1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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324 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965STARS OF THE FUTURESophomores and <strong>Phi</strong>keiasFORWARDS: Rod Franz, Kansas, 6'7"; GaryBirchler, Puget Sound, 6'5" (12.0 av.); RogerBeck, Ripon, 6'2" (16.3 av.); Jay McMiUen, Maryland(20.6 av.); Joe Harrington, Maryland (10.6av.); Don Woodworth, Whitman, 6'6" (five gamesover 20 pts.); Paul Presthus, Minnesota, 6'6"; RichMcElheney, Centre, 6'1" (10.5 av.); Jamie Thompson,Wichita, 6'3" (18 pts. in NCAA regionalsand 36 pts. in NCAA Finals).CENTERS: Rich Wise, Maryland, 6'6"; TomWard, Sewanee, 6'6"; Bill DruckmlUer, Denison,6'8".GUARDS: Bill Bauers, Colorado, 6'5"; JimCummins, <strong>No</strong>rthwestern, 6'3"; Jim Hoyer, Hanover,6'1"; Wesley Martins, Minnesota, 6'11";Tom Seiple, Bowling Green, 6'1"; Don Gustafson,Puget Sound, 6'4"; Jim Goode, Ohio Wesleyan,6'2"; Bobby Lovell, Florida State, 6'1"; MikeGammon, Texas, 6'2" (nine goals in NCAA playoSs).Tech's leading scorer with a 21.5 average. Heset the Red Raiders' all time scoring mark forone game this year when he scored 42 pointson 17 goals and 8 free throws in a victoryover the <strong>Phi</strong>llips Oilers.In summarizing the 1964-65 Fraternity basketballplay, it is interesting to note two facts.First, the decisiveness of the Board in its selectionsshould be cited. The first team was clearcut with 25 to 23 ballot points; the secondteam was the same with 17 to 11 points, withonly Bob Camp a serious challenge for the firstteam honors. The third team was a decisive selectionwith 8 to 6 ballot points. Second fact isthat the * A 0 cage future looks extremelybright, with such <strong>Phi</strong>keia performers as Jay Mc-Millen of Maryland with a 20.6 average; MikeGannon of Texas who looked great with 9goals in the NCAA play-off against SMU; JamieThompson of Wichita who hit 18 points inthe NCAA Regionals and 36 points in theNCAA finals, plus Joe Harrington and RichWise of Maryland, Don Woodworth of Whitman,and Roger Beck of Ripon.Members of the AU-<strong>Phi</strong> Basketball Boardwho selected the teams this year are: BudBrowning (Oklahoma '35), former coach of<strong>Phi</strong>llips Oilers 1963 AAU champions and ofthe 1948 American Olympic basketball team(17 years); Wilbur Johns (UCLA '25 ), formerUclan basketball coach and director of athleticsof UCLA (17 years); A. T. (Slats) Gill (OregonState 1:24), former basketball coach at OregonState, now director of athletics (6 years);Harold Anderson (Bowling Green-Fac), basketballcoach at Bowling Green and, with Gill, aformer president of NCAA Basketball Coaches;and Dr. John Davis, Jr. (Washburn '38), for22 years the SCROLL'S sports authority (17years).Little All-<strong>Phi</strong> SquadThe 1964-65 Little Allr<strong>Phi</strong> basketball teamis headed by the only eager in Fraternity historyto be chosen for four consecutive years. Werefer to Barry Clemens of Ohio Wesleyanwhose great career is summarized above as athird team All-<strong>Phi</strong>_ choice.Completing the group of Little All-<strong>Phi</strong> centersare two standouts: sophomore Tom Wardof Sewanee and junior George Barber of Denison.Ward, a 6' 6" unscholarshipped playercarried a 15.9 scoring average and academicallyhas a 3.65 on a 4-point system. He scored22 points and grabbed 13 rebounds to topboth teams in a 71-84 loss to Georgia Tech;he paced his team to a pair of victories overdie Miss with 22 points and 12 rebounds ina 74-62 win, and he netted 12 points and 13rebounds in a low scoring 46-44 win over OleMiss. Barber, a 6' 8" junior, carries flashy credentialswith a 12.0 scoring average and a13.8 rebound mark. He had nine games inwhich he scored over 15 points, topped by 31against DePauw. He had five contests in whichhe grabbed more than 20 rebounds, topped by30 against DePauw, plus 23 each in the Baldwin-Wallace,Heidelberg, and Oberlin games.The six honorary forwards have three repeatselections in Dave Snow, Whitman senior; DaveKristoff, Lafayette senior, and Morgan Everson,DePauw junior. Snow, a three-tirtie All-<strong>No</strong>rthwestConference selection, is the all-time leadingscorer in Whitman history with 1,368points. The Whitman captain carried a 22.3scoring average. Everson carried a 17.8 mark;he was the second ranking rebounder in theconference and his peak games included 27and 26 points in victories over Valparaiso andWabash.The three newly named forwards come fromeach of three classes. Bruce Christmann, IowaWesleyan 6' 6" senior, grabbed 375 reboundsin 27 games and added 306 points for an 11.3average. Bob Reeves, 6' 0" Mercer junior, hada 19.3 average to edge teammate Tommie Wilcox,a selection last year. Gary Birchler, 6' 5"Puget Sound sophomore, carried a 12.0 scoringaverage, topped by 25 points and 20 reboundsin the British Columbia contest.The six Little All-<strong>Phi</strong> guards are all seniors.A trio of repeat selections are Jim Cahoon ofRipon, All-Midwest Conference choice, who

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