1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 31THREE PHIS stationed at the U. S. Army Hospital,Fort Rucker, Ala., pause after a weekly staff conference.They are (left to right): 1st Lt. A. J. HIDDE, Wisconsin'60, Chief, Pharmacy Service; Capt. PETER O.KNIGHT, <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina '55, Internist on the MedicalService, and Lt. CoL NEILL H. BAKER, Washington'46, Chlef,~SurgicaI Service.Capt. Cowan G. Nix (Florida), a fighter pilot,has been decorated with the third oak leaf clusterto the USAF Commendation Medal at SeymourJohnson AFB, N.C.Lt. Col. E. Asa Bates Jr. (Maryland-Williams)has been decorated with the first oak leaf cluster tothe USAF Commendation Medal at Maxwell AFB,Ala. He received the medal for meritorious serviceas organizational planning officer for Headquarters,USAF. He is currently a student at the Air University'sAir War College at Maxwell.1st Lt. Peter J. Leveton (Willamette) has beendecorated with the USAF Commendation Medal atClinton-Sherman AFB, Okla., where he is an accountingand finance officer in a SAC unit.A3/C Gordon A. HoUoway (Texas) was awardedthe American Spirit Honor Medal at LacklandAFB, Tex. He was selected as the airman who best2d. Lts. Chuck Glaser(Maryland '64) and MarvPKton (Maryland '63) arenow in flight trauiing atthe U.S. Naval Air Station,Pensacola, Fla.Brother Pixton is flyingT28s at Whiting Fieldand will go to helicopterschool in the comingmonths. Brother Glaser isflying T-34s at SaufleyField and will transfer tojets or helicopters later.They are pictured withan F-8 Crusader.GLASER, PIXTONMACK ROLFE, Vanderbilt '60, and JOHN SUTOR,Miami '60, congratulate each other on receiving theirnew Lieutenant stripes. Brothers Rolfe and Sutor haveserved together for the last two years as' members ofthe world famous "Clansmen" of Attack SquadronFORTY SIX. While piloting A4C airoraft, the world'ssmallest jet bombers, they have flown numerous missionstogether in the Caribbean, Atlantic, and for thelast eight months, in the Mediterranean Sea area. Togetherthey have acciunulated more than four hundredday and night carrier landings aboard the USS SHAN­GRI-LA.demonstrated the leadership qualities which expressthe American spirit. An air policeman, he has returnedto his Texas Air National Guard unit atEllington AFB, Tex.Participants in Exercise Delawar, a joint Iranian-U. S. military training operation staged in IranApril 12-15 were: 1st Lt. Roland P. Schoonover(Washington State), C-133 pilot with MATS, DoverAFB, Del.; 1st Lt. David Edkins (Miami-Florida),MATS navigator, Charleston AFB, S.C; 1st Lt. RobertW. Lucas (Colgate), C-130 pilot with MATS,Travis AFB, CaUf.; Capt. Charles B. Coleman m(Washington), MATS pilot, Travis AFB, Calif.Capt Gary G. KeUy (Louisiana) and his wife receivedmaster's degrees at Ohio State University,and Brother Kelly has been reassigned to VandenbergAFB, Calif. He studied at Ohio State underthe Air Force Institute of Technology programwhich provides training for Air Force members inresidence at selected civilian institutions and industrialorganizations.Lt. (jg) Robert E. Stevens (Cincinnati '60) of theCivil Engineer Corps, United States Navy, is presentlyassigned to the Pacific Missile Range Facilityat Kwajalein, Marshall Islands as the Assistant StaffCivil Engineer.Col. John C. Robertson (DePauw '35) is retiringfrom the U. S. Air Force and making his home at114 East Los Arcos, Green Valley, Ariz., near Tucson.2d Lt. James B. Hiunphreys (Westminster '63)has completed the Officer Orientation Course atthe Medical Field Service School, Fort Sam Houston,Tex., and is currenfly assigned to the 12th FieldHospital, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

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