1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THOUSANDS OF PHIS RENEW VOWSFounders Day Season, 1965, Proves To Be One ofMost Successful in Fraternity HistoryFRATERNITIES in general, and *Ae inparticular, can always justify existence aslong as we really live up to the Bond whicheach of us pledged to uphold when we were initiated."Thousands of <strong>Phi</strong>s during the 1965 FoundersDay season heard this thought expressed indifferent words and phrases perhaps but in thesame spirit as the above quotation from theFounders Day address before the Tulsa AlumniClub by Stanley Learned (Kansas '24), presidentof <strong>Phi</strong>llips Petroleum Company.The Tulsa function held' Sunday, March 15,was one of scores of Founders Day functionssponsored by * A 0 alumni clubs and undergraduatechapters throughout the United Statesand Canada. Although the official date of FoundersDay is March 15, each club is encouragedto select a date during this season of the yearwhen it can more conveniently and successfullyschedule the event.Word and pictorial reports from many of thescheduled activities are included in this storybut unfortunately some of the reports of meet-STANLEY LEARNED, Kansas '24, President of the<strong>Phi</strong>llips Petroleum Company, was one of many outstandingFounders Day speakers. He told the Tulsa (Oklahoma)Alumni Club that the precepts of the <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong> Bond prepare members of the Fraternity for successfulliving.[314]IN KANSAS CITY, Ed Claycomb, Bliaois '15, set whatis believed to be a record by attending his 50th consecutiveFounders Day observance. For many years hewas Alumni Commissioner of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>. Ed isbeing congratulated by the K,C. Alunini Club President,John FiBeld, Kansas '53 (left).ings held had not been received at press timeand a number of the clubs have scheduled dinnerstoo late in the year to be included in thisissue.Reports on hand indicate that the 1965 seasonwas perhaps one of the most successful inthe history of the Fraternity if judged in terms.of numbers attending and interest voiced in theFraternity."What * A e Does for Us" was the title ofBrother Learned's Tulsa address.In introducing his theme, the speaker commented,"It would be impossible in the timeallotted to cover the entire scope of the benefitswe have received and will receive from * A 6 soI shall limit my comments to how our Fraternityassists us in developing four basic ingredientsfor a happy and successful life."Brother Learned listed these four basic ingredientsas: (1) learning to work with others,learning to organize and to supervise; (2) securingas much quality education as possible;(3) doing a lot of thinking about the girl youask to be your wife; and (4) developing theurge to excel and succeed.The speaker then developed his centraltheme that life in a Fraternity and adherenceto the principles of the Bond of * A 6 would assistin the development of each of these fourattributes of a successful life.(Continued on page 349)

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