1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 367ST. LOUIS <strong>Phi</strong>s, 250 strong, enjoyedtalk by Missouri Gov. WarrenE. Hearnes. At right, the Governor,who was also named St. Louis "<strong>Phi</strong>of the Year," is shown preparingfor a press conference prior to thedinner. With him are Gen. WiUiamH. Harrison, Missovui '34 (center),and his administrative assistant,Floyd Warmarm, Washington-St.Louis '54.Shelbyville(Ind.)PHIS from two Indiana counties,Shelby and Rush, gathered at theElks Club in Shelbyville, April 23,for the first Founders Day meetingto be held in that area in severalyears.The guest of honor tor the meetingwas Alvin B. Coons (Franklin'18) of Flat Rock, who was awardedthe coveted Golden Legion Certificateduring the traditional ceremonies.Ray E. Blackwell, the Fraternity'salumni secretary, was the speakerfor the dinner meeting and presidedover the Golden Legion program.With a total of 37 <strong>Phi</strong> alumniin Shelby County and 14 in RushCounty, the group expressed thehope that the Founders Day dinneronce again may become an annualaffair.—Bernard M. Sleeth, Secretary.St. Joseph (Mo.)TWENTY-FIVE alumni and theirguests attended the annual FoundersDay banquet of the St. JosephAlumni Club held at the St. JosephCountry Club April 14.Officers for the 1965-66 term wereelected. They are: Trigg CaUis(Westminster '54), president; BobSanders (Missouri '57), vice-president;Raymond Sisson (Kansas '59),secretary; and BiU Mytton (Columbia'18), treasurer.A moment ot silence was observedin remembrance ot Brothers GeorgeLines (Iowa Wesleyan '23) and J. R.Taliaferro (Oklahoma '24) whopassed away during the past year.Sf. Louis (Mo.)GOVERNOR Warren E. Hearnes (Missouri'43) of Missouri was the featuredspeaker and recipient of theSt. Louis Club's "<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year"Award at the St. Louis 1965 FoundersDay banquet. More than 250<strong>Phi</strong> alumni and undergraduates attendedthe banquet whioh was heldMarch 8 at the Cheshire Inn &Lodge.The award to the Governor waspresented by Alfred H. Kerth (Washington-St.Louis '24), board chairmantor the Metropolitan St. LouisChamber of Commerce and a previousaward winner.Alumni Club President MarkBolUnger served as master ot ceremoniesand reported on the club'smany and excellent activities.The Golden Legion Certificatewas presented to WiUiam PercySharpe (Vanderbilt '18), who spokebriefly on the many benefits andsatisfactions he has received as a<strong>Phi</strong> through the years.Chapter reports were delivered byBruce McCleUan for Missouri U.,Gus Priminolis for Westminster,and James Eckhoff for WashingtonU.Newly elected officers of thealumni club are Jerry Johnson '56,president; Robert L. Baker '53, vicepresident;Thomas A. Brossard '51,secretary, and Robert Wolters '51,treasurer. All are Missouri Gammamen.—George L. Stemmler, Jr., Reporter.Spokane (Wash.)THE Spokane Alumni Club held itsannual observance ot Founders Dayat the Spokane Club Wednesdayevening, March 31.

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