1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 373U.C.L.A. In 1938, he toured Europeto study the atom-smashing machineryin England, Germany andFrance. He was listed in "Who's Whoin America," "Who's Who in Engineering,"and "Men of Science." Hewas a Golden Legionnaire of •* A 9.WiUiam Robert GigniUiat (Mercer'10), outstanding Savannah lawyerand businessman, died in Savannah,Ga., March 8. A civic leader in hisdty, he was a former president ot theExchange Club through which healso worked with young people, andhelped to establish the annual celebrationof Crime Prevention Week.In 1963, he developed the Red Crossregional blood center's highly effectivetelephone recruitment committee.He also maintained an interest in thehistory and archives of the SavannahVolunteer Guards and the ChathamArtillery and recently had spearheadeda drive to raise funds to sendthe local R.O.T.C. units to a regionalcompetition. Brother Gignilliatwas a Golden Legionnaire of4" A 9.Among the survivors is a son, WilliamR. GigniUiat Jr. (Emory '40),Gainesville, Ga.The Rev. WiUis Gaylord Clark,D.D. (Auburn '02-Sewanee '06), oneof the South's leading clergymen anda devoted <strong>Phi</strong> for 64 years, died <strong>No</strong>v.21, 1964, in a Jackson (Miss.) hospital.He was 83 years old.Brother Clark's ministerial careerstretched from the early Sewaneedays when he was a theological studentmissionary in the mountains ofTennessee around Sewanee to thefinal year of his life when he frequentlycame out ot retirement toconduct spedal services in the EpiscopalChurches in the Diocese of Mississippi,where he spent his last years.In between, he was the rector otsome of the South's largest ProtestantEpiscopal Churches including ministriesin Birmingham, Ala.; Asheville,N.C; Tampa, Fla., and Charlotte,N.C.Brother Clark was initiated into theFraternity in 1900 at Alabama PolytechnicInstitute, Auburn, Ala. (nowAuburn University). He was graduatedwith the degree of bachelor ofsdence in electrical engineering in1902 and was one of three membersof his class to be selected for trainingin the General Electric Company'stesting laboratories in Schenectady,New York.After serving a year at the G.E.plant, he fdt the call to the ministryas he sat by the bed of his dyingyounger brother. He resigned fromthe company and entered the Theo-WILLIS G. CLARKAuburn '02-Sewanee '06logical School at the University ofthe South, where he again was activein * A 9 and became president ofTennessee Beta.Brother Clark always was extremely,active in the civic affairs of the citiesin which he ministered. In recognitionof his civic and spiritual leadershipin Charlotte, Brother Clark wasawarded a Doctor of Divinity Degreein 1939 from Erskin College, a Presbyterianinstitution at Due West,S.C.At the age of 66, in 1947, Dr. Clarkresigned as rector of St. Peter'sChurch, Charlotte. He was electedRector Emeritus after having servednearly sixteen years, the longest tenurein the history ot the parish. Hedid not remain in retirement long,however. When he moved to theMississippi Gulf Coast town ot PassChristian he was invited to serve thecongregation of Trinity Church anddid so for six years before his finalretirement to Macon.Brother Clark was always activein the * A 9 alumni groups in thecities in which he lived and workeddiligently to support the fraternityand its highest ideals. He was aGolden Legionnaire of the Fraternity.Among the survivors is a nephew,John M. Couric (Mercer '41), Washington,D.C.* * *Harry Ward Rothrock (Whitman'29) died at St. Vincent's Hospital,New York City, February 10. Hemade his home in Ossining. A nativeof Spokane, Wash., and a 1929graduate of Whitman CoUege, hejoined the Eqtiitable Life AssuranceSociety of the U.S. in 1929 and wastransferred to the New York homeoffice the following year, and threeyears later was graduated from theFordham Law School. After service inthe Army Air Force during WorldWar II as a legal assistant, he returnedto the company and waselected second vice-president in 1952and full vice-president in 1960.Brother Rothrock was a memberot * B K and also served on theBoard of Overseers of Whitman College.* * *WeUs S. GUbert (Hillsdale '90),veteran <strong>No</strong>rthwest lumberman, diedin a nursing home in Portland, Ore.,February 16. A native of Michiganand son of a lumberman, he attendedHillsdale College and was graduatedfrom Cornell University. He went toOregon in 1901 and formed lumbercompanies. His holdings hoth in Oregonand Washington were extensive.For most of his life, he was a residentof Portland, where he was activein dvic affairs. He organizedand sent a corps of American RedCross ambulances from here toFrance in 1917 and he himself servedin France with the Red Cross withthe rank of captain as head of hospitaland supplies at Laon underGen. Foche. He was a Golden Legionnaireof the Fraternity.* * *George Treat Holbrook (W & L'17) died in Hartford (Conn.) Hospitalin February. He was retiredsecretary of the Aetna InsuranceCompany which he joined in 1928and which he served until his retirementin 1957. Brother Holbrook, whomade his home in Wethersfield,Conn., was elected in 1943 to theWethersfield Housing Authority, wasreelected, and served tor fifteen years.He was a member of COIF, * B K, aveteran of World War I, and was amember and past director of theUniversity Club of Hartford. He wasalso a Golden Legionnaire ot $ A 9.WiUiam Bernard Aldinger (Lafayette'24) died at his home in Chambersburg.Pa., March 12. A graduateof the old Harrisburg (Pa.) Technicalhigh school in 1920, he was amember of the school's 1919 nationalchampionship football team. BrotherAldinger was a Mason and a Shrinerand was a member of the ZemboShrine band for many years.Among the survivors is a son,Frederick B. Aldinger (Lafayette '50),South Mountain, Pa.Charles Eugene Munson (Lombard'23) died in Canaan, Conn., February5. A native of Macomb, 111., hehad made his home in Canaan forsome years where he was a salesman.

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