1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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302 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965ot the San Antonio Alumni Club. In1914, fresh oiit of college. BrotherHay was enrolled in the San AntonioClub. Throughout the fifty years thatfoUdwed, he wandered tar and wide,literally to all parts of the world, asa Government technician and civilservant. He retired recently and isliving permanently in San Antonio.The accompanying picture was takento celebrate his "golden anniversary"as a member ot the Club.—GlennFoster, Secretary.Santa Barbara(Calif.)LUNCHEON is held the first Wednesdayof each month, and the meetingshave been well attended.Last December 1 a dinner was heldat the University Club. It was attendedby fifteen local <strong>Phi</strong>s and PeteLyon, Wm. U. Handy from the LosAngeles Alumni Club, and SteveLock, president of California Gamma.The purpose of the dinner was tohear Dean Robert Evans of the Universityof California, Santa BarbaraBranch, tell of the fraternity situationat the University. He describedthe various regulations covering thefraternities and the method pf invitingnational fraternities to colonize.<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> is being consideredas Number 1 on the list to beinvited to colonize.Our Founders Day dinner is scheduledfor March 23 at the UniversityClub. It is expected that • AlumniSecretary Ray BlackweU will be inattendance. The club has four candidatesfor the Golden Legion.—EdwardP. Dow, President.Seafffe(Wash.)FOUNDERS DAY wiU be celebrated bythe Seattle Alumni Club and WashingtonAlpha chapter at the WashingtonAthletic Club, Seattle, Tuesday,March 10, at 6 P.M. Guest Speakerswill include W. Hunter Simpson(Washington '49), District Manager,International Business Machines Corporation,and Ray E. BlackweU,Alumni Secretary, General Headquarters.Seattle has enjoyed ari active year,sponsoring a Washington Alpha rushingbanquet with speaker BrockAdams (Washington '48) on the dayof his election to the United StatesCongress, luncheons with speakersCapt. Robert Peck, U.S.A.F., AthleticPublicity Director U.S.A.F. Academyand MUton M. "Put" Turner (Washington'20), and a popular Stag-GameNight managed by BiU Jacobson(Washington '45). A current WashingtonAlpha Furniture Fund Driveis being advised by Jerry Johnson(Washington '55). Scheduled are aluncheon April 22 and the annual<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>-Beta <strong>Theta</strong> Pi GolfTournament in late May, details tobe announced.—Bob Lewis, Secretary.Topeka(Kan.)THE Topeka Alumni Club held itsfirst annual Fall Dance on Fridayevening, September 11, at the ShawneeCountry Club in Topeka. Underthe capable leadership of Jerry Wittmer(Washburn '61), Don Morrison(Washburn '63), and Dave Robinson(Washburn '60) the evening was acomplete success, with 55 Topeka<strong>Phi</strong>s and Wives in attendance. It wasagreed by all present that this particularactivity should be continuedin future years and it is hoped tohave even bigger and better functionsas the years go by.—Lanny J. Kimbrough,Secretary.Washington(D.C.)OUR important announcement isFounders Day to be held Thursday,April 1, at the Madison Hotel; receptionat 6 P.M.; dinner at 7:30. Weexpect to have the eighteen membersof Congress (see the January SCROLL)and welcome the five newly electedmembers. Congressman Clark Thompsonwill receive his 50-year award.Dr. Paul R. Hawley, P.P.G.C, wiUpresent Golden Legion certificatesto eight members. This will be anoutstanding party and we urge all<strong>Phi</strong>s including any visiting in Washingtonto attend.We recently had a special luncheonat Harvey's Restaurant to honor AmbassadorAUen Stewart (Arizona '28)and Linton CoUins (Mercer '21),newly appointed Judge of the UnitedStates Court of Claims (see <strong>No</strong>v.SCROLL, page 99).—Carl Sdieid,Reporter.• • • THE CHAPTER GRAND * • •James CUfton TunneU (SMU '64),field secretary for $ A 9 since July,1964, was killed instantly in an automobileaccident near Joplin, Mo.,early Tuesday morning, January 12.Jim, as he was affectionately known,had concluded a visit with OklahomaBeta. His next scheduled visit waswith Missouri Beta.Born in Tyler, Texas, September25, 1939, Jim graduated from TylerHigh School and then attended TylerJunior CoUege. His formal educationwas interrupted at that time forthree years of service with the UnitedStates Marines. Upon completion ofhis tour of duty with the Marines,Jim entered Southern Methodist Universityand was pledged by Texas<strong>Delta</strong>. He was initiated by thatchapter March 24, 1963.Jim's leadership qualities and personalappeal led to his serving aspresident of both his pledge classand, during his senipr year, as presidentof his chapter.JAMES C. TUNNELLSMU '64Funeral services were held at theMarvin Methodist Church in Tylerof which he was a member Thursdayafternoon, January 12, and burialwas in Rose^ Hill Cemetery in Tyler.Among those present at the funeralservices were representatives ot Texas<strong>Delta</strong>; Quincy Adams ot Dallas, adviserof Texas <strong>Delta</strong>; and ExecutiveSecretary Robert J. Miller, representingthe General Fraternity.Jim is survived by his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Glover Tunnell ot Tyler,a brother. Tommy of DaUas, and asister, Mrs. Robert J. Shoffistall ofNew Orleans^ and other relatives.During the period Jim was employedas field secretary, he hadvisited some thirty chapters ot theFraternity. His schedule had beenarranged so that he could be at homeduring the Christmas holidays andat the time of the fatal accident hehad just started his post-Christmasschedule of visits which would bringhim back to General Headquarters inOxford for a brief period betweensemesters.In the chapters visited, among theundergraduate and alumni delegatesto the 1964 General Convention inPasadena, and in the village of Ox-

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