1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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assisted by members ot the GeneralCouncil, presented the Golden Legioncertificate to Dr. Earl VincentMoore (Michigan '12), Professor otMusic at the University ot Houston.Howard Young introduced BrotherShepman who gave the principal addressof the evening. Following theaddress. Dr. Carey Croneis (Denison'22), Chancellor of Rice Universityand last year's recipient of Houston's"<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year" award presentedthis year's award to Howard' E.Young (Southwestern '46).George R. Bolin (Texas '56) presentedand had accepted a slate ofthe following new officers: Doak M.Worley (Vanderbilt '53), president;Whipple S. NeweU, Jr. (Missouri'50), vice president; Dr. Fred A. Garret(Texas '57), secretary; John F.Trimble (Texas '58), treasurer; andWiUiam C. Perry (Texas '41), rushchairman.THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 357Illinois EtaUNDER the competent direction ofJohn Hofitaan, Founders' Day washeld at the Illinois Eta chapterhouse on March 31.The chapter was very fortunate tohave Executive Secretary Bob Milleras a special guest during the observances.After an excellent dinner,the alumni guests and the chapterheard an enlightening talk byBrother Miller.Following the closing of the formalmeeting, an informal get togetheroccupied the remainder of the eveningand, thereby concluded a successfulFounders' Day at IllinoisEta.—Donald Seagren, Reporter.' (See cut next page.)HOUSTON—General Coundl members met with two presidents of theHouston Alumni Club, above (Left to right) Brothers Biggers, Young,Shepman, Barnard, Brown, Worley, and Smith. Below, left, one of America'smost highly recognized teachers of music, Dr. Earl Vincent Moore,the recipient of the Fraternity's Golden Legion award, is shown with hissponsor. Brother Young at his side, listening to ElUott A. Johnson's recitalof the ritual (Right) Howard E. Young, Houston insurance executiveand devoted <strong>Phi</strong>, was obviously taken completely by surprise when he wasannounced as the recipient of the Houston "<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year" Award for1965.Indianapolis(Ind.)THE Indianapolis Alumni Club heldits annual Founders Day Banqueton March 23 in the IndianapolisAthletic Club. Seventy-five brothersattended, including undergraduaterepresentatives from Hanover, Franklin,and Butler.The featured speaker was Dr. EldonT. Smith, president of Ohio WesleyanUniversity and member of <strong>Phi</strong><strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>'s General Council whogave a stimulating address on theconditions surrounding the birth ofthe Fraternity and the applicationsot those conditions to today's scene.Brother George L. Davis of WFBMradio and TV was master of ceremoniestor the evening. Kappa ProvincePresident Tom Cartmel (Hanover'53) gave a report on Provinceaffairs to the group. The twelvebrothers from Hanover who composedthe official choral group ofthe 1964 Pasadena Convention wereon hand and provided the groupwith many old favorite <strong>Phi</strong> Deltsongs.RusseU Benson (Ohio Wesleyan'22), as the concluding feature ofthe 1965 programs, showed in apreliminary form the film which hehas been commissioned to producefor the Fraternity by the GeneralCouncil. (See cut next page.)IndianaThefa—LafayetteON SUNDAY, March 14 Indiana <strong>Theta</strong>celebrated Founders Day with a banquetat which General Council PresidentJack Shepman was the guestspeaker.Brother Shepman presented a veryentertaining and meaningful speechemphasizing that one of our greatstrengths lies in our privilege ofselection of new members. He pointedout that the greatness of * A 9 nowand in the future depends upon ourselection of good members.Many alumni from Indiana <strong>Theta</strong>and surrounding chapters were presentfor a very pleasant evening. Theday was particularly eventful forsix men who were initiated thatmorning.—Douglas A. Joyce, V.P.

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