1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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PHIS OF ACHIEVEMENTIn Winning Distinguished Honors for Themselves, OurBrothers Bring Glory and Credit to fhe FraternityBurgess Named Head ofYoung Presidents GroupAt the 15th annual meeting held in SanJuan, Puerto Rico, in April, William H. Burgess(Minnesota '39), president of ElectronicSpecialty Co., Los Angeles, California, waselected international president of the YoungPresidents' Organization. YPO is a group of2,000 young, successful chief executives from45 states in the United States, Canada, LatinAmerica, Europe and Asia, who have becomepresidents of sizeable companies before reachingthe age of 40. Prior to attaining the highestelective office in YPO, Brother Burgess servedthe organization as a director, executive committeechairman, first vice-president; secretaryand chapter chairman. In the fifteen years sinceWilliam Burgess acquired ownership and becamepresident and chairman of the board ofElectronic Specialty Co. internal growth at arate of 30% annually has been supplemented by,the acquisition of 25 related companies. Burgesshas guided the company's growth from oneproduct to a diversified corporation with total1964 sales of $80 million, which ranks thecompany in the upper 2% of electronic manufacturingconcerns in the United States.Texas <strong>Phi</strong> Lawyer-Legislator NamedAssistant Deputy Attorney GeneralBarefoot Sanders (Texas '46) is now servinghis nation as Assistant Deputy Attorney General.According to Attorney General Nicholas deB.Katzenbach, Brother Sanders is serving as anaide to the Deputy Attorney General, dealingwith legislation and other Congressional matters.He also has general supervision over thework of the 92 United States Attorneys officesof the nation.Prior to assuming his new responsibilities inWashington, Brother Sanders was the UnitedStates Attorney in Dallas. He was appointed tothis post by the late President Kennedy inJune, 1961.A native of Dallas, having just turned 40, thenew Assistant Deputy Attorney General bearshis grandmother's maiden name which is ofAnglo-Saxon origin. Educated in the Dallaspublic schools, he attended the University ofTexas in 1942-1943 where he was initiatedinto Texas Beta Feb. 14, 1943. He interruptedhis university career for service in the armedservices as an officer in the Navy on destroyersand destroyer escorts.WILLIAM H. BURGESS, Minnesota ': BAREFOOT SANDERS, Texas '46[336]

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