1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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18 in a 70-67 tournament win over William &Mary.Roberts carried a 9.2 scoring mark in Big 8play. His better performances included 8 goakand 2 free throws in a victory over Loyola and17 points in a 76-72 win over Iowa State.The third team is loaded with talent. A pairof small college seniors with terrific offensivemarks pace the team. They are Barry Clemens,Ohio Wesleyan's 6' 7" four-time Little All-<strong>Phi</strong>selection, and Jim Cahoon, Ripon's All-MidwestConference choice.Clemens has one of the flashiest set of credentialsin Fraternity, history as he has been indouble figures in 80 of 90 college games. Hescored more than 20 points in 46 games in hiscareer and pulled down an average of ten reboundsin 70 of his 90 collegiate games. Hispeak performance this year was 41 pointsagainst Baldwin-Wallace, and in a losing contestwith Akron he poured in 36 counters.Cahoon had a 21.6 scoring average andgraduates the second high scorer in Ripon history.His better games this year included 29points against Monmouth and St. <strong>No</strong>rbert; 28against Coe; 27 against Grinnell, and 25against Cornell of Iowa.A trio of juniors complete the third team.They are Mike Frink, 6' 7" of Colorado, whomaintained a 9.8 scoring average in Big 8 playand grabbed 116 rebounds; Dennis Kloke, ofWashington State, with an 8.2 average toppedby 21 points in the season's final game as hehit 5 goals plus 11 of 11 free throws in a71-61 win over Oregon; and <strong>No</strong>rm Reuther,6' 7" Texas Tech ace, who was declared scholasticallyineligible for being one hour shortand missed the last three games. Reuther wasLITTLE ALL-PHI REPEATERS: Dave Snow, Whitman;Dan Kristoff, Lafayette; Morgan Everson, De­Pauw; Rusty Slater, Cal-Davis; Tom Tenwick, Richmond.Name1964-1965 Little All-<strong>Phi</strong> SquadFORWARDSSchool*Dave Snow, Whitman*Morgan Everson, DePauwBob Reeves, Mercer=i=Dave Kristoff, LafayetteGary Birchler, Puget SoundBruce Christmann, Iowa WesleyanCENTERSClass Ht.Sr. 6'4"Jr. 6'4"Jr. 6'0"Sr. 6'0"Soph. 6'5"Sr. 6'6"*Barry Clemens, Ohio Wes. (Capt.) Sr. 6'7"George Barber, Denison Jr. 6'8"Tom Ward, SewaneeSoph. 6'6"GUARDS*Jim Cahoon, Ripon=!=Rusty Slater, Cal—Davis^Tom Tenwick, RichmondGordon Hibbard, Washbum (Co-Capt.)Jim Holland, Hanover (Co-Capt.)Earl Hoover, Lawrence (Capt.)Sr.Sr.Sr.Sr.Sr.Sr.5'10"5'11"6'5"6'1"6'3"6'4"SPECIAL MENTION: *Tommie Wilcox, Mercer; RonFord, Washburn; Tom Davis, Ohio U.; *Louis Paterno,Washington & Lee; Dave Brown, Lafayette; Jon Bruce,Hanover; Tom Steinmetz, Lawrence; Tim Seiple, BowlingGreen; David Yates, Gettysburg; Jim Smith, WiUamette;John Chapman, Kentucky Wesleyan; Denny Walts,Centre; Tom Workman and Richard Eynon, Valparaiso;Dong Ankerson and Paul <strong>No</strong>el, Ripon; Dick Shook,Southwestem; John Cavanah, Iowa Wesleyan.* Previous Little AU-<strong>Phi</strong> Selection.LITTLE ALL-PHI STARS: Bruce Christman, Iowa Wesleyan; George Barber, Denison; Tom Ward, Sewanee;Gordon Hibbard, Washburn; Earl Hoover, Lawrence.

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