1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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HONORED FOR SERVICE TO YOUTHAkron <strong>Phi</strong>, W. Richard Wright, Is GivenRecognition by State of Ofii'oAT a recent banquet in Columbus, Ohio inhis honor, W. Richard Wright (Akron '35)received an impressive plaque "in recognitionof his outstanding, courageous and dedicatedvoluntary service as first chairman of the AdvisoryBoard to the Ohio Youth Commission."(See cover.)The presentation "from his appreciative, inspiredboard" was made in the presence ofsome 500 outstanding citizens of Columbus andthe state of Ohio.In 1963 a new concept was put into lawcreating a State of Ohio Youth Commissionand an Advisory Board. The Board's mandateby law was "to consider and study the entirefield of juvenile delinquency, advise the YouthCommission, give advice and recommendationsto the Governor and General Assembly andto make quarterly management surveys of allthe state juvenile institutions and reportfindings."In creating this advisory group. GovernorJames Rhodes asked Brother Wright, an economistwith the Goodyear Aerospace Corporationof Akron, to accept the chairmanship. He hasjust been reappointed to this post for a threeyearterm.Juvenile authorities declare the results accomplishedin the brief period of fifteenmonths have been phenomenal. The largest juvenileinstitution of correction in the world(the Ohio Boys Industrial School) was changedfrom a school for grime into a rehabilitationcenter for the emotionally disturbed children ofOhio. A five year "Forward Plan" for the statewas prepared and the citizenry informed andaroused to support it. The support of the Legislaturewas achieved and is now providingmonies to carry on a dynamic program in thestate, both on the state and local levels.The citation read at the plaque presentationsaid: "As chairman, W. Ridiard Wright devotedmany hours of labor to provide errant anddependent youth of Ohio with an opportunityto achieve honorable citizenship, and gaveunselfish and wise leadership in the administrationof the Youth Services Advisory Board, andprovided the delinquent children of Ohio withthe greatest opportunity that has ever been extendedto these children to effect their rehabilitationand training."In concluding the citation, the lay andprofessional members of the Advisory Boardcommended "the work of W. Richard Wrightas chairman of our board and for his unselfishdevotion to public service and the youth ofOhio, and we individually wish to praise himfor the manner in which he conducted his office,and the accomplishments which have been attainedby him, by reason of that conduct."His interest in and labors in behalf of theOhio youth program represent only a portionof Brother Wright's voluntary services to hissociety, including # A 0. As an undergraduate hewas president of Ohio Epsilon. He is a formeralumni advisor for that chapter. He is a pastpresident of the Akron Alumni Club andserved two terms as national president of theUniversity of Akron Alumni Association.W. RICHARD WRIGHT, Akron '35[319]RushRecommendationsBecause of an oversight on the part ofthe editor, summer addresses of chapterrush chairmen are not carried in this issue,as they are customarily.Alumni are urged to send recommendationsto "Rush Chairman" at the chapterhouse address listed in the SCROLL Directory(pages 379-382).

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