1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 335NEW TROPHY CASE (left) WAS ALMOST BIG ENOUGH . . . BUT NOT QUITElcome tax payments. Simply follow this procedurefor all donations intended for Ohio Eta of*Ae:1. Make checks payable to Case Institute ofTechnology.2. Send the check to the Case Developmentoffice with a note which reads as follows:This gift of $ is made to Case Instituteof Technology in connection withthe <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> Fraternity pledge, tobe used by Case in its student housingprogram.Yes, the brothers of Ohio Eta are especiallyproud of their new house. They would like toshare this pride with you. Any undergraduate,alumnus, or pledge is cordially invited to dropin whenever he may be in the Cleveland area.This invitation is especially extended to allalumni of Ohio Eta. We think you will be bothsurprised and delighted.In Afhens the <strong>Phi</strong>s Have It!(Continued from page 332)commodating the rising populations of thosecountries.Director of Hudson Health Center, the University'smedical facility for its 12,000 students,is Dr. Everett D. Mattmiller (Indiana'47).The athletic staff includes three head coaches,William R. Hess (Ohio '44), football; RobertM. Wren (Ohio '43), baseball, and Stanley H.Huntsman (Wabash '54), track. Hess has producedtwo Mid-American Conference championshipteams in his seven years at the Bobcathelm and was named Ohio Coach of the Yearin 1960. Wren, since becoming baseball mentorin 1949, has coached his teams to six Mid­American crowns, produced seven AU-Americans,and has seen 32 of his athletes signprofessional contracts. He is also assistant athleticdirector. Huntsman, who won football andtrack honors as an undergraduate at Wabash,has made his track teams strong Mid-Americancontenders and has coached several All-Americanand Olympic runners. The coaching staffalso includes Dave Wagner (Ohio '61), whoquarterbacked Brother Hess's 1960 team andis now coach of freshman football and baseball.Many of the University's alumni clubs havealso learned to look to * A 9 for leadership.When Don Shafer (Ohio '37) completed recentlytwo years as president of the Pittsburgh (Pa.)club he was promptly succeeded by—you guessedit—another <strong>Phi</strong>, Jack Brownlee (Ohio '45).Names of other <strong>Phi</strong>s appear on the University'sroster of staff and faculty as well as onnameplates of many Athens business, professional,and judicial establishments.<strong>No</strong>, sir, you can't turn a wheel in Athenswithout encountering a <strong>Phi</strong> Delt.Contributions to The <strong>Scroll</strong>Effective at once, the hundreds of alumni who contribute items to THE SCROLL are urged to sendmaterials direct to the Assistant Editor, Ray E. Blackwell, 2 S. Campus Ave., Oxford, Ohio. Newsdeadlines are as follows: September (July 15), <strong>No</strong>vember (October 10), January (December 10),March (February 10), May (April 10).—H.S.B.

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