1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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DaytonlOhio)ON December 12 the Dayton AlumniClub ot * A 9 held its annual banquetand business meeting at theWishing Well Inn, Centerville, Ohio.Following a delicious dinner, araffle was held, the big prize beinga portable AM-FM radio. Installationof this year's officers followed: JohnGeis, Indiana <strong>Theta</strong>, president; JackWard, Ohio Alpha, vice-president;Dennis Train, Ohio Kappa, treasurer;and Doug Fox, Ohio Kappa, secretary.Forty brothers were in attendanceat the meeting.Next scheduled event will be theannual Founders Day banquet, sometimein March, and the exact dateand place will be announced. Any<strong>Phi</strong>s in the Dayton area who wouldlike to join the Dayton Club areasked to contact one of the officerslisted above.^Douglas E. Fox, Secretary.DetroitIMich.)OFFICERS of the Detroit Alumni Clubhave set some ambitious goals for1965, all aimed at encouraging greaterparticipation among <strong>Phi</strong>s in themetropolitan area. Biggest programthus far is the mailing of the Club's1965 Directory, the first issued intwo years. Listed in this latest additionare the names of approximately750 alumni members, representing 99chapters from all across the U.S. TheDirectory was compiled by a numberWYOMING ALPHA (Cont'd)Bond of eight fine new <strong>Phi</strong>s. February20, Wyoming Alpha held itswinter formal, one of the biggestdances ot the year and also one otthe best on campus. Later in thespring, we will have our annualBermuda Ball where we wear formalwear with tux-bermuda shorts andbrave the cold Wyoming snows withbared knees. At this point we. arealso making preliminary plans forour annual Cowboy Clean-up Week,which we hold each year in conjunctionwith Community Service Day.New <strong>Phi</strong>keias of Wyoming Alpha areMike Garrett, Colorado Springs,Colo., and Al Smith, Tex. Recentlywelcomed into the Bond is newinitiate John Garrett. With our newofficers and soon-to-be-initiated actives,Wyoming Alpha is lookingforward to a most successful and rewardingsemester.—John R. Gingles,V.P.ALUMNI CLUD NOTESLEE E. WILLIAMS, FrankUn '13(right), receiving his Golden LegionCertificate from C. F. Bliss, Secretaryof the Lower Rio Grande VaUeyAlumni Club.of hard-working members who helda "telephone night," contacting allknown <strong>Phi</strong>s in the Betroit area toverify names, addresses, and telephonenumbers.To increase interest in the Club'sregular luncheons, held on the firstFriday ot every month at the HarmonieClub in downtown Detroit,various chapters have been assignedresponsibility for "hosting." Allchapters will participate in the luncheonsduring 1965. A delegation ofmembers attended the installationceremonies of the newest <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong> chapter on February 13.Headed by Secretary Wes Bearden,the group was honored to be in attendancein Flint, when the Michigan<strong>Delta</strong> chapter at General MotorsInstitute was chartered.Another excellent - program torFounders Day, to be held in April orMay, is being studied by Club officers.As in previous years, a top-notchspeaker Will address the group. It iswith deep regret that the Club announcesthe passing away ot BrotherHenry Woods (Tulane '99), one ofthe oldest members ot the localalumni club. Brother Woods washonored last year when he celebratedhis 70 th year as a <strong>Phi</strong>. Seldom wasthere a Club function in the Detroitarea which didn't find Brother Woodsin attendance. He will be deeplymissed.—Dave Krupp, Reporter.Houston(Texas)THE year of 1964 was a busy one for'many of the just under 700 membersof the Houston Alumni Club who[300]participated in the Club's activities.The first major event of the year wasthe Founders Day program, held atthe River Oaks Country Club, duringwhich Dr. Carey Croneis, Chancellorof Rice University, was nained "<strong>Phi</strong>of the Year." The summer rush party,held in August at the SagewoodCountry Club, saw just under 2Q0alumni, actives, pledges, and rusheesget acquainted.Brother George Bolin and hislovely wife, Betsey, provided theirexquisite new home tor the fall cocktailparty, which was enjoyed bysome 200 <strong>Phi</strong>s and their ladies. TheHouston Alumni Club's newly-createdscholarship trophy and cash award,based on which pledge class of thesix chapters in Texas has the highestgrade average, was hotly sought after.Texas Gamma (located at SouthwesternUniversity) won the award forboth the first and the second semestersof 1964.As in the past, the annual Christmasparty was held at the' HoustonClub, and actives from the variouschapters gave reports on their chapters'progress. Another new projectinitiated this year by the HoustonAlumni Club was a monthly newsletter,which has beeii Well receivedby the members.During the year, Howard Youngwas elected to the General Counciland George Bolin was elected provincepresident tor Rho South. PhUBarnard, Houston Alumni Clubpresident, came through as expectedwith a well-run club for the year.Los AngelesICalif.)OUR first meeting ot 1965 was held,as always, at the Los Angeles PressClub. It was excellent from all Standpointsexcept that ot attendance,which was down. The speaker, JimSt. Clair, gave a first -rate talk andwhat he had to say was both interestingand enlightening. Jim, whobecame a <strong>Phi</strong> at Arizona Alpha, butgraduated from U.S.C. as a chemicalengineer, told us about his own company,Astro-Pak, Inc., which pioneeredin the field of decontaminatingmissile and rocket components under"super clean" conditions. The techniquesand procedures used, and thecosts involved, are amazing. For example,on an Atlas missile which costsabout $7,500,000, a halt mUlion isspent just to decontaminate the finishedparts! In addition to explaininghis business, Jim gave us anunusually dear and detailed descrip-

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