1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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338 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965<strong>Phi</strong> Air Force Veteran OfficerRetires After 26 Years' Serviceand served as Senior Logistics Advisor to theRepublic of Korea Army until July, 1959, whenhe was put in charge of of the Corps of EngineersCivil Works operation, with direct supervisionof flood control, navigation, hydroelectricalpower, and other water resource developmentthroughout the United States.General Cassidy is a hi-fi fan and enjoysbuilding and working on hi-fi equipment, includingwoodworking to house the components.To keep in condition, he plays golf, hunts, anddoes a great deal of walking. In the past, he hasbeen an active participant in mountain climbingand skiing, and he and his family devote asmuch time as possible to sharing outdoor interests.Three <strong>Phi</strong> Generationsin Russell FamilyCol. WILLIAM J. JOWDY, Oregon State '36 (left), retiredfrom the Air Force, March 31, after 26 years ofservice. He is shown with Col. CONVERSE B. KELLY,Duke '40, viewing the Certificate of Retirement whichColonel Jowdy received. Brother Jowdy was InspectorGeneral, 5th Air Force Reserve Region, Selfridge AirForce Base, Mich., before his retirement. Brother Kellyis the Commander of 1st Fighter Wing, (ADC), atSelfridge.ment to the U.S. Military Academy, from whichhe graduated in 1931. He went on to postgraduate schooling at the State University ofIowa, earning his MS degree in Civil Engineeringin 1934. It was while at Iowa that he becamea member of Iowa Beta of * A e.During World War II General Cassidy commandedengineer troops specializing in the constructionof airfields in Sicily, Italy, and Africa.For this work he was awarded the Legion ofMerit.After three years of flood control work in theLower Mississippi Valley, he was ordered toJapan at the outbreak of the Korean conflict,wherehe served as engineer supply officer, earningan Oak Leaf Cluster to his Legion ofMerit.From 1954 to 1958, Brother Cassidy wasDivision Engineer of the South Pacific Divisionof the Corps of Engineers. Here he was responsiblefor construction of major missile installationsand air bases, as well as dams, levees,and other navigation and flood control work inCalifornia, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and Hawaii.He returned to the Far East in July 1958In March, John T. Russell (Knox '37), at left inpicture below, had the pleasure of placing the badgeon his son, Henry, when the latter was initiatedinto Kansas Alpha chapter. Unable to be presentfor the ceremony was the senior member of the trio,Edwin T. Russell (Tulane '10), who is nearing hissixtieth year as a member of the Fraternity. Thepicture was taken when Henry, of the class of 1968,was at the family home in Galesburg, 111., forspring vacation. He is taking a pre-med course.The elder Russell is iiow retired, and John ispresident of the Simpson-Powelson Lumber Companyin Galesburg.PHI TRIO (left to right): John T. Russell, initiatedinto Illinois <strong>Delta</strong>-Zeta in 1934; his son, Henry, a brandnew initiate of Kansas Alpha, and Grandfather Edwin T.RusseU, who became a <strong>Phi</strong> in Louisiana Alpha in 1906.

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