1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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Indiana Governor HonoredBRANIGIN IS "PHI OF YEAR"ROGER D. BRANIGIN, Franklin '23Governor of Indiana and "<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year"n HI DELTA THETA'S "<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year" forf 1965 is Franklin's distinguished alumnus, theHonorable Roger D. Branigin (Franklin '23),Governor of Indiana.Brother Branigin is the fifth recipient of thecoveted Raymond L. Gardner Alumnus Award.His name will be engraved upon the plaquepermanently on display in the General Headquartersand David D. Banta Memorial LibraryBuilding in Oxford. He will be sharing thishonor with the four previous winners: Sidney O.Smith (Georgia '08) of Athens, Georgia; Dr.O. N. "Torian (Sewanee '93) of Sewanee, Tennessee;William H. Mounger (Mississippi '38) ofJackson, Mississippi; and Robert J. Behnke(Washington '43) of Seattle.The Gardner Alumnus Award, established in1960 by the Seattle Alumni Club in memory ofthe late Raymond L. Gardner (Washington '18)and as a tribute to his leadership in the areasof * A 0, higher education, and community service.The selection was made from among someforty outstanding <strong>Phi</strong>s nominated by variouschapters and alumni clubs.In the judgment of the selection committee.Brother Branigin met in a remarkable way thetest of constructive leadership in each of theBy R. E. Blackwell, Franklin '24[320]three areas prescribed by the Seattle AlumniClub.A native of Franklin, Indiana, born July 26,1902, it can be truly said of the Indiana Gof^rinor that he is a "life-long <strong>Phi</strong>" for he grew upamid <strong>Phi</strong> surroundings. His father was the lateElba Branigin (Franklin '92), successful attorney,historian, and community leader whose interestin * A 0 and particularly in the Franklin chapternever waned. An older brother, the lateGerald Branigin preceded him to membership in* A 0 at Franklin. Two other brothers followedhim in signing the Bond of Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>, Edgar,now clerk of the Wayne Circuit Courts in Detroitand Elba; Jr., Franklin attorney and chairmanof the Franklin College Board of Directors,Since the date of his initiation April 26, 1920,Roger Branigin has been an enthusiastic anddevoted <strong>Phi</strong> as well as a loyal alumnus of Franklin.His professional success and wise investmentshave made it possible for him to help institutionsand organizations in which he believedand Brother Branigin and his wife, the formerJosephine Mardis, a Franklin Pi <strong>Phi</strong>, have beengenerous' in sharing their possessions with others.One of the most-benefited objects of this generosityhas been *A0. Brother Branigin hasbeen a consistent giver through the voluntaryalumni contribution program of the general Fraternity,and to the Indiana <strong>Delta</strong> EducationalFoundation as well as directly to his chapter. Buteven more important than his financial help hasbeen his willingness to give his time and thoughtand energy to the progress of his Fraternity.A long list of community and civic interestsduring the past three decades has now been climaxedby his service to the people of Indiana,not in the role of a professional politician but astheir leader and servant.Brother Branigin's abilities as a speaker andtoastmaster are widely known and he is constantlybeing invited to address important groupsthroughout the nation. Included in the list arethe General Convention and several majoralumni clubs of * A 0.Perhaps P.P.G.C. George Ward (Illinois '10)summed up in one sentence the story of theGardner Alumnus Award being made to RogerBranigin when he said: "I can think of no onewho is more worthy to receive it.''The award will be made at Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>'sannual alumni banquet Saturday, June 5.

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