1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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IN ATHENSTHE PHISHAVE IT!By Charles W. ReamerOhio '33SOME 350 men and womengathered recently to honor aman whose gift of $750,000, largestgift in Athens' (Ohio) history,opened the way for fulfillment ofa community need—a new hospital.News photographers on handto record the January 25 event,trained their lenses on the honoredman and five others playingprincipal roles in that night'sevent.The finished print looked like something outof THE SCROLL—all six of the men were <strong>Phi</strong>Deltsl And all but one was an Ohio Gammaalumnus.It bore out something that an Ohio Universityadministration official said some time earlier,"You can't turn a wheel in this town withoutencountering a <strong>Phi</strong> Delt. They've really made abeliever out of me."The man honored that night of January 25was Charles G. O'Bleness (Ohio '98), a retiredbanker who had already contributed a half milliondollars to the University.Brother O'Bleness, whose portrait hangs overthe fireplace in the main lounge of OhioGamma's new chapter house, was also the largestdonor in an alumni drive to finance buildingof the house.Presenting thanks at the January 25 dinnerfor the hospital gift was Dr. Blaine R. Goldsberry(Ohio '15), chief of staff at ShelteringArms Hospital.It was reminiscent of a similar scene last October17 when Brother Goldsberry acknowledgedBrother O'Bleness' fraternity house donationat Ohio Gamma's dedication banquet.IN ATHENS six <strong>Phi</strong>s were principals at a dvic diimer honoring one ofthe group for a $750,000 g^ft toward a new hospital. Man of the hour wasCharles G. O'Bleness, Ohio '98 (seated left). Participating in the programhonoring Brother O'Bleness (seated) Ohio University President Vernon R.Alden, Brown '46, and Dr. Blaine R. Goldsberry, Ohio '15, and (standing),fred H. Johnson, Ohio '22, University trustee; Dwight H. Rutherford,Ohio '26, president of the hospital foundation; and Martin L. Hecht,Ohio '42, foundation member and master of ceremonies at the dinner.[331]Presiding at the dinner at which the hospitalgift was announced was Dwight H. Rutherford(Ohio '26), president of the Sheltering ArmsHospital Foundation.The Foundation has administered the hospitalsince it passed into community handsfrom the estate of the former owner, the lateDr. T. H. Morgan (Ohio '22), according tothe terms of his will.Calling the hospital gift "an everlasting monumentto Charles O'Bleness" was Dr. VernonR. Alden (Brown '46), President of Ohio University.President Alden's administrative assistant,Martin L. Hecht (Ohio '42), was master of ceremoniesat the after-dinner program.On hand also was Fred H. Johnson (Ohio'22) of the University's board of trustees, whohas suggested establishment of an Ohio U.nursing school near the proposed new hospital.<strong>No</strong> question about it; it was a <strong>Phi</strong> Deltnight. But as the fellow mentioned earlier said,the town seems to be dominated by <strong>Phi</strong> Delts.From its top official on down, the Universityexudes a Sword and Shield influence.The administration of Brother Alden has

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