1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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364 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965AT PALM BEACH Judge James R. Knott (seated at left) gave GoldenLegion Certificates to Harold W. Emswiler, Douglas C. Haynes, Ervin D.Latimer, and Harley J. Earl. J. M. (Jake) Boyd (seated right) is presidentof the Palm Beach Club.Officers elected for 1965 are:George Robert Frost (Florida '51),president; Harris Ball (Florida '43),vice president; and James R. PoweU(Georgia Tech. '63), secretary-treasurer.—HarrisBaU, Secretary.Pa. Beta—GettysburgPENNSYLVANIA Beta held its annualFounders Day banquet on March6 as an appropriate condusion toGreek Week festivities at GettysburgCollege.We were fortunate to have twoProvince Presidents with us—Gen.Harry J. Mier (Maryland '43) of ourown Gamma Province and EdwardPape (Ohio Wesleyan '34) of UpsilonProvince. These brothers attendedthe Gettysburg College IFC-Pan Hell Sing held Friday evening,in which Gettysburg <strong>Phi</strong>s placedthird. The chapter also scored bywinning a trophy for second placeamong fraternities in scholarship anda trophy for the most improvedfraternity average over the previoussemester.Our banquet on Saturday eveningwas attended by two Province Presidents,Gettysburg faculty <strong>Phi</strong>s,Ralph W. Hock (Gettysburg '16),the president of the <strong>Phi</strong> Delity Association,and chapter actives.After the dinner and FoundersDay ceremonies had been completed.Gen. Mier and Mr. Pape made shorttalks following which Brother Hockpresented the following awards: amonetary prize to Lawrence Luessen,Thomas Hardy, and Donald Christy,the freshman, sophomore, and juniorrespectively with the highest averages;the Open Scholarship Awardto Paul Bringewatt; the HighestScholastic Average Award to PaulBringewatt; and the OutstandingSenior Award to WiUiam Bush.—Ronald Race, Reporter.Pfioenix (Ariz.)THE Arizona Country Club was thebeautiful site for the annual FoundersDay observance of the PhoenixAlumni Club on Monday evening,March 22. More than 100 <strong>Phi</strong>s fromAT PHOENIX Henry Miller (left),past president of the Arizona StateBar Association, and Frank W. Kerr(right), retired teacher (after 43years), received Golden Legion Certificatesfrom the Paul Parker (center).chapters around the country as wellas a number of Arizona Beta under>graduates were in attendance.After the banquet was convenedby Pres. Thomas A. McCarthy, aUbrothers present participated in theceremony of introductions.Brothers Wilson, Grovenkort, Elmore,Dreflow, Eppler and Griffithaided in conducting the beautifulGolden Legion ceremony for HenryMiUer (Indiana '18) and Frank Kerr(Lombard '18) whose certificateswere presented by Paul Parker(Ohio Wesleyan '16).Honor guest and principal speakerfor the banquet was Dr. Elden T.Smith (Ohio Wesleyan '32) of theGeneral Council who spoke on theresponsibilities of each individual tothe Fraternity and the Fraternity'sresponsibility to the individual.Short talks were also given byE. V. Graham (Colorado College'26), Devon Weaver (Hanover '63),field secretary for * A 9, and FrankOlsen, president of Arizona Beta.Officers for the coming year wereelected. They are: Joe Refsnes,president; Dennis Balint, vice-president;John Fels, secretary; andRobert Meyers, treasurer.Portland (Ore.)THE Portland Alumni Club celebratedFounders Day by holding abanquet in the Pompeiian Room ofthe Congress Hotel on Fridayevening, April 2, under the leadershipof James A. Larpenteur, Jr.(Oregon '57), president.The highlight of the evening wasthe induction into the GoldenLegion of J. W. Edwards (Whitman'17), H. D. Proudfoot (Whitman'13), C. A. Sharp (Oregon '18), andG. E. Smith (Washington '18). Thebeautiful Golden Legion ritual wasconducted for the twentieth year byJudge Frank HoweU (Knox '06), inhis usual impressive and stimulatingpresentation.Main speaker tor the evening wasR. E. BlackweU, alumni secretary,who pointed out the need for continuedsupport ot one's own chapter,the more inclusive general fraternity,and the entire Greek Fraternitytradition.Grant Swan (Oregon State '21),of Corvallis, acting president of PiSouth Province was present andspoke briefiy.By unanimous vote of the clubmembers in attendance, the followingofficers were selected for thecoming year: Gerry Froebe, president;BiU Findley, vice-president;Al Hatton, secretary; Jack Dudrey,treasurer; and BiU Knox, chaplain.—Al Hatton, Secretary.

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