1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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362 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965NEW ORLEANS <strong>Phi</strong>s presented famed Dr. Alton Oschner with his GoldenLegion Certificate. At left is BiUy Zetzman,' master Of ceremonies,^and lookingon at right it Stan Brown, principal speaker and member of the GeneralCoundl.duction into the Golden Legion ofseven Vanderbilt <strong>Phi</strong>s of fifty years'standing: Judge Alfred T. Adams'18; Alonzo Marion Tenison '18,retired office manager for Spurlock"Neal Co.; Lewis Cole Transou '18;Dr. Thomas ' Bowman Zerfoss '17,long-time head of the VanderbiltStudent Health Center; WiUiamClarence CoUey '18, architect andoperator of the Sterling CourtApartments; Henry KeUy Buckner,'18; Col. Landon Garland Daniel'18; retired army officer and sportsman;and Louis Fletcher Sperry '14,retired attorney and Examiner ofthe U. S. Federal Trade Commission.This impressive ceremony wasfollowed by the election of the followingnew officers of the NashvilleAlumni Club: BiU Bradford (Vanderbilt'59), president, and T. W.Estes, Jr. (Vanderbilt '55), secretarytreasurer.George Wilkins (Vanderbilt '54)gave the chapter adviser's report,and Province President HomerGibbs (Vanderbilt '54), who presidedover the Golden Legion ceremony,delivered the province''report.In his remarks. Master of CeremoniesWebb stressed the need foralumni contributions to help pay forTennessee Alpha's new chapterhouse. The dinner was concluded bythe presentation of the outstandingscholarship award to <strong>Phi</strong>keias JohnMartin and Everett Anderson formaintaining better than a "B"average during their first semesterat Vanderbilt.—Rogers Lunsford, Reporter.NewOrleans (La.)ON March 11 the New OrleansAlumni Club and Louisiana Alphajointly sponsored a Founders Daybanquet at the Vista Shores Clubin New Orleans.Stan Brown of the General Councilwas the guest speaker at thisfunction for alumni, actives andfriends of * A 9. The Los Angelesvisitor gave an enjoyable and interestingspeech on "<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong> Today."In his address Brother Brown firstdiscussed the Tulane chapter andthe marked improvement in thischapter over the past two years.He discussed the membership policiesof * A 9 and the current problemsthat the Fraternity was encounteringin this field throughoutthe country. Brother Brown alsoemphasized the importance of astrong and positive relationship betweenthe alumni and active chapterof a fraternity. He feels thatthis is a necessary part of the foundationof a strong chapter.One of the highlights of thisaffair was the presentation ot theGolden Legion Award to Dr. AltonOschner (South Dakota '18). BrotherOschner has distinguished himselfnationally and internationally in thefield of medicine.The Alumni Club and LouisianaAlpha would like to express appreciationto Jim Alexander (Duke'43), Leonard Huber (Tulane '54),Al Merc (Tulane '53), Billy Zetzman(Tulane '46), and Bob Thuss(Duke '58) for helping to make thisbanquet a success.—H. E. Weidlich,Reporter.New York City (N.Y.)THE observance of Founders Day,1965. by the *A9 Club of NewYork was a banquet at the CornellClub on March 24. A large groupof <strong>Phi</strong>s from the greater New Yorkmetropolitan area gathered for apre-dinner cocktail hour to greet ourdistinguished speaker and the brothersto be inducted into the GoldenLegion.The Golden Legionnaires sohonored were Harvey D. Bailey(Whitman '18); John R. Boland(Columbia '18); Matthew M. Camp-BeU (Vanderbilt '18); Gardner Hirons(Columbia '18); and Warren LeePierson (California '18). The impressiveceremony was ably conductedby Dale Hawkins (Ohio '33).Our speaker, John A. Andressen(Iowa '43), the senior partner of thestock brokerage firm ot Andressenand Company, is known as an outstandingyoung man of WaU Street.Brother Andressen's stimulatingspeech, laced with numerous referencesto the Founders of * A 6 andreflective of his own personal philosophy,was entitled "The CreativeMan in Today's Society."Some of his points of emphasisincluded the effective use of capitalin order to eliminate waste; theforces involved in the evolution ofa finislied product which can rightfullybe called the "creative man";the need for creative people to providethe stimulus to develop morecreative citizens and the fact thatchance favors the prepared mind.Fred W. Pain (Iowa '33), presidentof the Club, served as toastmaster,and the invocation wasoffered by Howard B. Warren(Dickinson '15). A report on chapteraffairs in Alpha Province wasgiven by the president of theprovince, AUen W. Wood (Centre'45).—George H. Ginader, Reporter.<strong>No</strong>rfh DakofaAlphaON March 27, the annual FoundersDay banquet of <strong>No</strong>rth Dakota Alphawas held at the Golden Hour Restaurantin Grand Forks. Alumni ofthe area joined the undergraduatesfor this function which was heldimmediately following the initiationof eleven men into the chapter.Art Sotack and Darrel Dablowwere masters of ceremonies.Brother Sotack received a plaquefor being the "Outstanding <strong>Phi</strong> ofthe Year." The "Outstanding Alumnus"award went to Jack McDonaldfor the editing of the rush bookletwhich took top honors at the PasadenaConvention in 1964. CoryColehour and Boyd Griffith were corecipientsof the pledge scholarship

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