1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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of <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina, Brother Newlinmoved to Batavia in 1916 when hebegan his work at the bank. He hadserved that institution in many capacitiesinduding vice-president, president,and chairman of the board ofdirectors. Although he had retiredmany years ago, he was honorarychairman at the time of his death. Hewas a member of the Union LeagueClub of Chicago and was a GoldenLegionnaire of * A 9.Fred O. Gottschalk (Nebraska '28),former state senator, was killed whenthe plane he was piloting crashednear Nebraska City in a snowstormin January. A native of Columbus,Neb., Brother Gottschalk was graduatedfrom the University of Michiganin 1923 and attended the Universityof Nebraska law school fpr two years.He was the owner of a Columbusfinance company and an insuranceagency and was a president of theNebraska Consumer Credit Association.A Democrat, Brother Gottschalkwas appointed to the Legislature in1963 to fill a vacancy but was defeatedin the primary election ot1964. He was active in Columbussocial and dvic affairs and was amember of the Masons, Shrine,Rotary Club, Elks and Eagles.* * *Aylwin Lorenzo Smith (ColoradoState '23), executive secretary anddirector ot Independent ExplorationCo., died in Houston, Tex., January16. He had lived in Houstonsince 1936. Brother Smith was oneot the founders and an active directorof the Independent ExplorationCo. since its organization in 1932.It is one of the largest and mostsuccessful world-wide geophysicalcontracting companies. He was amember of various technical groupsin his field and of the Texas IndependentProducers and Royalty OwnersAssodation.The Rev. Frederick HarrimanHarding (Sewanee '94) died inMilledgeville, Ga., Oct. 18, 1964. Hewas 88 years old and had served asrector ot St. Stevens Episcopal Churchin Milledgeville from 1924 until hisretirement in. 1954. He had beenpastor emeritus since his retirement.He was president ot the local Chamberof Commerce in 1925 and presidentot the Kiwanis Club in 1930.A graduate of the University ofthe South and the General TheologicalSeminary in New York, he wasordained into the ministry at St.Peters Church, Washington, D.C,and served various parishes in SouthTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 305AYLWIN L. SMITHColorado State '23and <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina and Baltimore,Md., before going to Milledgevillein 1924. He was a Golden Legionnaireof $ A 9.* * *Raymond M. Jenkins (Miami '20),a native ot Kentucky, died Oct. 18,1964, in the Veterans AdministrationHospital, Denver, Colo. He had madehis home in Lubbock, Tex., for thepast thirteen years.Clyde MerriU Thompson (Purdue'22) was stricken with a heart attackwhile attending the PurdueHomecoming football game Oct. 31,1964, and died two hours later atSt. Elizabeth Hospital, Lafayette, Ind.As an undergraduate, he was presidentof Student Union and memberof various campus organizations. Helater was graduated from the HarvardGraduate School ot Businessand was successful in the investmentbanking business. Among the survivorsis a brother, J. Ralph Thompson(Purdue '19), Seymour, Ind.Charles Frank <strong>No</strong>rd (Westminster'28) died in Pike County (Mo.) Hospitalin <strong>No</strong>vember, 1964. A nativeot Louisiana, Mo., Brother <strong>No</strong>rd returnedthere foUowing attendance atWestminster and graduation fromMassachusetts Institute of Technologyin 1929, to become associated withhis father in the <strong>No</strong>rd-Buffum PearlButton Co. Since his father's death.Brother <strong>No</strong>rd has been owner andpresident of the company.He was a member ot the Boardof PubUc Works from 1949 to 1961;was a member of the school board;was a director of the Bank ot Louisianaot Louisiana Building and Loan;was an elder ot the First PresbyterianChurch, a Mason, and M member ofthe Elks Lodge.Richard Burcham Evans (Arizona'40), Tucson attorney for sixteenyears, died in Tucson, Ariz., <strong>No</strong>v. 27,1964. FoUowing graduation fromArizona, he entered the Navy in1941 as a pilot. When he left theservice in 1945, he had the rank oflieutenant commander, an Air Medalwith gold star and presidential unitcitation. He returned to Tucsonwhere he entered the University ofArizona law school, receiving hisLLB with high distinction in 1948.He joined the firm of Krucker andFlower in 1948 and became a fullpartner in 1949. In 1952, he becamean assodate of the firm of Knapp,Boyle, Bilby and Thpmpson. InMarch ot 1963, he opened his ownlaw practice. Brother Evans was amember of several law associations,a former member ot the board oftrustees of the Tucson Medical Center,a past president of the OldPueblo Club and a past commanderof the local American Legion post.* * *Pliny Thomas Snyder (Washburn'06) died in Bellingham, Wash., Dec.28, 1964. He was 81 years old andhad lived in Bellingham since 1926.He was in Farm Administration fortwelve years; in banking for ten;Whatcom County Treasurer's officeseven years; County auditor eightyears, and most recently, PrednctCommitteeman. He was most activein the Presbyterian Church, havingbeen superintendent of the churchschool, trustee, and treasurer of thechurch; was president ot the BreakfastClub tor three years, of theToastmasters International one term,treasurer and member of 20th CenturyClub, member ot Kiwanis and of theWashington Club. He also was aMason and a Shriner.Brother Snyder had received hisGolden Legion certificate at a spedalVancouver, B.C., Can., FoundersDay banquet.J. Leo Martin (Iowa '44) of Sigourney,Iowa, Keokuk County Attorney,died in Keokuk County HospitalDec. 30, 1964. He was admitted tothe bar in Iowa in 1945 followinghis graduation from the Universityof Iowa College pf Law and enteredprivate practice in Sigpumey. Hewas elected and tppk pffice as CountyAttorney Jan. 1, 1947, and hadserved continuously in that officesince then.

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