1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 35ton Marines at the Interservice Chatnpionships atQuantico, ran the 400-meters in 46.5 for a newfraternity record. He had another excellent timefor 440 yards of 47.0 at the Modesto Relays.Another pair of splendid performers includeBlaine Lindgren (Utah), holder of the fraternityhigh hurdles record in 13.5, who.had a pair ofexcellent marks of 13.8, in winning the West CoastRelays & Compton Relays, plus a 13.6 at San Diego.<strong>Phi</strong>keia Jim Stevenson (Penn State), ineligible tohold a fraternity record until initiated, tossed thejavelin 253'3" to win the Penn Relays Olympic Developmentevent. This topped Bill Duckworth's tossof 252'8" in the 1960 Houston Meet of Champions.<strong>Phi</strong>keia Bob Keppel (Wash. State), ineUgible tobe a recordholder until initiated, high jumped6'10" in the NCAA Championships. This leap exceedsthe mark of 6'73/g" set in 1932 by Bert Nelsonof Butler.Iowa and Texas <strong>Phi</strong>s Are Added to GHQ StaffTo Serve As Traveling SecretariesJohn E. Diehl (Iowa '64) aiid James TunneU(SMU '64) have assumed their duties as travelingsecretaries. These two brothers, along with DevonWeaver (Hanover '63), named a year ago, will constitutethe visiting staff from General Headquartersduring the academic year 1964-1965.President of Iowa Beta during his senior year.Brother Diehl is a native of Des Moines, Iowa. Followinggraduation from Roosevelt high school ofDes Moines, John matriculated at Iowa Universitywhere he was initiated by Iowa Beta, April 12, 1961.Since his initiation he has held numerous positionsof responsibility in his chapter, includingpledge class secretary-treasurer, alumni secretary,rush chairman, Interfratemity Council representativeand the presidency. He served the Iowa InterfraternityCouncil as a member of its Greek WeekCommittee and chairman of its Pledge TrainingCommittee. John also was secretary of Iowa's StudentSenate and held other positions of leadershipon the Iowa campus.John is a third generation <strong>Phi</strong>. His father, AlbertParsons Diehl (Iowa '32) has been one of thestalwarts of the Des Moines Alumni Club and alsoserved as president of Psi Province. His grandfather,Erwin Earl Crawford (Iowa Wesleyan '99) and hisfather are prominent in Des Moines insurance andbusiness circles.A native of Tyler, Texas, where he has lived allhis life except for three years in the Marines andhis student days in Southern Methodist University,Brother Tunnell attended Texas A & M College inCollege Station, Texas, as well as Tyler JuniorCollege before enlisting in the Marine Corps. Heserved for three years as a supply administrativeclerk at Camp Pendleton in California and at thecompletion of his tour in May, 1961 he was aCorporal.Upon being discharged from the Marines, Jimreturned to Tyler Junior College and graduatedfrom that institution in 1962. He then enteredSouthern Methodist where he was initiated byTexas <strong>Delta</strong> on March 24, 1963. During the Springsemester of the 1963-64 academic year, Jim servedas president of Texas <strong>Delta</strong>.Both brothers come highly recommended byprominent <strong>Phi</strong>s in their respective areas.Brother Weaver has completed one year of histwo-year appointment and will continue his dutiesas traveling secretary during the current year.TRAVELING SECRETARIES—Devon Weaver, Hanover '62, at left, a veteran of one year's service; John Diehl,Iowa '64 (center), and James TimneU, SMU '64, both of whom were added to staff this summer.

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