1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 375mitted to the Iowa State Bar in 1918.A World War I veteran, he served asassistant attorney general from 1927to 1933. Brother Stephens was a memberot various law associations andof the Masonic Lodge. He was aGolden Legionnaire of * A 9.William I. Wymond (Purdue '13),a prominent member of Kentucky'scooperage industry for many years,died in Louisville, Ky., March 7. Hemade his home in Harrods Creek, Ky.From 1923 to 1947, he was presidentof the cooperage firm of Chess andWymond Co. arid, after the businesswas acquired by Schenley Distillers in1947, he served as a board memberof the Louisville Industries Corp.and later became president of OhioFalls Dye and Finishing Work.Brother Wymond was active in civicand charitable groups, particularly inthe Heart Assodation. He was aGolden Legionnaire of * A 9.Ralph Wood DuvaU (Utah '23)died in Salt Lake City, Utah, Febraary13. A former legislator. BrotherDuvaU had served as a representativein the Utah State Legislature in1943 and 1944. For thirty years hewas sales manager of the Utah CalciumProducts Co. until his retirementin 1959. Brother DuvaU hddhis law degree from the ChicagoKent College of Law. He was a directorof the Salt Lake Y.M.C.A.WUkins CarlUe Hobensack (Amherst'18) died in Newtown, Pa.,Oct. 29, 1964. He had a long businesscareer with Bean and Hobensack,Insurance and Real Estate in Doylestown,Pa., until 1943, and after thatwas owner of the Bryant Bureau,investigations. A veteran ot WorldWar I, he was a member of theAmerican Legion, Rotary, the MasonicLodge, various clubs, andserved as Justice of the Peace inDoylestown from 1928 to 1943. Hewas a Golden Legionnaire of # A 9.* * *Harold Thomas MiUer (Iowa Wesleyan'25) died at the home of hissister at Mt. Pleasant, la., in March.As d high school undergraduate atMt. Pleasant, Brother Miller playedon the 1917 and 1918 basketballteams which won the state title. Helater played for Iowa Wesleyan andIowa University and at the latterplayed on the varsity team whichwon the Big Ten cage title. AftercoUege, Brother Miller entered thecoaching field and had successfulboys prep teams at Oklahoma Cityfor twelve years, winning the statePHILIP F. VESSEYCaL-Davis '59title four times. He returned to Mt.Pleasant ten years ago.* * *<strong>Phi</strong>Up F. Vessey (Cal.-Davis '59),a native of Salinas, Calif., diedFebruary 14 from injuries receivedin an automobile acddent the previousday. He was an employe ofVessey. and Co., El Centro, Calif., afirm connected with the growing andshipping of vegetables in the ImperialValley. He was a member ofthe Salinas Elks Lodge and was aveteran of the U. S. Air Force andthe Air Force Reserve.* • *R. RusseU Swigert (Pennsylvania'15), retired general agent for theJojm Hancock Mutual Life InsuranceCo., died in March in Johns HopkinsHospital. Brother Swigert, whoretired in 1956 after more than fortyyears with the firm, had operated alocal general agency for the companyin Baltimore for twelve years.He was a trustee of South BaltimoreGeneral Hospital, a director otthe General Agents and ManagersRound Table of Baltiriiore, a directorof the Newville (Pa.) NationalBank, and was a member of severalinsurance groups. He also was aGolden Legionnaire of $ A 9.Judge Harry J. Lemley (W & L'10) died in Hope, Ark., in March.Brother Lemley, who attended theUniversity ot Virginia and receivedhis law degree from Washington andLee University, began his law practicein Hope in 1912. He becameU. S. District Judge of the easternand westem districts of the state in1939, serving until his retirement in1958. He was considered an authorityon Indians and Indian archeology,having had several articlespublished, and his collection otIndian relics was sold about ten yearsago for $60,000.Brother Lemley was a GoldenLegionnaire of * A 9 and a brotherof the late Munidpal Judge WilliamK. Lemley (W & L '10) (SeeTHE SCROLL, January, 1963 p. 214.),with whom he practiced law untilhis appointment to the federal bench.Clark Young Gunderson (SouthDakota '30) died at his home inVermiUion, S.D., Dec. 6, 1964. Anative of Vermillion, he attendedschools there; recdved his A.B. atthe University of South Dakota in1931, his LL.B. in 1932, and attended<strong>No</strong>rthwestern University and YaleUniversity.Brother Gunderson was professorof law at the University of SouthDakota tor 30 years, having begunteaching in 1934. He also served as legalcounsel tor the University. DuringWorld War II he served five yearswith the Army Judge Advocate Generaland reached the rank of colondbefore his discharge.Among the survivors is a brother,Harvey J. Gunderson (South Dakota'28), Washington, D.C.Sabert Stuart HamUton (Iowa '13)died in Chicago, 111., Sept. 24, 1964.Brother Hamilton was a retired employeeof General Services Administration,Chicago. He was a GoldenLegionnaire of the Fraternity.WiUiam Henry Evans (Vanderbilt'14) died in Murfreesboro, Tenn.,April 2. Brother Evans, who attendedVanderbilt University and was agraduate of Cornell University, beganwork with Standard Oil Co. of NewYork in 1915 and spent fiye years inSouth China. When he returned, heserved as an executive with the NewJersey branch of Standard Oil untilhis retirement in 1943 when hemoved to Murfreesboro. He was amember ot the Episcopal Church,the Masonic Lodge, and of theGolden Legion of the Fraternity.Ross Simon Kleinheinz (South Dakota'22) died at his home in DesMoines, la., March 5. He had livedin Des Moines for the past ten yearsw^here he was a field representativefor the U. S. Chamber of Commerceuntil his retirement a year ago. Hewas a member of the EpiscopalChurch, the Masonic Lodge, and ofthe American Legion.

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