1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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356 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965FRANKLIN—Pruicipals (left to right) at Franklin Alumni Club's FoundersDay observance are: George J. Vandivier, <strong>Phi</strong>llip A. Schmith, LeroyHeminger, Secretary of State John BottorS, Indiana <strong>Delta</strong> President RobSchafstal, Governor (of Indiana) Roger D. Branigin, and Forest Ragsdale.Adams (Michigan '40), Florida's Secretaryof State. In an excellent speechBrother Adams reminded us of thevalues which a fraternity with highIdeals and practices can have in ayoung man's experiences. He paidtribute to the contribution * A 9had made to him during his undergraduateyears and later.The banquet closed with the benedictionby Hines Boyd, Chief Justiceof the Student Honor Court.—RichardC. Fritz, Vice President.Fort Wayne (Ind.)THE Fort Wayne Alumni Club heldits annual Founders Day banquet atthe Shrine ballroom with Dale Redding(Indiana '37) and GeorgeWright (Kansas '36) serving as cochairmenof the event which wasattended by 140 <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> alumniof the area.Major General <strong>No</strong>ble Schlatter(Indiana '39), presented an interestingfilm on the National Guard.James Purkhiser (Hanover '40) conductedthe Golden Legion presentationwhich this year was made to Dr.WUUam C. Wright (Wabash '18)who is a Past Potentate ot theShrine, and to G.' Ray Lindemuth(Purdue '16), now retired from theGeneral Electric Co.President Robert L. Punsky (De­Pauw '34) and Secretary RobertHodeU (Hanover '43), the officers ofthe Fort Wayne club were responsiblefor arranging the event.—RobertL. Pnnsky, President.Forf Worfh(Texas)THE Fort Worth Alumni Club andTexas Zeta held a combined FoundersDay Dinner Monday evening.March 15 at the Cross Key FairwayHouse.The 1965 observance was said tohave been the most successful onein the history , of the club, at leastfrom the point of view of attendance.The peak of the evening was thepresentation to Harold Neely (Pennsylvania'18) of membership in theGolden Legion of ^ A 9 followingthe traditional Golden Legion ritual.Brother Neely was unswerving in hisattempts to secure the chapter forTexas Christian University and inhis aid to the new chapter after itsinstallation. The sincere expressionot brotherly love from the alumniand undergraduate brothers presentwas an unmistakable "thank you"to Harold from Texas Zeta alumniand imdergraduates. Brother Neely'sresponse to this recognition was mostsincere and impressive.<strong>Phi</strong>keia George Keenan was awardedhonors for being the outstandingpledge of the year.Alumni Secretary Ray BlackweU(Franklin '24) was the featuredspeaker of the evening and urgedthe harmonious relations of a fraternitymember to his chapter, hisgeneral fraternity, and to the Fraternitytradition.General praise was given BrotherJob L. Hammond, Jr., and his aidesfor the splendid work they did inpromoting the successful dinner.Franklin(Ind.)THE annual Founders Day banquetof the Franklin Alumni Club andIndiana <strong>Delta</strong> on March 28 featuredthe two chapter alumni who areadministering the affairs of Indiana:Governor Roger D. Branigin '23 andSecretary of State John Bottprff '60.Both gave brief talks.Among the 40 alumni present wasElba Branigin Jr. (Franklin '30),chairman of the Franklin CollegeBoard ot Trustees. President WesleyHaines of Franklin was a specialguest of honor.Two of the chapter's alumni. ForestV. Ragsdale '18 and <strong>Phi</strong>Uip A.Schmith '17 were awarded 50 yearcertificates and pins. Another eligibleGolden Legionnaire was present,Alvin B. Coons (Franklin '18) buthe was scheduled to receive hisrecognition at the Shelbyville dinner.With the assistance ot Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>President Bob Schafstal, Leroy Heminger(Franklin '36), the club presidentchaired the meeting which alsoCommemorated 105 years that * A 9has been on the Franklin Collegecampus.—Kenneth Young, Reporter.Galesburg—///. <strong>Delta</strong> ZetaAPPROXIMATELY 26 alumni and 50undergraduates of Illinois <strong>Delta</strong>-Zetaattended the annual GalesburgFounders Day dinner held March23 at the Soangetaha Country Club.The speaker of the evening wasMarcus Craft (Knox '16), one of thischapter's most recent initiates intothe Golden Legion. Among the guestswas Dean S. Trevor (Knox '26) thedirector of Athletics at Knox. Alumnipresident Jim Lillie (Knox '37) arrangedthe plans for the dinner.—Chuck Helander, Secretary.Hoiisfon(Texas)A RECORD number of <strong>Phi</strong>s and theirIjadies attended the Houston AlumniClub's observance of Founders Dayat the Houston Country Club Fridayevening, March 12. It was our pleasureto host the entire membershipof the General Council who were insession here in Houston at the time.Attending the banquet were GeneralCouncil members Jack Shepman,Stanley Brown, Elden T. Smith, HaywardS. Biggers and our own HowardE. Young; also Executive SecretaryRobert J. MiUer, Assistant SecretaryFrank E. Fawcett, and AlumniSecretary Ray BlackweU of GeneralHeadquarters.<strong>Phi</strong>Up D. Barnard (Texas '33),president of the Houston <strong>Phi</strong>s, acknowlegedreports from the followingrepresentative of undergraduatechapters present: John. Carmichael,Texas Beta; BiUy Pollard, TexasGamma; John Morrison, Texas Eta;George Franklin, Texas <strong>Delta</strong>; andalso Glenn Tinsley of <strong>Delta</strong> Rho, a<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> colony at Lamar Tech.Elliott A. Johnson (Chicago '27)

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