1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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376 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965Laurence Armstead Ogden (Stanford'15) died in October, 1964, whilevisiting a daughter in Tripoli, Libya.Brother Ogden spent his businessyears in the oil business in Texasand Oklahoma, retiring in 1958 asan engineer with the Pure Oil Co.He had long been active in professionalgroups. He was a GoldenLegionnaire of the Fraternity.David E. Booth (Florida '24) diedat St. Petersburg Beach, Fla., Dec.9, 1964. He was a hydraulic engineerwith the U. S. Fish and Wildlife inAtlanta,, Ga., before returning to hisnative St. Petersburg three years ago.He was a member of Pas's-a-GrilleCommunity Church which he servedas chairman of the board of deaconsand deaconesses and of the board oftrustees, a member of St. PetersburgSchool Pioneers Association, and wasa veteran of World War I.Thomas Jay PoUard (WashingtonState '26) died in Billings, Mont.,January 16. He made his home inButte, Mont., for ten years beforemoving to Billings in 1944 where hewas auditor at the Hotel GeneralCuster.Among the survivors is a brother,<strong>Phi</strong>lip J. PoUard (Montana '35),New York City.Robert M. Thomas (California '21)died in Eureka, Calif., Dec. 7, 1964.A native of California, he held hisJuris Doctor degree from the Universityof California College of Lawand had practiced law in San Frandscowith the firm of Balfour,Guthrie and Co., until his retirementin 1962. Since then he had practicedlaw in Willow Creek, Calif. He wasa veteran of both World Wars Iand II.Clarence Tompkins Schwartz (Dartmouth'12) died at his home inWanamassa, N.J., <strong>No</strong>v. 5, 1964. Forthirteen years he was officer anddirector of the Shallow Water BoatCo. and the Ripley Boat Co. in NewYork City. He then entered the realestate field, and, in 1957, becameemployed as a security officer in theFirst Merchants National Bank ofAsbury Park, N.J., where he remaineduntil his retirement in 1964.He was a Golden Legionnaire of*A9.Bruce Pherson Lyons (Dartmouth'32) died April 26, 1964, in Jamestown,N.Y., where he was employedby the Flakeboard Corp. For severalJOHN E. FONDRENS.F. Austin '63years following his graduation fromDartmouth, he taught school atJamestown, and later served as presidentof the Lyons Lumber and SupplyCorp. before joining Flakeboard.* * *John Elbert Fondren (Stephen F.Austin '63) died May 21, 1964. Adelegate to the 1962 General Conventionat which Texas Eta was awardedits charter, he was a charter memberof the chapter. Following graduation,he accepted a teaching positionwith the college to continue workfor a master's degree. However, hehad left school to aid in the campaignof a Brother <strong>Phi</strong> who wasseeking a Congressional post.Edmund Welch MiUer, Jr. (Dartmouth'32), retired marine insuranceunderwriter, died July 23, 1964. Hemade his home in Cedar Rapids, la.Brother Miller was a veteran otWorld War II, during which heserved with the U. S. Navy, attainingthe rank of Lieutenant Commander,and was skipper of an LSTin the Padfic theater.James Willett Pottenger (Cincinnati'13) died in Cincinnati, Ohio,February 27. A member of theGolden Legion, he had always beena most loyal <strong>Phi</strong> and for many yearswas president of the Chapter HouseAssociation of Ohio <strong>Theta</strong>.* * *Ralph Ellis Sharp (Penn State '15),a retired executive of the BethlehemSteel Corp., died at his home inBethlehem, Pa., March 11. He wasa Golden Legionnaire of the Fraternity.* * *The, Rev. Ezra Roland Stevenson(Dickinson '00) died in Traverse City,Mich., March 25. He was a graduateof Drew Theological Seminary,Madison, N.J., and for some twentyyears served as rector of St. ^.uke'sChurch, Midland, Mich. He was aGolden Legionnaire of * A 9. Amongthe survivors is a nephew, SamuelScrivener, Jr. (Lehigh '26), Washington,D.C.* * *Col. Charles S. Mudgett (Vermont'26) died in an automobile accidentnear Williamsport, Pa., <strong>No</strong>v. 16,1964. He was stationed at CampHill, Pa. Among the survivors is ason, Capt. J. Scott Mudgett (M.I.T.'54), Fort McClellan, Ala.George Frederick Pfeffer (Denison'20) died in Newark, Ohio, March18. Brother Pfeffer was engaged inthe retail men's clothing business for44 years, retiring in 1963 from activeparticipation. He was always aninterested and loyal <strong>Phi</strong>.* * *Ferris Bagley (Oregon State '20)died at Pebble Beach, Calif., February23. Before retiring to PebbleBeach sixteen years ago, he was associatedwith Golden State Ltd.(now Foremost) Dairy Co. withwhich he served as a director, vicepresidentand production manager.* * *Eiarl WiUiam Bailey (Montana '27)died in Albany, Ore., <strong>No</strong>v. 27, 1964.He had made his home in Albany forthe past ten years where he wassales manager of the D. E. NebergallMeat Co.* • *James G. Dunsmore (Penn State'28) died in Williamsport, Pa., Dec.4, 1964. He owned and operated theCurtain Shop in Williamsport.* * *Roscoe Daniel Roberts (Oregon'22) died in Katmander, Nepal, in1963, while working for U.S.A.I.D.Theron Howard (California '28)died in Carmel, Calif., January 23.A native ot San Rafael, he was agraduate of the University of Californiaand of Harvard GraduateSchool ot Business. He had made hishome on the Monterey Peninsula tortwo years. Among the survivors is abrother, Henry H. Howard (California'25), Solvang, Calif.

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