1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MAY, 1965 317Standing 5' 8", he was a youth of good muscledue to his early farm work. He was 20 when hebegan his educational career at Miami.Robert Thompson Drake was a well proportionedman of 26, the oldest of the six Founders.He stood 5' 11" and weighed 180. Heis said to have had a look of keenness and projectedan appearance of much steadfastness anddetermination. Some of this was hinted bysteady, hazel eyes; some by a chin square andfirm. His hair was brown, his complexion fair,his nose thin and straight, his eyebrows werebony, and his hair in an early upward retreat.Morrison once said, "Drake's featuresreflected his qualities: gentleness and decision."Two other qualities seem to show in Drake'ssteady features: devotion and fortitude. His lifehas been revealed in many ways as one of perseveranceand devotion; and those who canread character could almost convince themselvesof this by a glance at his features, hisfirm figure, his positive stance.Drake's ears were very prominent and hewore his hair long enough down the side of thehead to cover part of the ears. His fojrehead washigh and wide. It with his cheeks and chin gavean impression of boniness.Andrew Watts Rogers weighed in the 180sand stood 6' 2" He was extremely strong andagile but with all his physical prowess, he was akindly and frank young man, easy and open indemeanor and quick to turn acquaintances tofriends.Rogers had blue eyes, light hair, and lightskin. There was an atmosphere of force abouthim and actually he was said to be aggressiveunder slights or provocations.A mixture of Scotch-Irish and Dutch lineageon his father's side and English on his mother's,Rogers was of rangy build, perhaps more accuratelydescribed as raw-boned. He was a youngman of great endurance and great perseverance;his eyes and his personality came to quickcontact with the human qualities of those withwhom he engaged in any discussion or mutualundertaking.There was a bony vigor in his features,breadth to his shoulders, force in his walk andposture. There was about him the indication ofa man without frailties.Ardivan Walker Rodgers is the Founder singledout by Historian Shaffer as the one who"made a favorable impression on the youngwomen of his acquaintance.""Conscientious," "firm," "harmonious," "goodscholar but not quick or brilliant," are wordsused by his contemporaries to describe thisFounder.ARTIST John Russell Fulton, well known as magazinecover painter, did the new oil portraits of Founders atrequest of Brother Shaffer,Rodgers' figure was spare; his weight is notdefinitely known except that it was about thesame as his great chum, Andrew Watts Rogers,around 180 pounds.One description, instead of calling his complexiondark, calls it "healthy" and "hearty."Available photos show his hair in a sort ofpompadour, rather than cut to any shortness.His eyes were clear and very direct in theirgaze. The lower lip was slightly more full thanthe upper; there was an indication of a dimplein the lower left cheek, rather deep lines fromthe base of his nose down to the mouth.In Miami, Ardivan Rodgers who, incidentally,was the first of the six Founders to join theChapter Grand, having died of typhoid at tlieearly age of 32, was a man of preferment onthe campus, holding numerous offices.Without doubt, the Fulton collection of theFounders' portraits will influence future generationsof <strong>Phi</strong>s in gaining a sincere appreciationof the high type of men found in the "ImmortalSix." They will be used in many ways inFraternity literature for decades of tomorrows.Alumni and undergraduate <strong>Phi</strong>s of today andfuture generations of <strong>Phi</strong>s will join in spirit thedelegates to the Pasadena Convention who atthe Saturday morning session gave a standingvote of appreciation to Artist John Russell Fultonand Benefactor-Historian-Golden LegionnaireGeorge K. Shaffer for the contributionsthey have made to the memory of the Foundersof * A 0.

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