1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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370 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965WALLA WALLA—Three of the nine redpients of Golden Legion awardsat dinner observing Founders Day and 50th anniversary ot Whitman Betachapter. They are Brothers Berney, Churchman, and Hockett.Waco(Texas)THE Waco Alumni Club had itssecond annual Founders Day banquetat the Ridgewood CountryClub, March 20. The evening featuredthe presentation of GoldenLegion memberships to CloVls IvanBounds (Southwestern '18) and EmmettHunnicut (Missouri '18).Guest speaker for the occasion wasRobert P. Higley (Akron '37), presidentof the Austin Alumni Club.His talk concerned the founding ofthe fraternity system with emphasis,of course, upon the birth and earlydays of $ A 9. President Deibert N.Shirey was master of ceremonies andthe invocation was given by Capt.John V. Thompson. Included in thelarge nuniber present were five chartermembers of the club. A specialguest was Dr. Monroe Carroll, .graduateprofessor of Baylor University.—Delbeirt N. Shirey, President.Walla Walla—Wash. BetaTHE 50th anniversary of the foundingof Washington Beta at WhitmanCollege was observed March 29 at aFounders Day banquet attended bynearly 100 undergraduate andalumni members of the Walla WallaAlumni Club at a banquet in Whitman'sStudent Center.Nine Golden Legion Awardseightof them from the WhitmanWYOMING ALPHA presented Outstanding Alumnus award to Bud Radcky(center). At left is Chapter Pres. BiU Stout and holding the plaqueis Ray Hunkins, resident adviser to the chapter.chapter—were awarded, four of whomwere present at the banquet.Washington Beta alumni presentedGolden Legion awards included DorseyS. Baker '16, Howard D. Baker'12, WiUiam E. Bemey '15, HaroldE. Crawford '11, Frank B.' Dement'21, CUfford S. Churchman '18, HalfordC. Hockett '16, and J. EarlMcLaughlin. '18. Homer V. Leffel(Oregon '18) was also presented anaward.Attention was called to the factthat the four junior members ofthe Whitman student body electedthe previous week to <strong>Phi</strong> BetaKappa, national scholastic honorary,were all members of * A 0.Ray BlackweU, alumni secretary,was guest speaker, with the topic"Keeping Faith with our Founders."Alumni Club President LarryBroom (Washington State '38), ChapterPresident Chuck Stookey, andW. L. Minnick (Whitman '35) amember of Whitman's Board ofTrustees, also were on the program.Virgil Bennington (Whitman '13)served as master of ceremonies.Washington(D.C.)ALWAYS an interesting affair, thisyear's observance of Founders Dayby the Washington, D.C, AlumniClub was ho exception. Held Thursdayevening, April 1, at the MadisonHotel, a changed location sothat the maitre'd Joe Hess couldagain serve us as he has for some 30years, the dinner attracted <strong>Phi</strong>s representingsome 57 chapters.Among the guests were eighteen<strong>Phi</strong>s who have passed the fifty yearmembership requirement for theGolden Legion. The Dean of thosepresent was Col. George EweU (Kentucky'02). Next to the nearby Marylandchapter, alumni of Kansas and<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota outnumbered allother chapters.We are indebted to George "Rock"Kitt (Arizona '28), the club's president,for a fine year and FoundersParty. General Harry Vaughn (Westminster'16), who has few peers asa toastmaster, kept the large group,which included 30 members andpledges from Maryland Alpha, entertainedwith his stories.' Amongthose present were the General'sson, Dave Vaughn (Westminster '56)of Atlanta.General Paul Hawley (Indiana'12), PPGC, conducted a most impressiveGolden Legion ceremonyfor: Frederick Altemus (Pennsylvania'18); WilUam Leffingwell (Cornell'18); John MaUott (Butler '17); ArthurMiUer (Penn State '18); GeneralEdwin McNeU (Columbia,'16),and Congressman Clark Thompson(Oregon '18).

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