1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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Moines Alumni Club. He was declaredto be a "<strong>Phi</strong> of Distinction;"Newly elected officers are KennethF. Neu (Drake), president and secretary;Scott Crowley (Iowa State'40) and Howard Reppert (Iowa '40),vice-president; and John Budack(Minnesota '58), treasurer. BrotherNeu is executive vice-president andsecretary of the Iowa Savings andLoan League and has the uniquedistinction of being Honorary Counselof Belgium for Iowa and Nebraska.—AlbertP. Diehl, Reporter.East Bay—SanTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 355FranciscoIN keeping with the establishedpolicy ot alternating the hosting ofthe Founders Day observance betweenSan Francisco and East BayAlumni Clubs, the 1965 dinner washeld in the Oakland University ClubMarch 19. About 100 <strong>Phi</strong>s were inattendance, including nearly all otCaUfomia Alpha members and representativesfrom California Beta.Douglas M. <strong>Phi</strong>Uips (New Mexico'49), president of Omicron <strong>No</strong>rthProvince, gave a report on the activitiesot the Province, and representativesof the California and Stanfordgave more detailed reports oftheir chapters. Ray BlackweU (Franklin'24), Alumni Secretary, the guestspeaker, gave an inspiring talk uponthe progress of the Fraternity.In the beautiful ritualism, threebrothers were inducted into theGolden Legion of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>.They were Lawrence Clair Churchman(Whitman '15), MontgomeryWaddeU Hawks (California '18); andRobert E. Morton (Oregon '18).Officers for the San Francisco Clubwere elected, as follows: Frank Pomeroy(Kansas '49), president; J. R.McCabe (UCLA '58), vice president;and George L. Buland, Jr. (Willamette'53) secretary-treasurer.John H. Risbrough (California '54)chaired the evening's activities.—George L. Buland, Jr., Secretary.East Texas—TexasEtaTEXAS Eta ot Stephen F. AustinState College sponsored the annualFounders Day dinner for the EastTexas Alumni Club and the chapterheld Wednesday evening, March 10at the Fredonia Hotel in Nacogdoches.Brother Tom Pagel servedas master of ceremonies for the banquetwhich was attended by thewives and dates ot the members andpledges.More than 100 guests heard RayBlackweU, the Fraternity's alumnisecretary speak on the unity symbolizedby the "<strong>Delta</strong>" in * A 9.He explained that each side of theEAST TEXAS—John Meriwether (Sewanee '14) was inducted into GoldenLegion at aimnal Founders Day dinner of the East Texas Alumni Cluband Texas Eta at Nacogdoches.<strong>Delta</strong> represented an important aspectof the total fraternity programbut that the three sides must bejoined together at points of intersectionto give strength to the <strong>Delta</strong>.The highlight of the evening wasthe presentation to Brother JohnMeriwether (Sewanee '14) of hisGolden Legion certificate and lapelpin at the conclusion of the GoldenLegion ritualistic ceremony. BrotherMeriwether was one of the mostactive workers in getting Texas Eta.A lapel pin was also presented JudgeLeroy Moore (Texas-Southwestern'07) who had previously received hiscertificate.Song leader, Steve Groth led thechapter chorus and later the entiregroup in some <strong>Phi</strong> Delt songs.Under the chairmanship of AlumniClub President Jim Perkins, a briefmeeting was held at which the EastTexas Alumni Club elected JeffAustin as its incoming president;BiU Harrison, vice-president; VancePayne, reporter; C. M. BaUey, Jr.,secretary; and John Meriwether,treasurer.The president of Texas Eta, JerryBolm, reported upon the chapter'spast accomplishments and futureplans.—Vance Payne and John RogersMorrison.FloridaAlphaFLORIDA Alpha commemorated FoundersDay with a banquet on March20, featuring Florida's Secretaryof State, Tom Adams (Michigan '40)as guest speaker.Substantial participation by thealumni of the state and the undergraduatesmade this year's banquetone of the most successful in FloridaAlpha's history.Among the many alumni presentwere such outstanding Florida <strong>Phi</strong>sas Ed Triplett "43, province president;Frank Wright '26, one, ot thechapter's charter members; and sevenpast presidents, just to mention afew.The banquet began with a briefhomage to Dr. John J. Tigert, recentlydeceased, who was past presidentof the University and PPGC.Next, our sweetheart for 1965, MissLiz Morrison, <strong>Delta</strong> Gamma, waspresented by Chapter President RonMcGriS along with the members ofthe sweetheart court. Miss Sally Dullenkopt.<strong>Delta</strong> Gamma, and MissJanet Thurlow, Kappa <strong>Delta</strong>.As a first for Florida Alpha, twotrophies were awarded tor scholasticachievement. The first went to TerryMarshaU for a perfect scholasticaverage last trimester, and the otherwent to Charles Casey, All-Americanand AU-<strong>Phi</strong> end, for the most improvedscholastic average. Turningto other awards, Raymond DcCastrowas recognized as the "OutstandingBrother of the Year," and WalterBowden, initiated last month, wasnamed the "Outstanding <strong>Phi</strong>keia ot1965."The banquet ended with a captivatingspeech by Brother Adams onthe meaning of * A 9—Randy Ayres,V-P.Fla.Gamma—TallahasseeMEN ot Florida Gamma and the TallahasseeAlumni Club met togetheron March 15 at the Fountain Restaurantto celebrate the 117th anniversaryof * A 9, and to rededicatethemselves anew to the objectivesand principles of our founders.Chapter President Sherman Henderson,as toastmaster, welcomed theguests which included Mrs. CoraRodgers, the housemother and TomWright, faculty adviser.Alumni secretary BiU Hollister introducedthe guest speaker, Tom

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