1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 353COLUMBIA—(Left) Survey Commission Member Wade Weatherford addresses alumni and South CaroUna Betamembers. (Right) The chapter sweetheart, Margaret Webb receives a bouquet from Sam Ross as PhUUp Smoak,Jr., looks on during dance intermission.Legion with music furnished by theCeltics. Chapter President <strong>Phi</strong>UipSmoak, Jr., presided at intermissionactivities at which time flowers werepresented the chapter sweetheart.The banquet and party served tocommemorate both the founding of$ A 9 and the restoration a year agoof South Carolina Beta.—John Huntley,V-P.Coforado Alpha-BoulderCOLORADO Alpha sponsored its annualFounders Day dinner March 15with an attendance of 23 alumniand a good representation from thechapter. A social hour preceded thedinner at which an address wasgiven by Leo EU, a Missouri Alphaalumnus. His speech, "The Growthof the Fraternity System," heldmany encouraging ideas concerningthe future of fraternities. Followingthe dinner there was a brief meetingof the alumni for the election ofofficers.Among those who helped make theaffair successful were: James Junge(Nebraska '59), president of theBoulder Alumni Club; Stan Black(Colorado '51), president of theHouse Corporation; Dick Barker(Colorado '50), the Corporation's secretary;BiU Giltner (Colorado '50),treasurer of the Corporation; DavePotts (Colorado '60), chapter adviser;and Colorado Alpha President GeorgeKoutsoubos.—Michael Stasica, V-P.Dallas (Texas)FOUNDERS Day 1965 was held by theDallas Alumni Club at the MarriottDALLAS—Principal speaker at theFounders Day observance in DaUas—Judge Greenhill, Associate Justice,Supreme Court of Texas.Motor Hotel. Judge Joe GreenhUl(Texas '36), Associate Justice of theSupreme Court of Texas, was theprincipal speaker. His appearanceand remarks made the evening amemorable one for all in attendance.Chapter reports were given byundergraduate representatives of theseven chapters in Texas. Our newestchapter, Texas <strong>Theta</strong> at WestTexas State, was represented by twoundergraduates who traveled severalhundred miles to be present.Quincy Adams (SMU '49), presidentof the Alumni Club for 1964-65, presided at the meeting. The followingofficers were elected: JohnStephens (Sewanee '44), president;Ray Gressett (Texas Tech '59), 1stvice president; Ken Billings (Stanford'57), 2nd vice president; TomLuce (SMU), secretary-treasurer;Bryan Ingram (TCU), warden; andGlen Turner, Jr. (Texas '60), parliamentarian.The brothers present stood for oneminute of silence in memory ofBrother Jim TunneU (SMU '64) whowas killed January 12, 1965 whileserving as field secretary.Appreciation was voiced for theoutstanding job performed by JackKnox (SMU '61) as club secretaryfor the past year.—Quincy Adams,President.DALLAS-An impressive speakers' table lineup faced Dallas alumni and undergraduates from the seven Texaschapters in attendance at successful Founders Day dinner March 18.

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