1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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306 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965Brother Martin was a member ofnumerous law associations, was a pastpresident of the Sixth Judicial BarAssociation and of the Keokuk CountyBar Association, a past vice-presidentot the Iowa County Attorneys Association,and was a member of theMasonic and Odd Fellows Lodgesand of the Izaak Walton League.A memorial fund has been establishedwith the Law School Foundationat Iowa City.* * *Frank Bradley Baker (Tulane '62)was killed in an automolDile accidentnear Tuscaloosa, Ala., Dec. 21, 1964.Brother Baker, who made his homeinJackson, Miss., was a medical studentat the University Hospital, Jackson.He attended Tulane for threeyears before going to the UniversityMedical School.Hobart A. Hogue (Kansas '19)died in Los Angeles, Calif., Dec. 19,1964. At the time of his death.Brother Hogue was associated withJack Henderson Co., specializing inbusiness property sales and leases. Hepreviously had been in the automobilebusiness as a Chrysler distributorin Topeka, Kan., and later was aNash dealer in Los Angeles. He wasa member of the Los Angeles AlumniClub ot the Fraternity and wasmuch loved by the brothers.Among the survivors is a brother,Thomas Hogue (Washburn '26), Topeka,Kan.Hinton Harris <strong>No</strong>land (Westminster'03) died at his home in KansasCity, Mo., Sept. 15, 1964. He was81 years old and had been a residentot Kansas City tor thirty years. Hewas employed at the Donnelly GarmentCo. for twenty years, retiringseven years ago. Brother <strong>No</strong>land hadbeen a Mason for over fifty yearsand was a member of the SheffieldMasonic Lodge. He also was a GoldenLegionnaire of $ A 9.* * *Rear Adm. Edgar Lyons Woods(Ret.) (Virginia '04), who had servedas fleet surgeon for both the Atlanticand Pacific Fleets, died at his homein Washington, D.C, Dec. 13, 1964.A veteran of more than forty years otservice, he was 82 years old.Brother Woods received his undergraduateand medical degrees at the'University of Virginia. His tours asfleet surgeon were followed by termsas commanding officer of the oldnaval hospital in Washington, andNavy hospitals in Annapolis, Md.,and Portsmouth, Va. From 1942 to1946 he was the Navy's medical inspectorfor the West Coast. He wasa member of the Army-Navy Cluband the Chevy Chase Club. He wasalso a Golden Legionnaire of * A 9.-* * *Dr. Joseph Lewi Donhauser (Union'04) died in Albany, N.Y., Dec. 1,1964. A native of Washington, D.C,he is listed in "Who's Who." Heserved as a major during World War1 and as a lieutenant colonel duringWorld War II, when he was commandingofficer of a hospital unit atthe Albany Hospital and MedicalCollege. Brother Donhauser was professorof surgery and senior surgeonat Albany Medical CoUege and AlbanyHospital for many years andserved as consulting surgeon for severalother hospitals. He was a memberof several medical groups, ot2 A, A. a A, and of the Ft. OrangeClub. He was a Golden Legionnaireof * A 9.Deibert C. Henninger (Akron '27)died in Akron, Ohio, Dec. 30, 1964.A lite resident ot Akron, he formerlywas chief draftsman for W. BoydHuff Architects and was a chartermember of the Fairlawn CommunityChurch.Armin M. Birkner (Nebraska '10)died at his home in Omaha, Neb.,Dec. 13, 1964. After attending collegefor two years, he went to Wyoming,where he managed the E7ranch near Burns. During the depression,he returned to Nebraskaand had worked in the stock yardsor stock yard offices until his death.He was a retired "counter off" manfor the Live Stock Exchange ofSouth Omaha. He was a GoldenLegionnaire of * A 9.Lt. Michael WiUiam Blackburn(Westminster '62), died <strong>No</strong>v. 27, 1964,from injuries received in a jeep accidentat Ford Ord, Calif. His homewas in St. Louis, Mo. Members ofMissouri Beta chapter and representativesof Westminster College attendedthe funeral services.* * *Gerald B. <strong>No</strong>rris (Iowa '18) formermember of the F.B.I., died at Hollywood,Fla., his home since his retirement.May 10, 1964. A graduateof the University of Iowa Law School,Brother <strong>No</strong>rris practiced law in SiouxCity, Iowa, before joining the F.B.I,in 1927. His outstanding career inthe government service included aterm as head ot the St. Louis officefrom 1932 to 1951 and as chief otthe Phoenix (Ariz.) office of theF.B.I, from 1951 until his retirementin 1954. He was among the firstagents of the F.B.I, and played a partin tracking down John Dillinger,Pretty Boy Floyd, and other criminalsduring the hectic 193ds.* * *Robert Wendell Miller (Ohio State'63) was killed in an auto-truck accidentMay 12, 1964. At the time ofhis death he was a claims representativefor the Social Security Office otHammond, Ind., and made his homein Griffith, Ind. He was a memberof the R.O.T.C. during his undergraduatedays and went on activeduty in 1953. He was active in theNational Guard from 1956 until hisdeath.* * -*Isaac <strong>Phi</strong>lip Edwards (Oklahoma'31), owner and manager of the CocaCola Bottling Co., Enid, Okla., diedat his home in Enid, January 2.Among the survivors is a brother.Dr. D. L. Edwards (Oklahoma '30),Tulsa, Okla.* * *Kenneth Stamps (U.C.L.A. '51) diedOct. 8, 1964. A veteran of WorldWar II, he had served in the South-Pacific-Guadalcanal area. He hadbeen manager of the Santa Monicaoffice for Coast Federal Savings andLoan and, more recently, manager otthe American Savings and Loan Co.in Lancaster, Calif.-* * *Horace Ives Ringheim (Iowa State'13) died in White Rock, B.C., Can.,January 11. He was a Golden Legionnaireof the Fraternity.Edward De Leon Scruggs (Auburn-Cornell '22) died in Mobile, Ala.,Dec. 15, 1964. A graduate of CornellUniversity, Brother Scraggs waswidely connected in the investmentbusiness in New York City as afinancial analyst before joining theGulf, Mobile and Ohio RaUroad in1944. At the time of his death hewas consulting engineer for the Railroadand vice-president of the Gulf,Mobile and Ohio Land Co.* -* *The Rev. Jean Shepard Milner,D.D. (Georgia Tech '15) died in Indianapolis,Ind., June 25, 1964. Beforeretiring in 1960, Brother Milnerwas pastor of the Second PresbyterianChurch, Indianapolis, for 39 years,and author ot "The Sky Is Red." Heattended Purdue University, Georgia

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