1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 303ford where he spent the summermonths, Jim made a host of newfriends who join the members of hisfamily, his boyhood friends in Tyler,and his Texas <strong>Delta</strong> brothers inmourning his loss.* * *Charles H. Lewis (Ohio Wesleyan'95), a former lieutenant governorof Ohio and a resident of Harpster,Ohio, died in Upper Sandusky, Ohio,January 2. Brother Lewis served asstate GOP chairman in 1932 and aslieutenant governor from 1925 to1927. He also was mayor ot Harpstertor twenty consecutive years.Brother Lewis was graduated fromOhio <strong>No</strong>rthern University with a degreein music in 18<strong>89</strong> and enteredOhio Wesleyan University where hereceived a degree in sdence in 1<strong>89</strong>5;While at Ohio Wesleyan, he taughtschool. In 1926 he received an honoraryLLD degree from Ohio <strong>No</strong>rthern.He served on the board ot trusteestor both Ohio <strong>No</strong>rthern and OhioWesleyan.In business, he was the formerpresident of the old Lewis Bank andTrust Co. in Upper Sandusky, andwas publisher Uiere of the DailyUnion newspaper before its mergerwith the Daily Chief in 1938.Always an interested <strong>Phi</strong>, BrotherLewis had bought two grand pianosin forty years for the Ohio Betachapter house. He was a GoldenLegionnaire ot the Fraternity.George Alfred CrandaU (Knox '87)died in Los Angeles, CaUf., Oct. 9,1964. He was born Dec. 28, 1866, inGalesburg, 111. Before retiring in1948, he had been field manager ofthe American Fruit Growers, FuUerton,Calif. He was a Diamond Legionnaireot * A 9.John J. McElwee (Westminster '20)died in Reading, Pa., <strong>No</strong>v. 13, 1964.A native ot St. Louis, he and his twobrothers were outstanding athletesin Central High School of that city.He was the winner of a dozen lettersin footbaU, baseball and basketbaU.He also played football and baseballat Westminster.Brother McElwee was a pilot withthe Army Air Force during World'War I and served during World WarII with the War Department ProcurementDivision. With his brothers, hewas a practicing attorney tor a numberot years.* * *Lockwood W. Ferris (WiUiams '18),internationally known metallurgistand chemist, died at his home in SaltTmstees of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>'s EducationFoundation have designatedone ot the ,$500 Scholarships to beawarded in 1965 as the "Jim TunnellMemorial Scholarship." Chapters,alumni clubs, or individual <strong>Phi</strong>s whowould like to participate in this memorialare invited to send contributionsto the "Jim Tunnell MemorialFund," <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> Headquarters,P.O. Box 151, Oxford, Ohio.Contributions to the fund are taxexempt.Lake city, Utah, Dec. 7, 1964. A nativeof Salt Lake City, Brother Ferriswas educated at Williams CoUege,the University ot Utah, and Universityof Grenoble, France. He was responsiblefor the development pflithium extricatipn prpcesses, thedrilling of potash and byproduct recoveryof magnesium oxides. In 1957he was named president and generalmanager of Bonneville Ltd., resigningthe position in 1959 to reenterthe field of consulting metallurgyand chemical engineering. He was aconsultant for mining and nitrateoperations in Chile and Peru and in1957 went to Israel to assist that nationin solving problems in connectionwith the production ot potashon the Dead Sea through the solarevaporation process. Brother Ferriswas chairman of the natural resourcescommittee of the Salt Lake Chamberof Commerce; was president ot theUtah Mining Association in 1959 andof the Alta Club in 1956; was a memberof the American Chemical Sodety,and was a Golden Legionnaireof 0A9. Although not a Utah <strong>Phi</strong>,Brother Ferris made several contributionsto the efforts to finance anew Utah Alpha chapter house.Derward <strong>Phi</strong>pps, Jr. (Virginia '54)was killed in the Eastern Airlinesplane crash off Long Island, N.Y.,February 8. At 32, he was assistantmanager tor sales in New York Cityfor the West Virginia Pulp and PaperCompany. He was married to PaulaHunn of Springfidd, 111. on June 14,1958; the couple had three children,youngest of which was born thisJanuary. Upon graduation, he joinedWest Virginia Pulp and Paper andlived until just recently in Charleston,S.C.* • * *Albert Bowman Sanderson (ComeU'16), retired director of Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co. and intemationallyknown and respected managerof that company's wind tunnd andaerospace sales, died at his daughter'shome in Bethesda, Md., <strong>No</strong>v. 24,1964. After 47 years with Pittsburgh-Des Moines, he had retired in January,1964. A native of Massachusetts,Brother Sanderson began working forhis company in 1916. In 1917, he lefttor military service, serving in France,and remaining there until 1921 whenhe returned to Pittsburgh. Originallyemployed in the water works sales, in1936 he was instrumental in securinga construction contract tor the country'sfirst large sted wind tunnel anda new era was begun. Over fiftymajor wind tunnel projects or abouttwo-thirds of aU those in the UnitedStates were constructed under BrotherSanderson's guidance. He served onthe board of directors of Pittsburgh-Des Moines from 1943 untU 1959. Hewas a member of the American Instituteof Aeronautics and Astronauticsand was a Golden Legionnaire ot*A9.* -* *Ogden Dayton Gensemer (Pittsburgh'29), former mayor of Summit,N.J., died in Summit, December,1964. He had served six years as acouncilman and three as presidentot the Council. He was elected mayorin 1957 and served for three termsuntil he resigned Dec. 31, 1962, inthe middle of his third term becauseof the pressure of his duties inunderseas cable laying operationsthroughout the world tor the LongLines Division ot American Telephoneand Telegraph Co.Brother Gensemer joined the BeUSystem in 1929. He held a variety ofplant and commerdal assignmentsuntil he was transferred to the LongLines division. Since then he hadhad a major role in underseas cablelaying throughout the world. A Summitresident for 27 years, besidesserving as mayor and councilman, hewas a former member of the PlanningBoard, chairman of the Boardot School Estimate, member of thePubUc Library board of trustees, anhonorary member of Kiwanis, formertrustee of Family Service Association.Harry Summers Jacks (Westminster'96) former owner and publisherof the Missouri Democrat and theKansas City Daily Democrat, died athis home in Kansas City, Mo.; inJanuary. He was 91 years old andhad lived in Kansas City since 1925when he purchased the MissouriDemocrat, a weekly newspaper. Heremained in the newspaper businessuntil 1940 when he sold the Democratand retired. During World WarII, he was appointed to the federalWar Manpower commission andserved until the end of the war.Brother Jacks began his newspaper

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