1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 361ManitobaAlphaTHIS year's Founders Day dinnerot Manitoba. Alpha, held March 15at the International Inn in Winnipeg,was successfully conducted byBiU Ireland (Manitoba '55) as masterof ceremonies.The Toast to the Fraternity wasgiven by Hugh Benham and theBond was read by Don Paterson,outgoing president.Ted Maragos (<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota '55)Lambda Province president, gavethe keynote address, a very timelyand inspirational speech in which heoffered these words of advice: "Usethe Bond of * A 9 as a guide andwe cannot fail."Incoming President Terry Ashbridgepresented his predecessor.Brother Paterson, with an engravedgavel and the chapter's thanks tora job well done.Credit tor a successful dinner goto Brothers Jim Pappas and AndyScase. With this activity, ManitobaAlpha closed out another successfulyear.—Robert E. Moody, V-P.MissouriBeta—FultonON SUNDAY, March 14 members ofMissouri Beta and Fulton alumniobserved Founders Day by carryingon the traditional services at thegrave of Founder Robert JAorrisonand also at that of the late ElmerE. "SUck" Henderson (Westminster'93), PPGC. Attending these serviceswere Elmer Charles Henderson(Westminster '31) and Alan Henderson(Westminster '68), sOn andgrandson of the former * A 9 president.Following the graveside visits, abanquet was served honoring theFounders of the Fraternity and alsoMissouri Beta's sixteen new initiates.Province President WiUiam C.Whitlow (Westminster '40) read aletter written by tjie late Charles"Dog" Lamkin (also a past presidentot the General Council) concerningthe establishment of a memorialto Robert Morrison. Thisletter stated the many outstandingcontributions made by RobertMorrison to Westminster College inits years of financial distress immediatelyfollowing the Civil War.The memorial was to have ' beenplaced in the then-to-be-constructedReeves Library. Unfortunately, theletter was never circulated amongthe brothers or the WestminsterBoard of Trustees.—Gus P. Manolis,V-P.Montreal—QuebecAlphaTHIS year's Foimders Day Banquetof Montreal alumni and QuebecLUBBOCK principals (left to right): Club Pres. Fred West, Rho <strong>No</strong>rthProvince Pres. John Harding, Speaker and president of Nu Province GlenCary, Club Treasurer Jay Eagan, and Club Secretary Dan Howard.Alpha was held Saturday, March 13,at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Thirtythreealumni revisited the chapter,including Dr. L. C. Montgomery(McGiU '18) and W. AUan Kennedy(McGill '09).The guest speaker was Alpin O.Drysdale (McGill '41) who gave aninteresting and informative talk on"Computers and Management."The Quebec Alpha awards werepresented. The active-alumni hockeytrophy went to the alumni tor aconvincing 13-3 win. The Guy Mc-Farlane Sportsmanship Award waspresented to Stephen Reid while theDavid Allan Talbot MemorialAward tor Scholarship was made toTony Loomis with an 86% average.Sanford L. Archibald received theHonour Award for continuous andoutstanding contribution to theFraternity.After the initiates were introduced,the social phase of the eventwas continued at the chapter home.-Eric C. Walter, V-P.Nashville(Tenn.)ON Thursday, April 15, more than75 brothers of Tennessee Alpha andalmost 80 <strong>Phi</strong> alumni in the Nashvillearea met for the annual FoundersDay dinner held at the BelleMeade Country Club. Jack E. Shepman,President of the General Council,was present as guest ot honor atthe dinner, presided over by Masterof Ceremonies James A. Webb (Vanderbilt'44).Of special interest was the in-MANITOBA ALPHA-(Left) Incoming Chapter Pres. Terry Ashbridge(left) presents outgoing president, Don Paterson, with engraved gavel. Atright. Lambda Province Pres. Ted Maragos deUvering speech of the evening.

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