1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 365SAN ANTONIO—(Left), club's 1965 officers: Frank M. GiUespie, president; Jack B. Chadwick, treasurer; RusseUMatthews, vice-president; Glenn Foster, secretary. (Right), Executive Secretary Bob MiUer, who conducted candlelightingceremony, and Hay Biggers, Member-at-Large of the General CouncU, prindpal speaker.Richmond(Va.)SOME 60 Richmond area <strong>Phi</strong>s heardCarl A. Scheid (Chicago '32), presidentof <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>No</strong>rth Province, addressthe annual Founders Day banquetof the Richmond Alumni Clubat the Executive Motor Inn, March15. In addition to Richmond areaalumni. Brother Scheid's audienceincluded representatives ot all fourundergraduate Virginia chapters."Be an articulate spokesman forthe rights and privileges of fraternities,"Brother Scheid told thegroup. Getting angry over theattacks on the fraternity system byvarious and sundry "reformers" or"do-gooders" is not enough; we mustmake a positive effort to see thatour rights and privileges are defended. . and that we have exerdsedthose rights and privileges in amanner which makes them defensible!"•Of particular interest to thealumni in the audience was BrotherScheid's admonition that "keeping aclub reasonably active depends uponthe efforts of the few." The RichmondAlumni Club is fortunate tohave more than a few interested anddedicated <strong>Phi</strong>s who are willing tomake ours an active organization.The members were kept up todate on <strong>Phi</strong> standings in the Commonwealthby "State of the Chapter"reports from Fred Kanner,president of Virginia Beta; BlaineDenny, president of VirginiaGamma; Jim O'Brien, president ofVirginia <strong>Delta</strong>; and Joe Bear, pastpresident of Virginia Zeta. Thepresence of representatives from allfour undergraduate chapters reflectsthe Richmond Alumni Club's continuinginterest in the progress ofour undergraduate <strong>Phi</strong>s at the Universityof Virginia, Randolph-Macon College, University of Richmond,and Washington & Lee University.—EdwardB. White, Jr.,President.Salt Lake City—UtahAlphaTHE annual Founders Day banquetwhich was held at the UniversityClub on Friday, April 9, was acombined function of the Salt LakeCity Alumnr Club and Utah Alpha.Many alumni were welcomed back.After a good meal. Carmen Kipp(Utah '48), chapter adviser, conducteda short program. AlumniBus Wyler, Joe Morton, and SpideMorris each gave a short speech onactivities of the chapter during hisundergraduate days.Grant Swan, acting president ofPi South Province from Corvallis,Ore., gave a short report on affairsin the Fraternity and particularlyin the local area. This was followedby the State of the Chapter Reportby chapter president, Dave Roth.The highlight ot the evening wasthe presentation of the GoldenLegion Certificate to Frank Streator(Colorado '18), a Chevrolet dealer inSalt Lake City. The rest of theevening was spent renewing old acquaintancesand reminisdng formeryears in <strong>Phi</strong> Ddta <strong>Theta</strong>.—RobertJ. Smith, V-P.San Antonio(Texas)PHIS from the surrounding countiesgathered in San Antonio on March14 for the annual Founders Daydinner. In addition to the local<strong>Phi</strong>s, Robert J. MUler (New Mexico'50), Executive Secretary ot <strong>Phi</strong><strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>, was • present and tookpart in the ceremonies.The speaker was Hayward S. Biggers(Lawrence '31), member ot theGeneral Council and Editor of THESCROLL, who made an inspiring talkon the remarkable history of theBond of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>.Ed DeWees (Miami '24), was masterof ceremonies and installed thenew officers for 1965; president,Frank M. GiUespie (Sewanee '11);vice-president, RusseU Matthews, Jr.(Southwestem '57); secretary, GlennFoster (Indiana '18); and treasurer,Jack B. Chadwick (Vanderbilt '16).—Glenn Foster, Secretary.Sanfa Barbara(Calif.)ON TUESDAY, March 21, SantaBarbara <strong>Phi</strong>s, 31 strong, assembledat the University Club to celebratethe 117th anniversary ot the foundingof * A 9. Cocktails preceded anexcellent dinner which was followedby talks by Ray BlackweU, alumnisecretary, and by RusseU H. Fitzgibbon(Hanover '23), a member ofthe University of California atSanta Barbara faculty and formerSCROLL editor.WUUam Farnsworth (Nebraska'36) was in charge of the GoldenLegion ceremony, presenting 50-year certificates and pins to HenryH. Greve (Stanford '18) and LloydPayne (Chicago '18). Assisting inthe ceremony were Len Hurst(Kansas '15), Eldon Ford (DePauw•07), Carl Phleger (CaUfomia '12),Albert Rathbone (California "12),Hiram Beebe (South Dakota '07),and George K. Shaffer (Chicago '16).The nominating committeebrought in a slate ot officers for theensuing year as foUows: president.

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