1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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346 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965BROTHERS SUMMERS and CROSSager of the Cal-Farm Insurance Companies.In addition to his Hanover years. Brother Summersis a graduate of Purdue University's Life InsuranceMarketing Institute, as well as the Life InsuranceAgency Management Association's schools.In addition to his steady progress in the insurancefield. Brother Summers has made an enviablecareer in aviation. He flew as a transport pilot inAlaska and the Aleutian Islands during WorldWar II; and later was active in the Berlin Airliftin Japan and Korea. He was also a pilot for AdmiralByrd on one of his Antarctic Expeditions.Richard BlackweU (Franklin '42) is assistant secretaryof Cal-Farm Insurance Companies.John J. Cross Jr. (Kentucky '53) has been electedvice-president in the Operations Department ofthe Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Co., Louisville,Ky. Since joining the bank in October, 1961,he has been directly responsible for the bank'sconversion to electronic automated bookkeepingand the establishment of the bank's Data Center.Previously, Brother Cross was with InternationalBusiness Machines as bank sales representative." * •Pierre J. "Mr. Pete" Becker (Ohio State '16) washonored at a reception in Baton Rouge on the,occasion of the announcement of his retirementas executive director of the Louisiana State Employees'Retirement System. Brother Becker hasserved as head of the system since 1947 and hascompleted 33 years of state service.• * •Maupin M. Pence (Virginia '43) resigned, effectiveApril 1, as Albemarle (Va.) county executive becauseof illness. He was appointed to the post in1953 and will still serve as a consultant to thecounty. Brother Pence has long been identifiedwith Virginia Beta and has now been named AdviserEmeritus after serving as chapter adviser forthe past 22 years.* * *A man active in church, politics, communitywelfare and his profession was chosen to receivethe Akron (Ohio) Junior Chamber of Cotnmerce'sDistinguished Service Award for 1964. He is HermanC. Rockefeller (Akron '51). After serving inthe Korean conflict. Brother Rockefeller returnedto Akron and founded the Akron Cake and CandyCo. He serves on the board of the MethodistChurch, is chairman of the board of the YoungRepublicans, and has been active in various communityservice groups as well as his own professionalgroups.* * *Harry C. Webb (Texas '28), president of thePan American Sulphur Co., Houston, Tex., wasgiven a resolution of appreciation from PASCOChairman Marlin E. Sandlin at a dinner in Rotterdam,Holland, honoring Brother Webb for hiscontributions to the world-wide sulphur industryduring the past 35 years. During a christeningceremony at a Rotterdam shipyard, the 20,000-ton Harry E. Webb liquid sulphur tanker wasnamed for the PASCO president.Sidney Butterfield (Wabash '20), president ofSmith & Butterfield Office Equipment firm inEvansville, Ind., has been named "Office EquipmentDealer of the Year" for 1964 by Office ApplianceMagazine.Selection of Brother Butterfield was based uponan illustrious record of achievement "for the developmentand leadership of a business that reflectscredit oh the office equipment and supplyindustry; for outstanding contributions to the progressand growth of the industry through participationin industry association activities; and fordevoted service' to his native city, Evansville, Ind.,through its civic, charitable, and cultural organizations."The award was made at a recent luncheon ofthe Evansville Rotary Club.* • •D. David Smith (Franklin-Indiana '50) has beenappointed executive vice-president of the GreaterStockton (Calif.) Chamber of Commerce, followingfour and one-half years as manager of the Woodland(Calif.) Chamber of Commerce preceded byabout four and a half years with the San Leandro(Calif.) Chamber of Commerce. At present. BrotherSmith is president of the Superior California Chamberof Commerce Executives, a professional associationin the upper Sacramento Valley. He is alsoa member of the board of directors of the CaliforniaAssociation of Chamber of Commerce Executivesand the Central and <strong>No</strong>rthern CaliforniaChamt)er of Commerce Executives.Rosser Long (Purdue '29) of Fayetteville, W.Va.,was recently awarded a Silver Beaver Award bythe Buckskin Council of the Boy Scouts of Americafor his outstanding leadership in scouting, "ThisScouter has held most responsible positions in hisChurch and Community," the award declared andadded: "His influence and support has enabledScouting to be maintained over many years in his

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