1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THOUSANDS OF PHIS RENEW VOWSReminding the Tulsa <strong>Phi</strong>s of the three principlesenunciated by our founders; the cultivationof friendship; the acquirement individuallyof a high degree of mental culture; and theattainment of a high standard of morality, thedinner speaker declared these objectives are thefundamental law of the Fraternity."In his initiation vows, every <strong>Phi</strong> pledgeshimself to uphold the Bond of * A 9. That samepledge has been taken by every person initiatedsince the organization of the Fraternity."So far as is known by the literature of thevarious fraternities, no other fraternity has aninstrument which embodies its prindples andfundamental laws, which has been unalteredsince it was founded and which is unalterable.How lucky we were to become <strong>Phi</strong>s," the oil(Continued from page 314)executive told Tulsa undergraduate and alumni<strong>Phi</strong>s.<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>'s three Governors, RogerBranigin (Franklin '23) of Indiana, Warren E.Hearnes (Missouri '43) of Missouri, and HulettC. Smith (Pennsylvania '38) of West Virginia,each participated in at least one Founders Daydinner as did many of the Fraternity's eighteenCongressmen.At the Houston (Texas) dinner, every memberof * A 0's General Council and permanentGeneral Headquarters staflE was in attendance.This was made possible by the scheduling ofthe Houston banquet during the period of aGeneral Council meeting in Houston.Brief reports and pictures of 74 FoundersDay dinners follow:AkroniOhio)Tim Akron Alumni Club and OhioEpsilon celebrated Founders Day atthe Akron University Club March19. The event also marked the 90thanniversary of the establishment ofOhio Epsilon at Akron University.Following a social hour, the invocationwas given by Dick Wright. JoeThomas (Akron '15), secretary, generalcouiuel and director of FirestoneTire and Rubber Co., acted as toastmaster.The chapter chorus, augmentedby former chorus membersand directed by Shelby Davis (AkronThe Alumni Clubs Report'48) sang a group of <strong>Phi</strong> Delt songs.Jack Shepman, PGC, gave a veryinspirational talk to the 152 alumniand undergraduate members thatoverflowed the main ballroom.Brother Shepman also presidedover an impressive Golden Legionceremony at which Luren A. Mc­Queen (Wisconsin '16), Jack Emde(Ohio '18), and Maxwell Bnmham(Denison '14) were inducted. Eachot the new Golden Legionnairesmade brief remarks. Four otherGolden Legionnaires were guests ofthe club: Clay Hoosel (Ohio '12),Wright Bronson (Cornell '12), WilliamE. Harris (Ohio Wesleyan '15)and Fritz Page (Ohio Wesleyan '16).Roger Hagstnun, president of OhioEpsilon, reported on the activitiesof the chapter for the past year,mentioning that it was again numberone in scholarship at Akron.Ohio Kappa and Michigan <strong>Delta</strong>chapter also were represented.More <strong>Phi</strong> Delt songs closed theevent.(See cat next page.)AKRON—More than 150 <strong>Phi</strong>s heard President Jack Shepman at combined Founders Day observanceand celebration of 90th anmversary of Ohio EpsUon.[349]

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