1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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358 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965and Joshua Green (Vanderbilt '44).—JuUum Ridgway, Secretary.ILLINOIS ETA principals. Chapter Adviser Dwyer Murphy, Speaker RobertJ. MUler, Province Pres. Walt Draper, and Chapter Pres. Dick Dorr.INDIANAPOLIS program participants included (top). Glen Findley, formerprovince president; Dr. Elden T. Smith, R.G.C, the speaker; EmceeGeorge L. Davis, and Province Pres. Tom Cartmel. (Below) Among thoseenjoying the dinner-program were (left to right), <strong>Phi</strong>l Kappes, FrankMooreman, Jim Murray, Pete Graves, and RusseU Townsend, each ot whomhas been a "wheelhorse" in the Indianapolis club through the years.Jackson(Miss.)THE Jackson Alumni Club ot <strong>Phi</strong><strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> held its annual FoundersDay banquet, Tuesday, March 16at Jackson's Primos <strong>No</strong>rthgate.President Henry Mounger (Mississippi'56) provided an excellentand entertaining evening for the<strong>Phi</strong>s and their wives. There was asocial hour prior to the dinner.Rather than limiting the meeting toone speaker. Brother Mounger calledupon many of. the brothers at randomto relate their recent activities.The more notable of these were byWilliam Winter (Mississippi '44),WiUiam Mounger (Mississippi '38),KansasCity (Mo.)THE Kansas City alumni gathered fortheir annual Founders Day observanceat the University Club Apriil6 under the leadership ot JohnFifield (Kansas '53), the club's president.Rev. John Biegert (Kansas '54)gave the invocation.In the traditional and impressiveGolden Legion ceremony SearcyRidge (Missouri '18) and DePaulOttenstein (Nebraska '18) were presentedwith their 50 year pins byFrank Ridge (Missouri '50) andCharles Hess (Kansas '33).Representative undergraduates fromKansas Alpha, Beta and Gamma andMissouri Alpha chapters were present.Scholarship awards were presentedto Harry Gibson of KansasAlpha, David Nelson of Kansas Beta,John Nye of Kansas Gamma and toDean Leymer of Missouri Alpha.Awards were also presented toAU-<strong>Phi</strong> athletes in the area, as follows:Ken Boston and Butch AUisonof Missouri Alpha for football;Harry Gibson of Kansas Alpha forbasketball; and Keith Weber of MissouriAlpha for baseball.Clarence McGuire (Kansas '28),the keynote speaker, discussed theproblems facing * A 9 and the fraternitysystem in general. He encouragedall alumni to do their partto help the active chapters meet andsolve these problems.After giving the aimual report onthe club's scholarship foundation,Ed Biggar (Michigan '38) was recalledto the platform to receive aplaque recognizing him as KansasCity "<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year" for his serviceto the community and Fraternity.Veterans of many Founders Daycelebrations were present but forEd Claycomb (Illinois '15) this year'sdinner was a real milestone—his 50thconsecutive attendance at such anevent! (See page 314).The following officers were electedfor the coming year: Richard Sandifer(Kansas '55), president; KeithWorthington (Missouri '53), GeneParis (Kansas '58), and Droste MUledge(Kansas '57), vice presidents;John Orr (Kansas '59), secretary;Allan Hurst (Kansas '5'7) and JerryMiles, co-treasUrers.—John F. Orr,Secretary.Kansas<strong>Delta</strong>—WichitaKANSAS <strong>Delta</strong> recently observedFounders Day with a banquet heldin the chapter house. Guest speakerwas George Karras, head coach otWichita State University's footballteam. Highlighting the event was the

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