1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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366 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965SARASOTA—Among those enjoying the novel program were (left to right):Jim <strong>No</strong>e, retiring president of dub; CoL W. A. Ganoe, Dickinson '02, reports;Walter Frost, Illinois '18, secretary; Lamar Brown, Auburn '13, newGolden Legionnaire; Dean Hoffman, Dickinson '02, PPGC, and LeiandRidgway, Wabash '22, new president of the Sarasota cUub.William Farnsworth (Nebraska '36);vice president. Ken Jennings (OregonState '53); secretary, Ed Dow(<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota '20); and treasurer,Robert Hutton (Nebraska '37).C. C. Christiensen (Oregon State'25) gave a report on the activitiesof the Alumni Interfratemity Councilof the University of Californiaat Santa Barbara. A Miami Triaddinner party with the alumni groupsof Beta <strong>Theta</strong> Pi and Sigma Chiwas voted by the members.Since the dinner the secretary hasreceived a letter from the Chancellor'soffice inviting the club tocolonize a chapter on the campus.—Ed Dow, Secretary.Sarasota(Fla.)THE Sarasota Alumni Club withwives, had perhaps the most unusualdinner in the history ofFounders Days.For a year -the cry had gone up-NO SPEECHES! So this time weworshipped the lovely Goddess ofSEATTLE program was highUghted by presentation of Golden Legionawards to Brothers Arthur T. Lee, Scott K. CassiU, Samuel J. Calderhead,and Edwin R. Hogg, Jr.Humor. It was obtained by theappointment of three inquisitors, ajudge, a lawyer and a successfulbusiness man.After a delicious dinner the MCcaUed on the three to take theirplaces at a special table oppositehim at the far ehd of the room.Then the real fun began. They producedthe most outlandish persona]questions of the. more than onehundred there. Each one had to riseas his or her name was called ahdreply to the query. Some were soovercome with laughter theycouldn't reply and others took thefifth amendment.The meeting was one steady laughtor two hours. The real credit belongsto the inquisitors headed byJudge BiU Hereford.—WiUiam AddlemanGanoe, Reporter.Seattle(Wash.)MORE than 200 Washington Alphaundergraduates and Seattle and TacomaAlumni Club membersgathered March 30 at the WashingtonAthletic Club to celebratethe largest Founders Day banquetheld here in several years.Four distinguished <strong>Phi</strong>s wereawarded Golden Legion Certificates:Samuel J. Calderhead (Washington'14), Scott K. CassUl (CorneU '18),Edwin R. Hogg, Jr. (Washington'18) and Arthur T. Lee (Whitman'17). Don Davis (Washington '57)officiated.The banquet was highlighted bya surprise serenade by the <strong>Delta</strong>Gamma chapter of the University ofWashington and speakers Ray BlackweU,the Fraternity's alumni secretary;Bob Seattle, 1964 U. S.Olympic Ski Coach and presentU. S. National Ski Coach who wasin the Seattle area preparing forboth NCAA and National skichampionships held at nearby CrystalMountain; and Hunter Simpson(Washington '49), IBM districtmanager, who delivered a mosteffective discussion on corporatemorality and its individual foundationin the college man.Seattle <strong>Phi</strong>s were mainstays inboth the NCAA and US NationalSki Championships held here. Officiatingwere BiU Calvert and LeighRable (Washington '55), Carl Neu,President Pi <strong>No</strong>rth Province, andJohn Woodin (Washington '44).Graham Anderson (Washington '55)was NCAA meet chairman.Our next major activity will bethe Annual <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong>-Beta GolfTournament, May 14, InglewoodGolf Club, the chairman for whichis Ron Westover (Washington '55).—Bob Lewis, Secretary.

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