1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 351Brovrard County(Fla.)THE evening of March 18 found 84loyal <strong>Phi</strong>s and their wives, representing26 chapters, gathered at the newSheraton Hotel in Fort Lauderdale,to celebrate 117th anniversary of theFraternity.The evening began with a "HappyHour." Many tales of olden timeswere heard along with news of manybrothers now tar away. Pres. MarvinMeacham (Missouri '45) opened ourdinner meeting. Dr. Clem Bininger,PPGC, gave the invocation.DeU Savage (Ohio Wesleyan '30)acted as toastmaster. Our distinguishedspeaker of the evening, FrankS. Wright (Florida '26), a chartermember of Florida Alpha, and pastmember of the General Council,spoke of the meaning of college fraternitiesand their contribution tothe life of this nation. He discussedthe problem of "legacies" and whilethere may be no answer to this, theleconimendations of the alumni clubsshould not be overlooked.Plainly pointed out by the speakerwas the need for purposeful living,beyond personal conviviality, and theneed to get along with people better.Brother Wright sees tor all <strong>Phi</strong>s,a new and challenging purpose tomake a greater contribution to the* A 9 way of Ufe through a closermeeting between alumni and undergraduates.Following this, the always beautifuland solemn ceremony of theLighting ot the Candles, in memoryot our Founders, was held. Onecandidate this year, Scott Fischley,Ohio Eta, initiated February 6, 1915,was inducted into the Golden Legion.He was presented his fifty year pinby BiU Zeiher (Florida '51). Themeeting closed with the election ofour officers and Board tor the comingyear.—Ehner W. Smith, Reporter.BIRMINGHAM—Participants (left to right) in March 24 dinner: FrankFagan, Malcolm Smith, John Forney (speaker), Jim Vance, and Jack S.Allison.Chicago—IllinoisBetaTHE names of * A 9's founders echoedreverently through the halls of theUniversity of Chicago's Center forContinuing Education on April 1 asfive brothers were inducted into theGolden Legion as a feature of theannual Founders Day observance ofboth the Chicago Alumni Club andIllinois Beta.The 1965 observance was a jointcelebration of the Fraternity's traditionalFounders Day and also otthe Centennial of Illinois Beta,founded at the University of Chicagoon October 12, 1865.The program was kept simple andinformal. The annual chapter singingcontest was won by Illinois Betafor the third consecutive year andwill now remain as a permanentpossession ot the Chicago chapter.There was also group singing of thefamiliar <strong>Phi</strong> Delt songs.As a part of its Centennial program,Illinois Beta had its traditionalBlackfriars Theater Party onApril 23. The famed University ofChicago Interfratemity Sing will beheld on June 12 and aU aliunni ofIllinois Beta are urged to return forthis gala event.—L. Michael Fult^V-P.Cincinnati(Ohio)THE Oak room of the CindiuatiClub was the scene ot the annualCincinnati Founders Day banquetMarch 10 which was a very specialoccasion for the men ot Ohio <strong>Theta</strong>and the Cincinnati Club. It gavethem an opportunity to congratulateJack Shepman (Cinciimati '47) uponhis recent election as president ofthe General Council.To help make this occasion morefestive an honor guest and principalspeaker was the immediate past presidentOf the General Council, JudgeSam <strong>Phi</strong>Uips McKenzie (Georgia '45).ot Atlanta, Georgia. Both JudgeMcKenzie and President ShepmanBROWARD COUNTY—(Left) Participating in the Golden L^on Ritual at Ft. Lauderdale dinner: Brothers RueU,Edwards, Roberts, Casteel, Bratzel, and Gardner. (Right) BUI Zeiher hands certificate to Scott Fischley as Tom Byrdprepares to place the Golden Legion pin in his lapel.

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