1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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372 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965Jesse McFaU Beck (Iowa Wesleyan'99) died in Centerville, Iowa, January15, after an illustrious career asa crusading newspaper publisher insouthern Iowa since 1903. He was thedean of Iowa publishers. His dailynewspaper was called "The AwardWinning Daily," known throughoutthe midwest for its excellence in appearanceand content. It had wonmany prizes.Brother Beck believed that oneshould not only report daily happeningsin a community but should playa part in developing that communityand consequently he was active inmany fields. He was a former presidentof the Centerville Chamber ofCommerce, served on the libraryboard, was a founder and past presidentof the Iowa Daily Press Associationand belonged to numerous civicgroups. He was the proud possessorof the Master-Editor award, given tooutstanding publishers in the state ofIowa, by a jury of his fellow journalists.He never lost his interest in or enthusiasmfor his Fraternity and hisalma mater. He served on the boardof trustees of Iowa Wesleyan for fortyyears and was a past chairman ot theboard. In 1948, he received an honorarydoctor's degree from Iowa Wesleyan.He was also a Colder Legionnaireof * A 9Two brothers, Fred Beck (IowaWesleyan '03) and Burton Beck (IowaWesleyan '03) and a son, HaroldBeck (Iowa Alpha '27) predeceasedhim. Among the survivors are abrother, Arthur Beck (Iowa Wesleyan'06), Ottumwa, Iowa; and two sons,Paul Beck (Iowa Wesleyan '29),Oceanside, Calif., and Rojaert Beck(Iowa Wesleyan '37), Centerville.John Thompson Henry (Penn State'08) of Martha Furnace, Pa., died athis son's office near State College,March 5. A graduate in civil engineeringfrom Penn State, he practicedhis profession and, since 1931, hadserved as Centre County (Pa.) surveyor,A church leader, he was amember and clerk of the church sessionof the Presbyterian Church ofPort Matilda and had been a member,president for eight years, and, atthe time of his death, honorary chairmanof the Presbyterian Home atHuntingdon. He also was a memberand former president of the CentreCounty Hospital board of trustees; amember of Kiwanis; member of theSons of the American Revolution andmember of various professional organizations.Brother Henry, a loyal and devoted<strong>Phi</strong> was known by all the brothers ofPenn <strong>Theta</strong> as he regularly attendedJOHN T. HENRYPenn State '08the functions of the chapter from hisactive undergraduate days until thetime of his death. He was a GoldenLegionnaire of the Fraternity.Among the survivors are threesons: James B. Henry (Penn State•39), Towanda; John C Henry (PennState '42), Martha Furnace; RobertM. Henry (Penn State '45), Tallmadge,Ohio; and a <strong>Phi</strong>keia grandson,Richard Henry at Penn <strong>Theta</strong>.WilUam R. Ward (lUinois '28)died at Sibley Hospital, Washington,D.C, April 10. He was an executivewith the Small Business Administrationin Washington and made hishome in Falls Church, Va. Priorto going to Washington, he was incharge of the Small Business Administrationfor the State of Iowawith an office in Des Moines. Previously,he had been connected withthe Reconstruction Finance Corporationand the Chicago National BankExaminers.Brother Ward came from a strong<strong>Phi</strong> family. His grandfather wasWiUiam R. Ward (Indiana '70); hisfather was Robert R. Ward (Illinois'03). Among the survivors are twobrothers: Russell D. Ward (Illinois'31) and LeRoy G. Ward (Illinois'33); a brother-in-law, Webb Johnson(Illinois '34); a nephew. Ward Johnson(Illinois '63), and an uncle,George S. Ward (lUinois '10),P.P.G.C.AUan Rust Black (Michigan '13),senior trust officer and vice-presidentof the Central Trust Co. for 30years, died in Lansing, Mich., March6: A resident of Ingham County for70 years, he was a graduate of LansingCentral high school and theUniversity of Michigan Law School.A member of various law organizations,he Was also a member ot theElks and Masonic Lodges, theY.M.C.A. board, the Friars Club otthe University of Michigan and hadserved on the William and Sarah E.Hinman Endowment Fund for MichiganState University. Brother Blackwas a Golden Legionnaire of ^ A 9.Among the siirvivors are two sons:Alan R. Black Jr. (Michigan State'38), Birmingham, Mich., arid FrankS. Black (Ohio Wesleyan '40), Wilmington,Del.* * *Vivian Craven Shuttleworth (Iowa'23), Cedar Rapids attorney and All-American from Iowa, died at CedarRapids, Iowa, March 10. BrotherShuttleworth was a member of theHawkeye backfields which in 1921and 1922 won Big Ten championshipsand Which included two otherAU-Americans. He was the only backfieldplayer named to All-Americanteams by Walter Eckersall withouthaving a reputation as a ball carrier.He was admitted to the bar in 1924after receiving his law degree andhad practiced law in Cedar Rapidsfor forty years. He had served as atrustee of the Y.M.C.A., as a directorot the Chamber of Commerce, was amember of the Elks and of Rotary, and of * A 9 and of various law associations.He also was a past presidentof the University of IowaAlumni Association and was a loyal<strong>Phi</strong>.Dr. Stanley M. Hart (Colgate '14)died in Port Chester, N.Y., April 12.He was 75 years old. Brother Hartwas engaged in the practice of dentistry,having earned his D.D.S. fromthe University of Buffalo. He was aGolden Legionnaire ot * A 9.Albert J. Salathe (Colgate '10) diedin Austin, Tex., February 26. BrotherSalathe, a retired chemist, held bachelorand master of arts degrees fromColgate University, and the doctorof philosophy degree in chemistryand physics from the University ofChicago. He was a member of varioushonorary professional fraternitiesand had held various offices in theAmerican Chemical Society.Brother Salathe had been a memberof the faculties at Sweet Briar, AlbanyCollege of Pharmacy, Syracuse, and

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