1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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368 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965(Washburn '38), in recognition ofhis many years of excellent serviceas sports editor of THE SCROLL.Board members elected for theTopeka Alumni Club for three yearterms were F. Scott Davis (Washburn'57), Jack Greenwood (Washburn'56), Jan Leuenberger (Washburn'58), and Jim Waugh (Kansas '44).—Lanny Kimbrough, Secretary.TULSA Club Pres. Charles W. Ward, as he completed presentations tofive new Golden Legionnaires (left to right): Brothers McCormick, Pierce,Watson, Pontius, and CoUey. In background are the sponsors.Again, it was a complete successenjoyed not only by the many alumnipresent but improved by the attendanceof undergraduate delegationsfrom Whitman, WashingtonState, and .Montana as well as individualundergraduates from otherschools. Representatives of the threechapters gave complete reports onlocal activities and accomplishmentsand most indicated an anticipatedexpansion or replacement programfor their respective physical plants.Three alumni received GoldenLegion awards. They are Fulton G.Gale (Whitman '15) who had two ofhis <strong>Phi</strong> sons present; E. K. 'Ned'Barnes (Whitman '10) and SigmondJ. Sieler (Idaho '18). Golden LegionCertificates and lapel buttons werepresented the three brothers by theSpokane Alumni Club.The final phase of the meetingwas devoted to an encouraging andinformative speech by Ray BlackweU,alumni secretary of * A 9, whodiscussed some of the current problemsof the Fraternity and also whathe sees as the ultimate position ofthe entire fraternity system.The meeting was well attendedand the alumni are looking forwardto expanding their membership andenjoying additional meetings suchas this one. Needless to say, theundergraduate chapters' participationin our meetings gives the realstimulus that we all enjoy.—BudSkaden, Secretary.TexasGammaTHE Texas Gamma chapter atSouthwestern observed Founders Dayby inviting in the parents of thechapter members. Some 210 personswere present for this observanceheld March 13 in the Georgetownchapter home.Several members of Texas Gammaattended various Founders Day banquetsthroughout the state. At theAustin dinner. Brothers Herbort,Walker, Johnston, and Fleming receivedawards for outstandingscholarship.Texas Gamma is especially proudthat one of its alumni. BrotherHoward Young, was elected Houston's"<strong>Phi</strong> ot the Year."Topeka(Kan.)WEDNESDAY, March 17, was the dateof Topeka Alumni Club's FoundersDay banquet. Some 154 <strong>Phi</strong>s metat the Topeka Country to hear anaddress by Chester L. Mize (Kansas'39), Representative from the SecondKansas District.The Topeka "<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year"award was made to Dr. WilUam S.Simpson (Alberta '47), a section chiefof the Menninger Foundation whohas been very active in the "Peopleto People" program and who hasstarted a similar program of his ownby sending drugs and medical suppliesto doctors in Africa.A special presentation was madeby Kansas Beta, honoring the outstanding<strong>Phi</strong> athlete in the area. Itwent this year to Steve Renko ofKansas Alpha. This award was madein the name of Dr. John Davis, Jr.Toronfo—OntarioAlphaTHE Founders Day banquet of theToronto and Ontario Alpha, traditionallyone of the earliest of theobservances throughout the Fraternity,was held again this year inmid-February. The 1965 dinner, oneof the area's most successful, washeld at the Ontario Club.Don Davis (Toronto '46) gave themain address, a talk centered onthe problems university inen mustface both while in college and alsolater when taking their proper placein the community and in their life'swork.The chapter awarded its annual<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year title to Brian Josling.The class of new initiates wasintroduced to the Toronto alumni.Upon their retirement as directorsof the Alumni Company, BrothersJohn Deime '41 and J. E. Glenn '48were presented cuff links in appreciationof their efforts and accomplishments.Bruce Currie (Toronto '55)was elected president of the AlumniCompany.Harold DeWitt BaU (Toronto '10)was asked to make a few remarks iinconcluding the event and he respondedby telling a number ofanecdotes.Following the banquet, the alumniand chapter members returned tothe chapter home for relaxation andcontinued conversation.—Gerry Leckie,V-P.Tucson(Ariz.)ON Saturday evening, March 20 approximately25 alumni and the entireundergraduate chapter andpledges of Arizona Alpha gatheredat Tucson's Downtowner MotorHotel for the annual observance ofFounders Day. A social hour precededthe dinner. Wives of thealumni were special guests.The dub's <strong>Phi</strong> of the Year Awardwas presented to Peter Johnson(Arizona '57).Dr. Elden T. Smith, member ofthe General Council and Presidentof Ohio Wesleyan University wasthe guest speaker and delivered anoutstanding address succinctly reemphasizingthe goals and principles ot$ A 9. All <strong>Phi</strong>s present were clearlymoved by his remarks.

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