; Richard T. Adams (Purr,due '42), professor of finance at the- University, vice-president and reporter;and Bob Clements (Utah'59), secretary-treasurer. Retiringofficers are John Ascuaga, president,and Robert Wise, vice-president atidreporter.Dr. John Millett, then presidentof Miami University, a member ofthe Survey Commission, addressedthe group on the various problemsinvolved in fraternity expansion,with particular reference to the roleof alumni groups.—Robert Wise, Reporter.Washington,D.C.AT a regular Thursday luncheon inMay, President George Kitt preisenteda Golden Legion Certificateto Lt. General John Hull (OhioAlpha '17). General Hull was unableto attend our Founders Day observancewhen certificates were presentedto four other Washingtonarea <strong>Phi</strong>s. Some 20 <strong>Phi</strong>s attendedthis luncheon and enjoyed BrotherHull's remarks. He is a most loyal<strong>Phi</strong>.Attendance at our weekly luncheonsis dropping off to the pointthat we plan a telephone arrangementwhereby a <strong>Phi</strong> who will attendcalls another. Please stop inany Thursday at Harvey's restaurant—3rd floor about noon.—Carl Scheid,Secretary.

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