1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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350 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965AKRON Club conferred GoldenLegion honors upon Brothers Burnham,Emde, and McQueen (left toright.)AlbertaAlpha—EdmontonTHE week-end of March 5-7 wasFounders Day week-end for AlbertaAlpha with the annual banquet anddance held Friday evening at theMacDonald Hotel. Following a socialhour and dinner in the hotel's ballroom,the brothers, <strong>Phi</strong>keias andtheir lady guests enjoyed hearingLarry Achtem offering a toast to theladies and Dune Cameron deliveringthe year-end review.On the following night, the 35thannual Founders Day banquet andstag was held also at the MacDonaldHotel. John Hart (Alberta '32), assistantattorney-general was toastmasterat the stag which was heldin honor of the late Dr. A. H.Macleiman Of the class of '32. Inrecognition of his outstanding qualitiesand activities, and in behalf of$ A 6, an annual scholarship awardbearing his name has been established.The first recipient of theaward was John Stamm who alsowon the chapter's "<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year"acclaim.A distinct feature of the AlbertaFounders season is a Sunday afternoontea at which many city anduniversity dignitaries are present,along with the alumni, the parentsand relatives of the undergraduate<strong>Phi</strong>s and pledges.Among the <strong>Phi</strong>s who shared basicresponsibility for the events wereBill CampbeU and Bill Parlee.—JohnM. Hope, V-P.Athens—OhioGammaONE hundred and twenty membersot * A 6, 38 of them alumni, attendedthe organization's 117thFounders Day banquet April 10 atthe Athens Country Club.They heard an address by JimmyCrum (Ohio '32), sports telecasterfor WLW-C, Columbus, Ohio;awarded Golden _ Legion membershipcertificates to Leighton E. AwniUer(Ohio '18) of Columbus and FrankLeRoy (Ohio '17) of Stoutsville,Ohio; heard a report from the presidentot the chapter, James Povec;and saw James Burt receive the ringwhich goes each year to the outstandingjunior.The annual business meeting following the banquet resulted in theelection of A. E. Dink MiUer aspresident; Gerald Evans, vice president;and Ralph Clark as secretarytreasurer.Seven trustees were re^elected. Kenneth P. Jones (Ohio U"34), outgoing president of the club,presided at the banquet for whichR. Kenneth Kerr (Ohio '46) • wastoastmaster. Charles W. Reamer(Ohio '46) conducted the GoldenLegion ceremony and Brian Trainorpresented the ring award.Among those present were GoldenLegioimaires . Charles G. O'Bleness'98 Blaine R. Goldsberry '15, C. Don!McVay 'IS, Harry Beckley '12, JohnPrice '16, Byron A. Wolfe '16 andA. E. MiUer '16, all of Ohio Gamma.—Charles W. Reamer, Reporter.Atlanta(Ga.)THE Atlanta Alumni Club held itsannual Founders Day Dinner-Danceat Cherokee Country Club on April2. Almost 200 guests were presentto receive Paul Jones (Ga. Tech '52),the new president of Epsilon Province.In keeping with the tradition ofthe club, the Ward Wight Trophywas presented to the chapter inGeorgia with the highest scholasticaverage and the Frank Carter Trophywas presented to the best allroundchapter in the state. Georgia<strong>Delta</strong> won both awards.President Gordon MaUory (Emory'53) introduced President-elect BrannonB. Lesesne, Jr., who introducedW. Stell Huie as vice-president, MorrisEwing as secretary, and JosephSpence as treasurer.President Mallory presented JohnB. Jackson (Ga. Tech '45) with asilver bowl in appreciation of hisassistance during his four years asprovince president.Frank A. Holden, Sr. (Georgia'14) presented Golden Legion awardsto Richard Bowden (Georgia '18),James M. Smyth (Westminster '18),John P. Stewart , (Georgia '17),Charles Duncan (Mercer '18) andJoseph Walker (Ga. Tech '18).The highlight of the evening waswhen Congressman Howard "Bo"CaUaway (Ga. Tech '48) spoke to'those present on what * A 9 meantto him and also on the experiencesof a freshman Congressman in theNation's Capital.Serving as chairman of the 1965event was Joseph Spence.^Morris M.Ewing, Secretary.Beaumont(Texas)THE Beaumont Alumni Club held itsannual Founders Day dinner at theRidgewood Motel on March 11.Included in the list of those attendingwere some fifteen membersof <strong>Delta</strong> Rho, the * A 9 Colony atLamar Tech in Beaumont. The BeaumontAlumni Club is enthusiasticallybacking <strong>Delta</strong> Rho for a chapterat an early date. The institution wasincluded among those colleges anduniversities in which the GeneralConvention in Pasadena authorizedthe General Council to establishchapters when the petitioning groupsmet satisfactory standards. <strong>Delta</strong> Rhonow has 19 actives and 6 pledges.It ranked first among all the LamarTech fraternities in scholarship.Alumni Secretary R. E. BlackweUfrom General Headquarters wasguest speaker.—Robert S. Stimits,Secretary.Birmingham(Ala.)THE Birmingham Alumni Club heldits Founders Day banquet onWednesday evening, March 24, atthe Birmingham Country Club underthe direction of HUton Locke (Alabama'57), organizer. Approximately73 alumni and undergraduates heardJohn Forney (Alabama '47), prominentadvertising executive who wasthe principal speaker give an entertainingtalk on "What the FutureHas to Offer."Chapter reports were given byrepresentatives of Alabama Alphaand Alabama Beta at the request ofJim Vance (Auburn '36), alumniclub president.Alumni club officers for the pastyear in addition to Brother Vancewere: Jack S. AUison,L vice-president;Jack Benton, secretary, and SteveWiUiams, treasurer.Officers for the Birmingham Clubin 1965 are: Jack S. AUison, president;Cory G. Jackson, vice-president;Steve WiUiams, secretary, and BiUWilliams, treasurer.The Birmingham Club has scheduleda joint rush party with AlabamaAlpha and Alabama Beta in themonth of May.—Cory G. Jackson,V-P.

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